#aaronpk[cleverdevil]: ah yeah sorry! yesterday I was out and about most of the day
#Loqiaaronpk: [cleverdevil] left you a message 14 minutes ago: hey, can you ping back Marissa from DreamHost about HWC in PDX when you get a chance?
[cdevroe] joined the channel
#[cdevroe]GGW snarfed If I would like Bridgy to simply post the title of my blog post + link to Facebook (rather than publishing the plain text version of the post) — How can I do that using Bridgy Publish?
#legaaronpk: ahh, so you have made en external bridge: very nice!
#aaronpkyeah he's talking about the bridge from Slack *to* freenode IRC. not just accessing a slack room from an IRC client
#aaronpkpeople in here with [] around their name are actually signed in on our Slack team
#[cleverdevil]That's a pretty small amount of code to accomplish something pretty useful.
#aaronpkhalf of it's missing (IRC to Slack) because that's part of Loqi. but that's also an even smaller amount of code cause it just send to the slack web hook
#LoqiThe Internet Archive is a non-profit organization that is building a digital library, including archival copy of much of the public web https://indieweb.org/archive.org
#LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2017-02-03.html
#tantekooh locations for HWC the 8th need to be updated!!!
#tantekaaronpk - this seems to happen a lot - the newsletter shows locations from /Events whereas the permalink for the event usually has a more accurate list of locations
#Zegnattantek, definitely, I am just talking with sebsel to put the Netherlands on this coming wednesday :D
#tantekobv it's a good prod to fix the /Events listing, however not that many of us are doing that?
#aaronpkcan we drop the vcard markup from the event page though? I realized that's what's causing the extra h-adr nesting. i don't mind the extra nesting, but it seems bad that it's not obvious it's happening
#tantekwell, about time I wrote an actual blog post, that was a good reason to do so
#tantekespecially since Manton hadn't gotten around to a "success" post yet, and the stretch goal funding is definitely worthy of raising up and celebrating
#Loqi[Jonny Barnes] My site is now on Laravel 5.4! ?
Also emoji on my site are now more accessible ?
#[manton]Right now I just have favorites centralized. Thinking I could use Micropub for sites that support it and want a favorite notification. But curious what other people are doing to track that in a more distributed way.
#tantekmanton, architecturally speaking, favorites distribute just like replies. They have their own permalinks, they send (and are received as) webmentions, they follow webmention CRUD protocols.
#aaronpk[manton]: when you see a list of people who favorited my posts, each of those "favorites" is actually from its own permalink, and that site sent me a webmention
#aaronpkso when I want to post a "favorite" of something, I post it to my website and send a webmention. this means all of the things I've favorited appear on my website at https://aaronparecki.com/likes
#[manton]Got it, thanks. I think there's a little disconnect too because I currently view favorites more as a way to keep track of things for a user, rather than viewing a post and seeing how many favorites it has, which is more the Twitter UI.
#aaronpkwhere Micropub comes in is when I'm using a reader like woodwind and the reader wants to show a "favorite" button
#aaronpkwoodwind *could* keep track of what i've favorited (which sounds liek what you're talking about) and it can *also* post it via micropub to my website
#KartikPrabhu[manton]: I could make a list of all of my favs on my site or by any other response type
#tantekmanton, I think classic Twitter favorites (stars) were often used like that "way to keep track of things for a user", however two things have happened since which I think has relegated favorites to pretty much "just" likes
#tantek1. Twitter switched favorites (stars) to likes (hearts)
#tantek2. Instagram introduced (private) bookmarks as a "way to keep track of things for a user"
#tantekthus distinguishing that functionality from the "like" / heart functionality
#tantekInstagram's implementation (UX) is quite nice too
#[manton]aaronpk Very cool. I hadn't seen your /likes page before.
#[manton]tantek That's a great observation. I'm more in the "bookmark" camp. Possibly I should rename what I'm doing after some more feedback.
#[manton]I'm not super interested in turning Micro.blog posts (and user follower counts, for that matter) into a popularity contest. But some of that is hard to avoid, I know.
#tantekmanton, I strongly praise your leanings in that way
#tanteksuch counts create games that create behaviors
#aaronpki could care less about getting 100 egg-likes on a post :P
#KartikPrabhuaaronpk: come on! eggs have feelings too ;)
#[manton]Thanks y'all. I'll think more on this for what I'm doing... It just jumped out for me while reading Tantek's post since distributed favorites wasn't really on my radar yet.
#tantekmanton I just figured you were treating likes (favorites) just like replies, as first-class responses that could come from anywhere :0
#tantekthat is, the fundamental assumption is that any "state" contributed by a user, even "just" a like, is considered content, and thus distributable, and thus at a permalink of the user's choosing
#tantekI just checked twitter search for my domain (seeing if my blog post got any pickup at all), and found that js;dr is *still* dominating what people on twitter link to on my domain. Amazing