GWGTwo, I'm worried that the way the code will not be able to distinguish, and in the event there are two links to different fragmentions in the same URL, that it will decide they are the same webmention
[keithjgrant]Does anybody do MicroPub edits in the wild? I would love to add editing to Omnibear, but it didn't look like many endpoints support it yet
aaronpkinternally my posts are stored in either plaintext, markdown, or HTML, and they all get rendered as HTML. so my plaintext posts will have added HTML tags in the final result that aren't in the source document that I edit
jeremycherfasOnly partially facetious. Those sites that, when you copy something from a page add a link that I then have to get rid of to use in a blockquote … Often I’ll just give up as not worth it. Let them find their own readers.
ZegnatThat site is definitely a bit low on factual information. And it sometimes uses the word “link” to mean domain name, and sometimes to mean what we mean by link? Terribly confusing without reading all the news articles they link. Even then some of those articles are over 2 years old and describe ongoing legal disputes, so they might have been conclu
petermolnarthere were discussions in the EU on links, and - I'm not certain though - one of the outcomes was that to link to illegal content is also illegal
sknebelgermany has legal battles about quotes from websites right now, which is annoying, spain has similar laws. actual lawsuits mostly around google news
sknebelin germany representatives of newspapers right now try to argue that quoting 7 words from a linked article should require you to pay the site owner
sknebelI assume with tweets there is some language in the EULA as well, but yeah, it is stupid, and I bet quite a few sources just don't refer to newspapers anymore, unless they explicitly allow it
sknebeloh, the problem is quite clear: people look at google news and google makes money off that. the solution just isn't great, and it is debateable if the problem should be viewed as such on a society level
jeremycherfasI don’t use Google News, so maybe this is rubbish, but if I have an ad-blocker, and am not logged in, and I don’t see any ads, and Google can’t track me, so it is not making money, then what?
jeremycherfasAgain, I seldom follow a link from FB, so I don’t know, but if WSJ gives me 10 free article a month, or whatever, I’ll take them. And I want more, I’ll pay. But it is too difficult to pay for a single article these days.
jeremycherfasThey got rid of one of their best features, in my opinion, which was that you could Flattr someone even if they weren’t a member. Which created an incentive for them to become a member, to collect what they had earned. To me, that was a great idea for boosting uptake and taking advantage of network effects. And I have never seen a cogent explanation of why they ditched it.
voxpelliyeah that was a great feature, some of us even worked with how we could use microformats to make it possible to promise flattrs for even non-silo creators that hadn't signed up
voxpellijeremycherfas: well, the team needed to scale down to survive long term once most of the venture capital had been used and after that I have no insight into what happened
martymcguire[m]i was pretty proud of having Flattr support on Thingiverse. it was one of those things that made me feel like i was building part of a better future. :}
martymcguire[m]that is a good question. i don't personally remember but the link above thinks it was at the Radisson (111 East Cesar Chavez St ), in the Town Lake Ballroom
ZegnatI was discussing Flattr with sebsel last we met, I wanted to show him some micropayment stuff. But their current website is such a landing-page-buzz-word-sign-up-please mess that I couldn’t really show anything :(
snarfed, mlncn, dch_, KartikPrabhu, wolftune, barpthewire, tolerablyjake, fzylogic_, camerongray and skunkwerks joined the channel
GWGaaronpk, GWG Greetings protocol. I usually appear three times a day. The first is morning, second afternoon, third evening. If I appear multiple times other than that, I will just greet people
LoqiUniversal Greeting Time is the convention of greeting people in online chat with "good morning" regardless of the local time of day of either person