2017-02-03 UTC
nitot, wolftune, davidmead and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 00:25 GWG How long ago did you update the plugins last?
# 00:26 GWG Syndication Links used to have that widget before it moved in June
# 00:27 davidmead this is my sons blog (hardly used) and he was updating it today
# 00:28 davidmead GWG can I just FTP in and remove that indieweb folder form the plugins?
# 00:32 GWG Yes. But I would update and then see what the conflict was
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 00:42 davidmead that got me back in GWG. Think I’ll go through and reinstall, see if it happens again
mlncn, tantek, wolftune, nitot and EHLOVader joined the channel
# 02:22 GWG Trying to figure out how to address pfefferle's comment.
EHLOVader joined the channel
# 02:28 miklb GWG I seem to recall some discussion about face piles for likes with one of the webmention plugins. Am I imagining it?
# 02:30 GWG miklb: The first plugin I ever wrote for the Indieweb
# 02:31 GWG Both pfefferle and I discussed reviving parts of it inside Semantic Linkbacks
EHLOVader, KevinMarks and nitot joined the channel
EHLOVader, KevinMarks, KartikPrabhu, nitot, danohu, miklb and wolftune joined the channel
KevinMarks_ and KevinMarks joined the channel
nitot joined the channel
miklb_, KevinMarks, tantek, miklb, nitot, danohu, cweiske, jihaisse and [acegiak_net] joined the channel
# 08:32 [acegiak_net] howdy indieweb, how is everyone?
nitot joined the channel
# 08:38 Zegnat Good morning [acegiak_net]! I am in bed with a cold (or the flu, maybe). How are you?
friedcell, Pierre-O and danohu joined the channel
nitot, friedcell, danohu and jeremycherfas joined the channel
friedcell1 and nitot joined the channel
jeremycherfas_, nitot, jonnybarnes and Janice23 joined the channel
# 12:08 petermolnar should we start including tips, options, war stories for "troubled times with your personal site" in the wiki?
# 12:13 cweiske it seems we don't have a page for "you pick that up again". would you like to create one?
# 12:14 Loqi cweiske has 69 karma in this channel (78 overall)
hs0ucy, jihaisse, jeremycherfas, nitot, Pierre-O, friedcell, jeremycherfas_, aquarius_, singpolyma, leg, EHLOVader, mlncn, CherryPuffs, danohu and miklb joined the channel
funwhilelost and danlyke joined the channel
hs0ucy, friedcell, wolftune, tvn, Pierre-O and jeremycherfas joined the channel
jmelesky joined the channel
friedcell, friedcell1, tantek, leg1 and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
# 17:30 [cleverdevil] !tell aaronpk hey, can you ping back Marissa from DreamHost about HWC in PDX when you get a chance?
# 17:30 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
funwhilelost and begriffs joined the channel
# 17:44 aaronpk [cleverdevil]: ah yeah sorry! yesterday I was out and about most of the day
# 17:44 Loqi aaronpk: [cleverdevil] left you a message 14 minutes ago: hey, can you ping back Marissa from DreamHost about HWC in PDX when you get a chance?
[cdevroe] joined the channel
# 17:46 [cdevroe] GGW snarfed If I would like Bridgy to simply post the title of my blog post + link to Facebook (rather than publishing the plain text version of the post) — How can I do that using Bridgy Publish?
hs0ucy joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:52 [cdevroe] tantek I want it to work the same way it handles Twitter, I guess.
# 17:52 tantek cdevroe, yes I think I've run into that before too (no rich markup in the FB copy)
nitot joined the channel
# 17:52 tantek not sure "same way as Twitter" is the right answer either, as much of what defines that is Twitter's length limitations
# 17:53 [cdevroe] Oddly enough, the more I “perfect” this process the less I believe I want to rely on Bridgy.
nitot joined the channel
# 17:53 [cdevroe] tantek That may be true… but Facebook has formatting limitations (unless, of course, Bridge published each post as a “Note” on Facebook)
asheesh, kants, sbruce, rhiaro, petermolnar, XgF, KartikPrabhu, bear, snarfed, hs0ucy, nitot, CherryPuffs and [dgold] joined the channel
