[dgold]Glynn Moody writes an article about a German court having questions about the meaning of non commercial, a sub editor at techdirt puts "Germany finds cc-by-nc not enforceable" , next thing half the Devs in the world are screaming that Germany doesn't allow pd
[dgold]By the by, I don't disagree with zegnats desired outcome; MIT or BSD would be the choices with the greatest potential for maximisation of adoption of the libraries
nitot, Pierre-O, sivoais, kerosene and nitot_ joined the channel
dgoldeither he's lying (which is almost certainly true) or he's mistaken, and a court ordered surveillance of his campaign, which is _terrible_ for him & his presidency
[eddie]Man, this weekend was crazy. I’m try to clean up my Jekyll data structure to prepare for implementing a Micropub endpoint using https://github.com/voxpelli/node-micropub-express. But when I first set up my site it was haphazardly set up and now I have 63 “photos of the day” that I have to tweak to the new data format! It’s been a ride, but I ALMOST got it finished in my spare time this weekend.
Loqibenwerd: tantek left you a message 3 days, 15 hours ago: could you post an indie event for HWC SF next week and POSSE to FB too? https://indieweb.org/events/2017-03-08-homebrew-website-club#Where - also totally cool (would be nice even) to do it at Matter again if you prefer! Definitely want you on the marketing team though :)
Zegnattantek: I updated the wiki, cancelled upcoming HWC as I was the only available person. And I will not travel to some cafe when nobody will meet me there.
snarfed1...which lots of services do, but also probably isn't the root cause here after all. youtube-dl probably just needs to update their client id again. see end of https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl/issues/12376
tantekbasically, /Webmention-developer is for the type of person who responds to the summary of Webmention with something like "oh that's like pingback? or trackback?" or other plumbing centric focus
aaronpkone thing i've been thinking about adding to indieauth.com is cookie-ing the user after they authenticate something so that they can click through the next time they come back in the same browser, without having to respond to another challenge
sl007cookie-ing : agreed will implement as well. stronger limit disagreed - when it comes to mail sending : I have just send u one but I am a different person …
sl007this is why I am thinking about the following extension : The user could publish a signed jwt along with the mail address (and sms) and before sending out any mail he has to enter his pw …
sl007well the benefit would be that I could not send out tons of mails to aaron from indieauth.com because I don't know aarons password he signed the jwt on his website with
sl007will do so. "self assigned holidays":will work the whole week to finish it. btw: also implemented https://www.ietf.org/id/draft-bradley-oauth-jwt-encoded-state-06.pdf because state is important and what is interesting is that any authClient can "respond" to the claims (not covered by the draft)
aaronpkalthough at that point, why even bother sending an email? cause either way, if the person enters the password (encryption/signature key) correctly, they've authenticated themselves
sl007DROP SMS - agreed ! (intended/designed only as 2nd factor) - hm - about the first: yes I l already thought about that too - and to be true : what hindered me is that my JWT module can't do JWE yet (only JWS so far) - it is universal JS for node and browse … (1/2)
sl007and it is a bit complicated to write universal for the browser as well - about 2nd: Personally I'd like to have it as (possible) 2nd factor. For 2 reasons :
sl0071) It is the same flow than in other IndieAuth methods - check rel me's on homepage (and save a possible token), then do the challenge and get authed - 2) feels more secure
sl007the MailAuth flow brings you integrity state protection + rfp protection + one time (!) and short living (!) mail token to exchange for the "IndieAuthSuccessToken"
aaronpkinteresting though that the SMS code and email code are essentially equivalent. SMS being a second factor is well understood, but plenty of sites use an email code as a single factor authentication despite them being basically equivalent.
aaronpkoh, one major benefit of using the combined JWT/JWE + email code is that you don't have to be too concerned if your encryption password is leaked, because the worst that happens is people can spam you with auth challenges
aaronpkwe should not be training people to enter any sort of secret on arbitrary sites, so I'm also more inclined to support this method only when the user decides to establish a trusted relationship with indieauth.com (e.g. they've delegated their domain to use indieauth.com as their authorization endpoint)
benwerd, tantek, kerosene_ and sl007 joined the channel
[eddie]Most do, and you can find them in IMDB, but you can’t search by them. They aren’t foolproof, but I would trust using "http://www.usanetwork.com/suits” than tt1632701
Loqi[Ryan Barrett] film reel
Movies I’ve watched and want to watch.
I liked,
were just ok,
I didn’t like,
I didn’t finish.
Naturally, this isn’t comprehensive, and it’s biased toward my taste. If I mark
a movie , I may still think it’s good overall,...
[eddie]So it seems like IMDB has become the de facto standard id, so even if IMDB died, it would probably be possible to transition the IDs in storage to one of the other database systems ID
[eddie]tantek: The goal is to be able to eventually automate the steps it takes for me to checkin when I watch a show. Right now I use an app that uses Trakt.tv to store what I have watched. So i’m hoping to export those into my site when ready and start using my site to checkin when I watch a show/movie
[eddie]Basically I’m working through how to do “Interested, In Progress, Completed (with optional Review)” stages for reading, watching and listening. I’ve already started basic groundwork on reading (for both books and websites), now I’m thinking through watching for TV shows, Movies, and of course Web Video (YouTube, Personal Video, etc)