#loqi.meedited /js;dr (+121) "tantek added "https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=tantek.com%20%28%22Javascript%22%20OR%20%22js%22%29%20-from%3At" to "See Also"" (view diff)
#Loqiok, I added "https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=tantek.com%20%28%22Javascript%22%20OR%20%22js%22%29%20-from%3At" to the "See Also" section of /js;dr
#LoqiEmberJS is a JavaScript framework that uses MVC (model view controller) in the browser (using Mustache as its templating language) https://indieweb.org/ember
#Loqishortlink is the use of a short-domain to create a link that redirects to (often much) longer link, popularized on Twitter, and used in permashortlinks for indieweb POSSEing https://indieweb.org/shortlink
#aaronpkfirst of all doesn't wordpress handle pingbacks itself?!
#GWGaaronpk, yes it does. But someone seemed to want to offload them.
#aaronpkI don't understand the benefit of using an external service to convert pingbacks to webmentions only to send them back to the site they came from
#aaronpki can understand wanting to offload all pingback and webmention handling to webmention.io so that wordpress never touches them at all