2017-02-06 UTC
friedcell, sebsel and mlncn joined the channel
miklb_, friedcell and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 01:08 KevinMarks That's crafty. I wonder if that would work for my noterlive posts
tantek joined the channel
# 01:19 tantek what no mention of the Squarespace Malkovich "own your name domain name" superbowl ad?!?
[dgold] joined the channel
# 01:22 tantek aaronpk, seriously, another parody candidate.
# 01:22 [dgold] Mind you, I'm watching it on the BBC, so adverts are something rather theoretical
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 01:29 tantek KevinMarks++ for providing the Ars Technica article
# 01:29 Loqi kevinmarks has 207 karma in this channel (267 overall)
# 01:30 tantek I think even funnier (and more direct) than the previous one
# 01:30 aaronpk Of course YouTube wanted to show me an ad before it let me watch that ad
# 01:34 tantek realizes he has to do his 100DoPP for the day
mblaney joined the channel
# 01:48 mblaney would love some feedback on my micropub client, if anyone wants to try and log in at unicyclic.com?
# 01:50 mblaney aaronpk, one thing I noticed while working on setting up micropub is that it doesn't look like I can use your indieauth token endpoint with a path in my domain?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 02:03 GWG I've been trying to figure out a Webmention problem.
# 02:03 GWG Anyone available to act as a sounding board?
# 02:04 tantek GWG, usability problem? or dev problem (#indieweb-dev?)
# 02:14 tantek ah, let's start with the usability problem then!
# 02:16 tantek having posted his 100DoPP for the day, goes to get dinner
# 02:17 GWG I asked pfefferle about reuniting Semantic Linkbacks and Webmentions and his response gives me pause
# 02:19 aaronpk mblaney: someone else mentioned that earlier. I can fix it pretty quick, just need to double check nothing unexpected will happen
# 02:19 GWG His comment was that Semantic Linkbacks was a bit hacky, which is why he kept it separate.
# 02:22 tantek GWG, hmm, that's kind of a good reason for segregating code / libraries / plugins.
# 02:22 mblaney thanks aaronpk, wasn't sure if it was because multiple users on the same domain might cause problems.
# 02:22 tantek I suppose my follow up question would be to ask for specifics, like, what parts are hacky? and what are some standards for inclusion?
# 02:29 GWG Well, I was trying to figure out what could come over. I came up with a list.
# 02:29 GWG I can't argue that there are issues. Not sure if there are solutions.
# 02:29 GWG For one, specifications for WordPress require PHP5.2, and php-mf2 is 5.4, but unofficially 5.3.
EHLOVader joined the channel
# 02:32 GWG So, first you have an inclusion issue.
# 02:33 GWG Then you have the fact that webmentions use the comment system in WordPress, with a comment type of webmention. The implemented solution was to set the webmention type(reply, repost, etc) as a piece of metadata.
# 02:51 tantek GWG, I'd be interested to hear snarfed's opinion of the inclusion issue, since he uses that plugin right?
# 02:52 GWG The question I'm contemplating is this...if you take out mf2 parsing...what is left?
# 02:52 tantek specifically his opinion as a user of the plugin, and also his developer opinion as to whether it is "hacky" or what could someone mean by that (does he have suggestions for improving the code structure)
# 02:53 GWG I'm not sure if he has looked at it. But if I see him on...I probably will.
# 02:53 tantek GWG, something to consider is expanding the "Webmention" plugin to do all the sending, receiving, parsing of received webmentions, and display as comments, likes, reposts, etc.
