2017-03-08 UTC
KevinMarks, [keithjgrant], KevinMarks_, tantek, miklb_ and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 06:17 gRegorLove GWG: Have you seen / used the WordPress Plugin Boilerplate? I've used it on a couple work projects. I'm kinda liking it.
loicm_ and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas], barpthewire, tantek, cweiske and KevinMarks joined the channel
loicm_, ben_thatmustbeme, KevinMarks and mblaney joined the channel
singpolyma and loicm_ joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 15:38 loqi.me edited /static-site (+112) "KevinMarks added "https://arstechnica.com/the-multiverse/2017/03/fireside-fiction-company-is-science-fictions-best-kept-secret/" to "See Also"" (
view diff )
KevinMarks, rMdes, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks_ and tantek joined the channel
# 17:23 jonnybarnes so, are people doing anything more complicated than taking a file POSTed to the media-endpoint, saving it with a publicly accessible URL (local folder, S3 bucket etc) and returning said URL?
# 17:23 jonnybarnes e.g. maybe logging which client uploaded the file, which token was used to authnenticate?
# 17:24 aaronpk i've thought about logging that stuff, but haven't found a concrete use for it yet
# 17:25 aaronpk right, "which client uploaded the file, which token was used..."
# 17:25 aaronpk the one use for it that I might want to implement is to "garbage collect" uploaded files that weren't ever used in a post
# 17:26 aaronpk sometimes I upload a photo in quill, then replace it with another photo before I actually make the post
# 17:26 aaronpk so there's a file sitting in my folder that isn't ever used in a post, and it's just stuck there now
# 17:26 jonnybarnes or maybe a client could get a list of recently uploaded files to "attach" to a new note
# 17:27 jonnybarnes I’m assuming you can list multiple media URLs when creating a new entry with micropub
# 17:28 tantek aaronpk I thought you expired unused photos after 24h?
# 17:28 aaronpk I thought about doing that, but never implemented it
# 17:31 aaronpk i did switch media endpoint implementations recently, but i can't remember if i had it on my old one or not
# 17:31 aaronpk i switched to a single php file sitting on dreamhost ?
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 18:01 tantek Not sure, but I take it HWC Nürnberg has begun!
[barryf] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich], KartikPrabhu and barpthewire joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
# 20:09 sknebel 14 hours until sknebel irc is not visible enough on the homepage
# 20:09 Loqi I added a countdown scheduled for 2017-03-09 11:09am CET (#5997)
# 20:14 sknebel feedback I just got, something I'd like to fix tomorrow. now loqi will remind me
# 20:15 tantek sknebel: IRC *used to be* more visible / lengthy on the home page, but we were finding that "IRC" turned off non-devs
# 20:16 tantek so we do link to IRC discussions and such, but by calling it by its function, not its plumbing
# 20:16 sknebel yeah, right now you have to follow the "link to getting started" and thne see a link to "chat"
# 20:17 aaronpk if someone who knows there's a link can't even find it...
# 20:17 tantek it is literally the 2nd bold link on the page
# 20:18 tantek aaronpk: no because they're looking for plumbing ("IRC") not function
# 20:18 aaronpk "view current discussions" does not sound like a thing I can use to join the discussion
# 20:18 sknebel yeah, it is there, but maybe the name can be improved
# 20:18 tantek aaronpk: what you typed " join the discussion" is literally on the page
# 20:19 tantek not making a point about non-IRC users who want to discuss things
# 20:19 aaronpk saying "but it's right there" does not solve the problem of two people not seeing it
# 20:19 tantek because you've stared at the home page too much maybe?
# 20:20 tantek point is - two people familiar with something not seeing something does not make any points about a new person seeing it or not
# 20:20 tantek if you think of a better (more beginner user friendly) phrase than " join the discussion" - I'm open to it
# 20:21 tantek sknebel said literally " irc is not visible enough on the homepage"
# 20:21 aaronpk sknebel said a new person didn't find the link to the chat. sknebel then also did not know that "join the discussion" was a link to the chat
# 20:22 sknebel I said IRC because after telling them that we have a chat he said he uses IRC more than slack
# 20:23 tantek alright I'll try changin it to Join online chat
# 20:23 tantek and putting it first in the third point not last
# 20:24 tantek aaronpk: or move the IRC-specific bits to an IRC page
# 20:25 aaronpk honesltly i see "discussion" and I think "mailing list"
# 20:25 aaronpk so I skip right past it because I don't want either of those
# 20:25 tantek right that's where you're different (like most of us are)
# 20:25 tantek in that most devs DO want a mailing list or forum
# 20:25 tantek because they have been mistrained in those habits by like every other open source community
# 20:26 tantek the term "discussion" is something THOSE folks do see
# 20:26 tantek I predict we'll start to get more "where's the mailing list" questions
# 20:26 tantek whereas with "Discuss" directing people to Chat, we use their existing hook to direct them to the better way