# 18:23 [dgold] is the slack<->irc bridge used by the channel a publicly available thing, or an in-house jobbie?
EHLOVader and quails joined the channel
# 18:25 leg1 dgold: The teams administrator must enable it. Then everybody in the team can use it.
EHLOVader joined the channel
# 18:29 leg aaronpk: leg1 is leg, logged in from a different computer..
# 18:30 leg aaronpk: ahh, so you have made en external bridge: very nice!
# 18:31 aaronpk yeah he's talking about the bridge from Slack *to* freenode IRC. not just accessing a slack room from an IRC client
# 18:31 aaronpk people in here with [] around their name are actually signed in on our Slack team
# 18:32 [cleverdevil] That's a pretty small amount of code to accomplish something pretty useful.
# 18:32 aaronpk half of it's missing (IRC to Slack) because that's part of Loqi. but that's also an even smaller amount of code cause it just send to the slack web hook
KevinMarks, snarfed, hs0ucy, wolftune, KartikPrabhu and tantek joined the channel
# 21:24 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 21:30 tantek ooh locations for HWC the 8th need to be updated!!!
# 21:31 tantek aaronpk - this seems to happen a lot - the newsletter shows locations from /Events whereas the permalink for the event usually has a more accurate list of locations
# 21:31 Zegnat tantek, definitely, I am just talking with sebsel to put the Netherlands on this coming wednesday :D
# 21:31 tantek obv it's a good prod to fix the /Events listing, however not that many of us are doing that?
wolftune joined the channel
# 21:31 tantek I don't have a good answer, except to maybe ask if it's better to grab the event info from the event permalink rather than /Eventds?
# 21:32 tantek Zegnat, yeah, that's because you shouldn't have to ;)
# 21:32 tantek but we're still do many things manually because it hurts less than trying to actually build a working events system
# 21:32 aaronpk i think originally i wasn't fetching the event pages at all, but now I am in order to get photos so it should be a small change
# 21:32 tantek nothing like touching newsletter generation code right before it goes out
# 21:36 aaronpk the locations on the permalink are venue names, but in the list are cities
# 21:37 tantek hmm are they at least p-locality inside the p-location?
# 21:37 aaronpk the location is an h-adr which includes the city in p-locality
# 21:38 tantek I suppose you could include the p-region and p-country-name if they're non-empty?
# 21:57 aaronpk k i'm not really sure the best way to handle capitalization and such, but the cities now come from the permalinks
# 21:58 aaronpk can we drop the vcard markup from the event page though? I realized that's what's causing the extra h-adr nesting. i don't mind the extra nesting, but it seems bad that it's not obvious it's happening
# 22:03 aaronpk also something weird is going on with the SF location and I can't figure it out. the city isn't showing up as part of the h-adr
# 22:03 tantek oh yeah the "adr" backcompat root thing. I see the problem
# 22:03 aaronpk i have never seen good results when mixing mf1 and mf2 on the same elements with the current backcompat implementations
# 22:04 KevinMarks If we used more {{}}
includes would that make the updating better or worse?
# 22:05 aaronpk using mediawiki includes at least helps ensure the markup is consistent
# 22:29 tantek do you think it's worth publishing the venue name in the newsletter?
# 22:30 aaronpk I do actually. I know if I was getting this newsletter regularly and saw that the venue for my city changed I would like to know
# 22:31 tantek interesting. would a list format then make that more apparent than a ; delimited para?
# 22:31 tantek so you could more easily scan down to your city
# 22:31 tantek it's just starting to look long with the venue name, city, and country/region'
# 22:33 tantek was much more readable when it was "just" a list of cities
# 22:33 tantek hey, micro.blog hit its funding goals and stretch goal!
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
# 22:36 aaronpk hm oh that was posted to indienews too long ago to make it into the newsletter
[manton] joined the channel
# 22:36 [manton] Yeah, I've been meaning to write a longer post. Didn't get to it this week.
leg joined the channel
# 22:37 aaronpk tantek: take a look now! i made it switch to a bullet list when it includes venue names
# 22:38 tantek is going to see if anyone can figure out the order of the cities from that list ;)
# 22:38 aaronpk i'm counting this as my 100days project for today
snarfed and singpolyma joined the channel
# 22:45 tantek hey aaronpk if I post a blog post, how long will it take you to submit a bookmark for it to Indienews ;) ?
