#tantek.comedited /quotation (+268) "/* Bridgy */ provide summary of the markup that Bridgy Publish is looking for" (view diff)
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
#[kevinmarks]Verifying gives you the me url to use, right? Eg if there are multiple users for the domain
#aaronpk[keithjgrant]: the section you linked describes how to build a token endpoint
#aaronpkif your token endpoint and authorization endpoint are part of the same system then you don't need to use that API to verify it, but the token endpoint is going to have to verify the token somehow
#gregorlove.comedited /quotation (+189) "/* Quote entirety with commentary */ Note Bridgy Publish support+date, my example+date" (view diff)
[keithjgrant] joined the channel
#[keithjgrant]...so if I'm coding an app, and I am authenticating against indieauth.com, it redirects back to my app's redirect_uri with a `code` in the GET params
#[keithjgrant]I need to use that code to get an `access_token`, correct?
KevinMarks joined the channel
#[keithjgrant](then use that token to post to a micropub endpoint)
#aaronpkif you're building an app, you don't have to worry about how the code is verified, that's just business between the token endpoint and the thing that generated the code
#tantek"Smart Search Field: [x] Show full website address"
#tantekICANN is an organization that makes rules about [[domain name]]s and sends emails when domain contact information changes which can be a problem as documented in https://levels.io/icann-mafia/
#LoqiIndieAuth is a way to use your own domain name to sign in to websites — it's like OpenID, but works with services you likely already use, and is much easier to setup https://indieweb.org/IndieAuth
#aaronpkone example is xray won't return properties from the h-entry that it doesn't know about, rather than just blindly transforming the mf2
#[kevinmarks]My mf2 to jf2 translation makes children if there are multiples, whereas choosing one or concatenation may be a reasonable thing to do too
#[kevinmarks]You could be valid jf2 by lossily transforming an mf2 parse
#[kevinmarks]Eg you could mf2 parse a page, and run the authorship algorithm then return a jf2 h-card
gRegorLove, KevinMarks, tantek, [dgold], arush and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#[keithjgrant]It currently asks for your domain, opens indieauth.com in a new tab, and upon successful authentication, stores the auth token into the extensions localStorage
#[keithjgrant]still has a few hard-coded values (auth & token endpoints) that it should read from the user's domain
#[keithjgrant](still under early dev, so files will be shifting a lot this weekend)
#snarfedaaronpk: i commiserate. granary bug i'm currently trying to fix is due to python incompletely handling multi-code-point chars. :/
#Loqisnarfed: petermolnar left you a message 1 day, 4 hours ago: I've merged your changes into mine in https://github.com/petermolnar/webmention-tools but I don't think my additional lookups are needed for the main branch; if you have time to check them though, and you think it would worth having only one of these, please tell me
#martymcguire[m]thanks for those. i was hoping to avoid having to say "next dash hwc" and the like. i had checked that "this-week" and "thisweek" both resolved to the right place. but then i said the wrong URL and hadn't checked nexthwc...
#tantekinteresting, I wonder if there are any existing u-audio consumers
#tantek.comedited /audio (+1562) "Brainstorming, How to cite and webmention (reposts, podcasts using part thereof), Support media fragments" (view diff)