#aaronpkbecause that bookmark was submitted after 3pm
#sknebelre the blogspam issue: in the context of link aggregators like reddit, I'd say "blogspam" is submitting (a link to) a post that doesn't add anything over an original source. E.g. when a news site reports something, submit that, not a blog post that's reporting on the fact that the someone else has reported on something
#sknebeltypically those posts quote extensively from the original source, but not always
#tanteksknebel - the author of that post seems to have defined it as just copying the original, which sounds like it could just be a repost
#aaronpka repost of an article that does not acknowledge the original source is definitely one form of blogspam
#tantekI think the point is that even if it *does* acknowledge the original source, if you submit the repost to a bookmark/link aggregation service, then you are "blogspamming" (verb not noun)
#aaronpki've seen that a lot. i get pingbacks from those often
#sknebeltantek: it's not 100% (to me) if they only mean 1:1 copying of the text (Iet's call that a repost, if it has the source properly attributed) or include posts that include just the same information and don't add anything to it
#tantekI'm trying to separate clumsiness from mal-intent
#tantekthat is, if someone is just "clumsy" at doing a repost, I think that is different than intentional blogspamming
#sknebelif you get overly strict with the latter even some tech news reports become "blogspam", if they only quote from a company press release
#tantekwhere someone is trying to "steal" the credit / traffic for an article from someone else
#tanteksure, that's part of the problem with getting this definition right
#tantekpeople used to repost articles all the time and call it "reblogging"
#tantekback when blog posts were all articles, before Tumblr even
#tantekand "reblogging" was seen as a *good thing* a way to promote the original author / content, but just using your own site to do so
#tantekThis is essentially what "share" on Facebook does today
#LoqiA repost on the indieweb is a post that is purely a 100% re-publication of another post. The act of reposting is an umbrella term that covers the general practice of republishing another post typically on the same service or silo, but more and more across sites https://indieweb.org/repost
#tantekI also like the "minor revision" detail, though I feel like that should be semi-automatable? e.g. auto-detect mere typo / grammar fixes?
#KevinMarksI didn't say that this was easy, but it is definitely a direction we are moving towards
#aaronpkwhen i'm working with music in Logic Pro, it auto-saves everything, but sometimes i want a snapshot at a point in time so i'll save a copy with a new filename
#KevinMarksRight, so is that "save" or is that some other verb?
#tantekKartikPrabhu: the default (minimum) is that a micropub server would not keep any versions, just the most recent update
#KartikPrabhuI have some articles that use those styles so I have to fix their markup first :P
KevinMarks joined the channel
#KartikPrabhuit is very tempting to just use the mf2 classes since they are already there, but then moving mf2 markup around affects the style of things which is annoying
#Loqi[indieweb] "If all is set up properly, this will be the first micropub entry on my site. #indieweb" by dgold@ascraeus.org (Daniel Goldsmith) on 2017-01-30 https://ascraeus.org/micro/80314/
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