# 02:53 GWG tantek: That would be a merger of the two plugins.
# 02:53 tantek i.e. if I as a user installed a "Webmention" plugin, I would *expect* to get all those user features
# 02:54 GWG But it means resolving the concerns about design, I'd imagine.
# 02:54 tantek I would NOT expect that it would be minimal plumbing, and that I'd have to dig for more obscurely name plugins to get the *actual* functionality I have heard so much about that makes Webmentions different (better) for a user than Pingback
# 02:54 GWG tantek: I agree. That is why I brought the question up.
# 02:55 tantek just theoretical user-centric thoughts off the top of my head as a minimal user of WordPress
# 02:55 GWG I want to figure out how to bring them back together, even if it is in stages.
# 02:55 tantek GWG, then it's likely worth adding to a Brainstorming section on the wiki page for the plugin
# 02:56 tantek that would be a good way to drive development, start by documenting user expectations of functionality
# 02:56 GWG Not just you and I. Reports of people not understanding this have been going on for a bit
# 02:57 tantek this is the "show your work" step of doing UX / development design / "architecture" :)
# 02:57 tantek (brainstorming + citing actual user experiences)
# 02:57 GWG We also have a Semantic Linkbacks page
# 02:58 tantek that's good to just document that current plugin
# 02:58 tantek I don't think the name is worthy of saving / evolving. I think you and I have discussed this before.
# 02:58 GWG tantek: It is worthy of maintaining until such a time as we figure out how to address the issue.
# 02:59 GWG The SL plugin enhanced Pingbacks and Trackbacks.
# 02:59 GWG I don't think there is any point in enhancing Trackbacks, but Pingbacks are 'iffy'.
# 02:59 tantek Pingbacks have such (growing) negative reputation that it may be worth just cutting our losses there with attempts to be backcompat
# 02:59 tantek the recent article on Pingback DDOS changed my opinion
# 03:00 tantek from "sure, be compat with Pingbacks" to "don't bother, and cut off pingbacks from any future work / dependency"
# 03:00 tantek especially once we start more broadly deploying and depending on Vouch, at that point, Pingback is pretty much dead
# 03:00 tantek as in, we don't want to encourage any more use of it
# 03:00 GWG In this case, the code is there. It is just a matter of executing it on receiving a Pingback. But that doesn't have to be enabled by default.
# 03:01 tantek right, turning it off by default would be a good first step
# 03:01 GWG Pingbacks are a Core feature, so turning them off is a whole other ball of wax.
# 03:03 GWG Also, I'm not sure if turning off Pingbacks is a conflict of interest.
# 03:03 GWG Considering I'm the Pingbacks and Trackbacks component maintainer
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 03:04 GWG On the other hand, I agreed with something of an ulterior motive
# 03:06 tantek GWG, no, it is more of a *responsibility* as a component maintainer, because of growing evidence that it Pingback is increasingly becoming a way that WordPress unintentionally makes the internet/web worse, by enabling Pingback DDOS
# 03:06 GWG tantek: If you were to summarize it in a single sentence, how does webmention address DDOS issues vs pingback?
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 03:07 tantek GWG, wrong prioritization, let's work on improving the Webmention experience first, before trying to come up with precise wording about webmention vs. pingback
# 03:07 tantek you can pretty much procrastinate on Pingback issues for now
# 03:08 tantek just telegraphing the writing on the wall for what's inevitably going to have to happen
# 03:08 GWG If it isn't Editor, Customizer, or REST, it isn't going into WordPress right now
# 03:09 tantek that's ok, it's *still* premature to put Webmention into WordPress Core IMO, until we've got Vouch working *by default* in the WordPress plugin
# 03:09 tantek anyway - start that Brainstorming section, and once you've taken a first crack at it, I'll add to it (e.g. about Vouch)
# 03:10 GWG tantek: Webmentions in WordPress are also still processed synchronously.
# 03:10 tantek great, capture that as an Issue in the same wiki page
tantek joined the channel
friedcell joined the channel
friedcell joined the channel
# 03:36 GWG KevinMarks_: Removal of namespaces
friedcell joined the channel
# 03:36 Loqi namespaces has -5 karma in this channel (-7 overall)
leg joined the channel
# 03:38 GWG There was a bit of pushback when I tried to keep backcompat with 5.3
KevinMarks and leg joined the channel
# 03:52 mblaney KevinMarks, tantek, thanks for the feedback! It's because I was defaulting to https without a scheme. All fixed would you mind trying again?