# 20:27 aaronpk "discuss" as a verb is totally different than "discussion" as a noun
# 20:28 aaronpk i'm not opposed to the "Discuss" link in the header
# 20:29 aaronpk just "view the discussion" did not imply either chat log or the fact that i could *join* the chat there
# 20:29 tantek Discuss is already in the sidebar so we can leave it at that
# 20:31 aaronpk is "online" really necessary? what other kind of chat would it be?
# 20:32 tantek is that also enough of a clue for IRC people?
# 20:33 aaronpk since "view the chat log" is right above it, I thought linking to /IRC would be better
# 20:33 tantek direct link to web-based chat is far more accessible
# 20:33 tantek rather than click, see another wiki page with a bunch of text
# 20:34 tantek why you making me click twice just to find a place to join the chat?
# 20:34 aaronpk I just want to make sure people know there are multiple ways to join the chat
# 20:35 tantek presumably they'd figure that out after chatting a bit?
# 20:35 tantek is that really necessary to add that decision as a prerequisite to them chatting?
# 20:35 aaronpk i'm assuming there is a set of people who would be put off by seeing *only* a web chat form
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 20:36 tantek as opposed to the majority of people who get put off by having to do 1 more step, or make 1 more decision
# 20:36 tantek that's like basic UX design. minimize steps for the user to get something done. minimize unnecessary choices before the user *can* get something done. get out of the user's way and let them accomplish the task.
# 20:37 tantek same reason when you launch a new browser it doesn't start with opening preferences and saying hey, please set your preferences first
# 20:38 aaronpk given the choice between using a web form or using an app I already have set up (IRC, Matrix or Slack), I would choose the app I am already using
# 20:38 tantek I thought we were talking about the home page
# 20:40 aaronpk did you miss the part where i conceded your point?
# 20:41 tantek going to unbold projects until we've cleaned it up a bit more
# 20:43 aaronpk the chat bar is pinned to the bottom of the window, but #bottom jumps the focus to the most recent chat
# 20:44 tantek ok I'll let you do that and remove the #bottom from those links at the same time
# 20:45 tantek and yes, adding the information / links for the web-chat alternative methods of IRC / Matrix / Slack right there next to the Join button is perfect, because right when the user is considering should I click "Join" is when they may also be thinking but I like to use (insert chat client here)
KevinMarks and deathrow1 joined the channel
# 21:18 Loqi Internet Relay Chat (abbreviated IRC), in particular the #indieweb channel on the irc.freenode.net server, is the primary community discussion forum for IndieWebCamp and anything about the IndieWeb https://indieweb.org/IRC
# 21:19 gRegorLove tantek: Finally getting around to setting up 3/22 + April HWCs
# 21:19 tantek gRegorLove: I think so? Though maybe too much may have been deleted?
rMdes joined the channel
# 21:20 tantek yeah, I think some cities or their default locations may have been deleted (me) for 03-08
# 21:21 tantek one thing at a time, switching to newer default image with that awesome one from Portland
rMdes joined the channel
miklb joined the channel
# 21:23 gRegorLove tantek: Nevermind, thought you were asking me to update the cover photo
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 21:25 tantek is clearly having trouble with this whole communication thing this morning
# 21:25 tantek aaronpk, then definitely don't tell her she's in the new default featured photo for HWC events ;)
# 21:31 gRegorLove tantek: Mind if I remove these <!-- location-->? Makes it harder to comment out the venue addresses. I make them "TBD" when I'm first setting them up.
# 21:32 tantek gRegorLove: I deliberately put them at the end
# 21:33 tantek ok sounds like we need more fixing before cloning
# 21:48 tantek like original kickstarter moneys is pretty irrelevant in the context of a list of projects and how useful/used are they today
# 21:54 tantek gRegorLove, chrisaldrich, it's down to the three of us to see who can get the most (more than 1?) participant at HWC in our cities tonight!
# 21:55 rMdes when I read you i guess I realize getting 15 people for our hwc first launch was really cool
# 21:56 rMdes we'll see how it goes for the next one end of the month probably, we'll focus core indieweb
# 22:04 tantek gRegorLove: tried to clean-up 03-08 some more, wasn't sure if you were waiting on that or not?
# 22:21 gRegorLove Is "Ask in the chatroom" good, per the earlier discussion about chat links?
# 22:21 tantek I think "Ask" can be offputting because it immediately asserts an imbalance (the asker is asking for help)
# 22:22 tantek gRegorLove: 03-08 looks good! replicate for April?
miklb joined the channel
# 22:32 sknebel Oh wow, just saw the walls of texts my chat note triggered. I guess I can mark this mentally as resolved
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 22:39 tantek sknebel perhaps take a look at indieweb.org and see if you think it is any better?
# 22:41 sknebel I did, I think it is. Ping deathrow1: is our chat now easier to find from the homepage? :)
# 22:44 gRegorLove Heh, had an error doing Bridgy Publish to Facebook. Checked FB and had a notification just 3 minuts ago to renew the access. Timely. :)
# 22:46 tantek deathrow1 - yes that's a longer term project to consolidate
# 22:46 tantek e.g. chat log right now covers all the channels
# 22:49 deathrow1 yes. guess if the web chat had been more generic, ie all the channels, individual links from the chat logs would have been enough to cover both cases (in terms of links from the front page)
# 22:50 aaronpk wow that was already a month ago that I updated the Slack gateway to cover all the channels
# 22:50 Loqi [Aaron Parecki] Day 46: Expanding the IRC/Slack Gateway to all IndieWeb Channels #100DaysOfIndieWeb
# 22:50 aaronpk that was a prerequisite for updating the web chat
# 22:59 aaronpk i am a little disappointed nobody has uploaded an image via slack since then!
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 23:26 Loqi license is terms under which you are allowed to (re)use a piece of work; in the context of the IndieWeb, for source code such as in open source projects, or content, like the IndieWeb wiki itself which has a specific Copyright https://indieweb.org/license
KevinMarks joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel