LoqiText-first design refers to the practice of designing information so that it is usable/actionable in its most basic plaintext form https://indieweb.org/text_first_design
sl007, tantek, j12t, wolftune, nitot, KevinMarks, miklb and friedcell joined the channel
jaduncan[m]The other way to include everything would be to have a userscript that added each video you watch to a special favourites list, and an import script that then removed them.
ZegnatYeah, I was thinking of just rolling up a WebExtension to keep track. Probably a lot easier than trying to scrape the youtube history page. But it will not be able to catch stuff I watch outside the browser.
sebselyeah that's right! the good/bad content discussion is not really indieweb relevant, but having bad content of other on the same domain as your (good?) content is a good reason for indieweb / your own domain
aaronpk"Google was able to block it, because each querying machine broadcast a user agent that contained the words "WordPress pingback," which Google engineers promptly blocked."
bearsure, but the distributed nature of webmention and the fact that most folks using it run on tiny servers means that any attack, even partially successful, is going to hurt a *lot* of people
bearone of the many things on my todo list: create a list of attacks to try against webmention and show how it either already prevents them or how they can be mitigated
jaduncan[m]Bear: I would imagine that the defender would promptly filter on the webmention headers. It would however maybe be good to ratelimit webmentions on the plugins etc. If something that isn't on a whitelist is (or appears to be) sending 5 webmentions a second, it's probably good to cut that out on the respondent end. Maybe even to just require the user to authorise continued mention display.
jaduncan[m]bear: Yes. I was idly wondering about getting around bans via spoofing. There's also an issue of spam when webmentions scale, which probably means extra calls out to a spam detection service. The other thing I've idly wondered about since reading the text is just proof of work from the sender; it means you would at least cut out the ability to do viable attacks without a botnet.
jaduncan[m]Absent that, you're getting the server to write the webmention comment to the page, probably call Akismet or similar, and then carry on. That's a lot of cost for the server when compared to the cost of the attack.
jaduncan[m]Ah, OK. I've only just started looking, sorry. Does this mean that the attacker can currently also use webmentions against many servers to take down the main vouch server?
beara big part of IndieWeb is the guiding principle that things are implemented when they are needed - so while thought experiments are encouraged and useful, they are secondary to experience
jaduncan[m]bear: Vouch does indeed seem quite good. So for DoS prevention you could just have a strictness percentage on the servers that activated Vouch partially based on ratelimiting in suspicious situations before stopping and just logging/creating a rule to temp ban webmentions for increasing timeouts. Maybe even based on server load.
jaduncan[m]Is this something you're planning to work on in any particular plugin or CMS? I'm looking at how much I can harden Known at the moment, since I want to use it for a blog whilst I'm cycling Africa and won't be able to sysadmin from moment to moment (the best of of a few OKish options, given that I'm heavily suspicious of WP security).
Loqi[Sebastiaan Andeweg] Inzichten op de late avond: het probleem is niet dat ik niet op Facebook zit. Het probleem is dat jullie er allemaal wel op zitten, en dat normaal vinden.
En, min of meer door Tegenlicht van vanavond: zwart-wit denken los je niet op met grijstinten....