KevinMarks_ and tantek joined the channel
# 04:23 KevinMarks_ Is php-mf2 stable enough to fork it into a 5.2 compatible version?
tantek, wolftune, begriffs, KevinMarks, snarfed and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 06:15 tantek wow https://twitter.com/squarespace apparently deliberately tweeted out a bunch of .com domain names that were not taken - and people promptly registered them (with other providers!) and redirected them
# 06:16 Loqi [tantek] what no mention of the Squarespace Malkovich "own your name domain name" superbowl ad?!?
# 06:17 Loqi loqi has 55 karma in this channel (414 overall)
# 06:35 tantek yeah I raised that to aaronpk in the past few days sometime
wolftune and jihaisse joined the channel
nitot and friedcell joined the channel
snarfed, nitot, calumryan and friedcell joined the channel
Pierre-O, mlncn and jeremycherfas joined the channel
nitot_, nitot, CherryPuffs and sensiblemn joined the channel
friedcell, cweiske, Pierre-O, pfefferle and jeremycherfas joined the channel
benbandro and [cdevroe] joined the channel
# 13:44 [cdevroe] GWG I’m looking to spend a few minutes today figuring out how to get the Bridgy Publish plugin to fire the proper action for the WordPress app
# 13:44 GWG cdevroe, I finished the work on Syndication Links, and did some bug fixes on Simple Location. So I will be troubleshooting same tonight
# 13:46 GWG To Github yes. Syndication Links was also pushed to the WordPress repo
# 13:46 [cdevroe] The changelog doesn’t tell me what has been changed. Or, are the updates simply under-the-hood changes?
# 13:47 GWG For 3.1.0 or 3.1.1? One was a bugfix on the other
# 13:48 GWG And the details show up in my changelog
# 13:49 GWG Including some for you. You asked for more presentation control when calling the display function directly
# 13:55 [cdevroe] GWG I see, I didn’t realize it was 2 point releases that I was looking at. The 3.1.1 bullets were a bit “inside baseball"
# 14:00 GWG I found some undiscovered bugs and released a fix for them. Happens
hs0ucy joined the channel
calumryan, singpolyma, leg, jeremycherfas_, tantek, danohu, EHLOVader, snarfed, benbandro, hs0ucy, friedcell, wolftune, jmelesky, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 17:12 sebsel tantek sent me back from #microformats to #indieweb for this :)
# 17:12 sebsel I now have a new library on my site: a list of books. And I have marked them up with h-cite, because that's for books. But now I'm thinking, shouldn't they be `h-product`s? I am not really citing them, more displaying them as objects.
# 17:13 tantek sebsel: your use-case is #indieweb so we start here :)
# 17:13 Loqi A library in this context typically refers to a software library, and sometimes to a physical library, like a personal library that an independent may use to collect books they have read https://indieweb.org/library
# 17:14 sebsel that's true! I already consume the author, though.
# 17:14 Loqi There was an error: missingtitle, The page you specified doesn't exist
# 17:14 Loqi [Sebastiaan Andeweg] Seb is op pagina 130 van Stoner van John Williams.
# 17:18 sebsel so although h-product might be more suited in the context of which I list my books, the h-cite provides me with typical book-like features like p-author.
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:27 sebsel can't help thinking u-read-of and u-watch-of are all just u-checkin (or at least related)
wolftune joined the channel
# 17:28 tantek the checkin to media thing is still a bit contested as a re-use or abuse of "checkin"
# 17:28 tantek abuse as in, has dilutionary impact on the actual useful meaning of "checkin" (physical world implications)
# 17:29 sebsel yeah KevinMarks gave a counter example: checking in to a cinema ánd a movie at the same time
# 17:29 tantek sebsel - no that's not a counter example at all
# 17:30 sebsel ehh, yeah, it's a counter example for my "it's the same"
# 17:30 tantek the movie in that case is an instance of a physically bound *event*
# 17:30 tantek ah ok - I thought you meant movie as in media
# 17:31 sebsel either way, that's an example of mixing real life vs virtual.
# 17:32 sebsel but read-of and watch-of have a similar meaning still, right? it would be great to have one word for that
# 17:32 tantek sebsel - no there is no mixing there, the virtual is just a side-effect
# 17:32 tantek real life always has virtual side-effects. it's called memory :P
# 17:33 tantek (or physical if you want to document the neural connections ;) )
# 17:33 Loqi To read or reading is the act of viewing and interpreting posts or other documents; on the IndieWeb, a read post expresses that something has been read, like a book or section thereof https://indieweb.org/read
snarfed, KevinMarks, jeremycherfas, wolftune, snarfed1 and Lana joined the channel
# 17:58 Loqi Suunto is a maker of exercise watches for running and other physical activities that tracks GPS and heart rate, and can sync with a web silo at movescount.com or the Suunto mobile native app https://indieweb.org/Suunto
# 17:59 tantek exercise watch is a watch that beyond telling the time, typically tracks GPS, sometimes heartrate, and other exercise related metrics, to help create [[exercise ]] posts.
# 18:00 sebsel snarfed1 you actually have some sort of h-review on that page as well!
# 18:00 tantek leaves it as an exercise for the channel to disambiguate "watch" ;)
# 18:00 snarfed1 sebsel: really? i don't think so
KevinMarks, pfefferle, pfefferle_, Pierre-O, KevinMarks_ and snarfed joined the channel
snarfed and begriffs joined the channel
# 18:59 Zegnat Did YouTube kills its RSS feeds? (He asks knowing he is probably the only one using them.)
# 19:02 Zegnat Hmm, tried a random feed, seems OK. So either they changed their syntax or my feed reader service is not picking them up. This is strange.
tolerablyjake joined the channel
# 19:04 Zegnat But coming home to 0 new videos is a bit of a tell that something has gone wrong
# 19:06 Zegnat I follow 62 YouTube feeds, some of those are on a minimum 2-video-a-day schedule.
# 19:06 KartikPrabhu you could check if they have new videos on their channel that didn't show up in your feed
# 19:08 Zegnat So I am trying to track down what they did, or if its my reader.
Pierre-O joined the channel
techlifeweb joined the channel
# 19:30 Loqi [Scott Kingery] #indieweb what is the best way to favorite a Tweet in Known?
camerongray, benband63, snarfed and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 19:56 Zegnat tantek, YouTube feeds are now documented on the wiki.
snarfed, dgold, friedcell and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
dgold joined the channel
# 20:08 Loqi ok, I added "https://amphtml.wordpress.com/2017/02/06/whats-in-an-amp-url/amp/" to the "See Also" section of /Accelerated Mobile Pages
pfefferle joined the channel
# 20:11 aaronpk i wonder if they launched with the new rel value like they were discussing
dgold and tantek joined the channel
# 20:23 KevinMarks_ Just canonical in the amp page, and canonical and bookmark in the wp page
# 20:25 KevinMarks_ I suspect sharelink would be an extension for tracking purposes like the utm_blah stuff
snarfed joined the channel
benbandro and snarfed joined the channel
begriffs and friedcell joined the channel
snarfed, KevinMarks, begriffs, friedcell, Pierre-O, mlncn, KevinMarks_, KartikPrabhu, tantek and miklb joined the channel
# 23:25 tantek wonders if Known added that feature for editing slugs
dch_, matthewtrask_, Garbee_, emceeaich_, terminalpixel_, brucewang, Victorium|BNC, sonicrocketman_, arlen_, wolftune, petermolnar, prtksxna, mindB, TheGillies and KevinMarks joined the channel