# 22:55 Loqi [indieweb] "Day 45: Better Display of Event Cities for the IndieWeb Newsletter #100DaysOfIndieWeb" on 2017-02-03
Lana joined the channel
# 23:02 tantek I don't remember when I last wrote a blog post that fast
# 23:04 tantek also I just *happened* to hit the magical max-safe-retweetable-length in my article name + permalink!
# 23:05 aaronpk i have no idea what happened with the newsletter. the XML (for the email) and the HTML are different.
# 23:07 aaronpk well also why isn't yours showing up on that html page!
# 23:07 aaronpk oh you know what, i think i hard-coded 3pm into here somewhere, and so running it after 3pm may have had some unintended side effects
# 23:08 tantek well, about time I wrote an actual blog post, that was a good reason to do so
# 23:09 tantek especially since Manton hadn't gotten around to a "success" post yet, and the stretch goal funding is definitely worthy of raising up and celebrating
# 23:13 aaronpk okay and gave myself an override to generate the newsletter for a specific date just in case i want to generate it after 3pm next time :)
# 23:19 [manton] This line reminded me of something I wanted to ask the group:
# 23:19 [manton] > aggregator service that displays a timeline, replies, favorites etc. from multiple sites instead of a social media silo
# 23:20 Loqi [Jonny Barnes] My site is now on Laravel 5.4! ?
Also emoji on my site are now more accessible ?
# 23:20 [manton] Right now I just have favorites centralized. Thinking I could use Micropub for sites that support it and want a favorite notification. But curious what other people are doing to track that in a more distributed way.
# 23:21 Loqi ok, I added "http://tantek.com/2017/034/b1/indie-microblogging-hits-stretch-goal-indieweb" to the "See Also" section of /safe replies
# 23:21 Loqi [Tantek Çelik] Indie Microblogging Kickstarter Micro.blog Hits Goal & Stretch Goal For Safe Replies! #indieweb
# 23:22 tantek manton, architecturally speaking, favorites distribute just like replies. They have their own permalinks, they send (and are received as) webmentions, they follow webmention CRUD protocols.
# 23:23 aaronpk [manton]: when you see a list of people who favorited my posts, each of those "favorites" is actually from its own permalink, and that site sent me a webmention
# 23:24 [manton] Got it, thanks. I think there's a little disconnect too because I currently view favorites more as a way to keep track of things for a user, rather than viewing a post and seeing how many favorites it has, which is more the Twitter UI.
# 23:24 aaronpk where Micropub comes in is when I'm using a reader like woodwind and the reader wants to show a "favorite" button
# 23:25 aaronpk woodwind *could* keep track of what i've favorited (which sounds liek what you're talking about) and it can *also* post it via micropub to my website
# 23:25 KartikPrabhu [manton]: I could make a list of all of my favs on my site or by any other response type
# 23:26 tantek manton, I think classic Twitter favorites (stars) were often used like that "way to keep track of things for a user", however two things have happened since which I think has relegated favorites to pretty much "just" likes
# 23:26 tantek 1. Twitter switched favorites (stars) to likes (hearts)
# 23:26 tantek 2. Instagram introduced (private) bookmarks as a "way to keep track of things for a user"
# 23:27 tantek thus distinguishing that functionality from the "like" / heart functionality
# 23:27 tantek Instagram's implementation (UX) is quite nice too
# 23:28 [manton] tantek That's a great observation. I'm more in the "bookmark" camp. Possibly I should rename what I'm doing after some more feedback.
# 23:28 [manton] I'm not super interested in turning Micro.blog posts (and user follower counts, for that matter) into a popularity contest. But some of that is hard to avoid, I know.
# 23:29 tantek manton, I strongly praise your leanings in that way
# 23:29 tantek such counts create games that create behaviors
# 23:30 tantek KartikPrabhu: that's my point, so does Instagram now :)
# 23:31 [manton] tantek Yeah, good point. Shows there are real people vs. just comparing how high the number is.
# 23:32 aaronpk i really like the feedback of seeing which of my friends have "liked" certain posts
# 23:32 aaronpk but it's about the specific people more than the number
# 23:33 aaronpk i could care less about getting 100 egg-likes on a post :P
# 23:34 [manton] Thanks y'all. I'll think more on this for what I'm doing... It just jumped out for me while reading Tantek's post since distributed favorites wasn't really on my radar yet.
# 23:35 tantek manton I just figured you were treating likes (favorites) just like replies, as first-class responses that could come from anywhere :0
# 23:35 tantek that is, the fundamental assumption is that any "state" contributed by a user, even "just" a like, is considered content, and thus distributable, and thus at a permalink of the user's choosing
# 23:36 tantek I just checked twitter search for my domain (seeing if my blog post got any pickup at all), and found that js;dr is *still* dominating what people on twitter link to on my domain. Amazing
# 23:39 KevinMarks Also, brid.gy maps twitter favorites to indie u-like-of already
# 23:41 tantek KevinMarks, I think that happened *before* Twitter switched their UX from favorite (star) to like (heart)?
# 23:45 aaronpk I still show twitter favorites as stars. Maybe when I add support for reacji I will convert twitter favorites to hearts