GWGOkay. Assuming pfefferle merges my PR, the WordPress Webmention plugin should now support fragments, and therefore fragmentions. Support being it will store them.
KevinMarks, fzylogic, nitot, reidab, loicm_, [kevinmarks], jeremycherfas and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Loqi[Zegnat] I was discussing Flattr with sebsel last we met, I wanted to show him some micropayment stuff. But their current website is such a landing-page-buzz-word-sign-up-please mess that I couldn’t really show anything :(...
Zegnatjeremycherfas, from what I read about them they seem to be going for the Brave business model. And I personally am not a fan of that. I think they will have a hard time turning it around back to a way to pay independents.
jeremycherfasI have not been following Brave, but it does seem like madness to expect readers to accept that companies will have paid for whitelisting.
dgold"Sites and apps are added to the network by invitation only and are considered based on many factors including traffic, design, frequency of updates and overall appropriateness to the general target of the network."
ZegnatAah, well, that was the point of the Deck. They do not track, but to sell advertisements you have to be able to guarantee some sort of audience. The Deck just does this by carefully selecting the sites they show up on
jeremycherfasGoing back to Flattr, given that they did have a business model that a lot of people thought worked well, I wonder what it would take to recreate.
ZegnatI have never seen the numbers so I am no sure the business model "worked well". If they had to cut the team when VC money ran short, the business model might not have been self sufficient enough
voxpellijeremycherfas: eg. looks very interesting – something like a "distributed monetary web" which would complement the social web well
jeremycherfasZegnat: I’m not saying it made moeny for the investors, but the basic premise of what it was trying to do seemed to make sense to many people.
jeremycherfasFor me, two things made sense. A single payment via credit card or paypal, with reduced overheads for me. And the ability to Flattr people and things that weren’t signed up, creating an incentive for them to join the network.
Zegnatvoxpelli, Flattr is going the browser extension route now, so it seems. Implies to me they could go "across silos"? jeremycherfas, I expect it is hard to run a micro transaction business without making enough money to keep a dedicated team on hand. My comment was not in regards to investors, purely regarding the business itself.
Zegnatdgold, if none of the developers have currently registered any patents on any of the indieweb projects, and they release it to the public domain, can they go back and still file for a patent even though they no longer have any rights over the implementation? Because if they can't this problem fixes itself by basically make the implementations unpat
sknebelFlattr teamed up with the makers of Adblock plus - integration in there would still mean quite a lot of reach. Also means that they are partnered with someone many ad-supported pages hate
jeremycherfasInteresting. Just skimming through the Financial Times and not everything is available. May be a rights issue, rather like the exrtremely brilliant Guardian Today site by Phil Gifford
Zegnatdgold, the way I understood it, the "fallback" licence in CC0 does not release it. But the public domain dedication surely does? Or did I misread that?
Zegnatsknebel, I am not sure how far the teaming up goes. It's not like Flattr will land within AB+ (which definitely would have meant reach), they make a separate extension. As I understood it.
ZegnatHmm, I will have to reread then, dgold. thanks for bringing that up. I still do think CC0 is the most accepted way for us to dedicate code to the PD though, with or without their patent clause.
ZegnatI guess you could go full SQLite and have someone record every contributor’s public domain dedication, dgold, but that too sounds like a hassle ;)
sknebelyeah, some one-time-payment or flattr-like model really would add to patreons utility from a user perspective. (their fees are not irrelevant, but for microtransactions they work out ok) But I can also understand that patreon wants to concentrate on the "reliable" monthly/per result model
dgoldi'd like a patreon where I could throw in my couple bucks a month, regularly, and if a Creator doesn't turn in something that month (if using that model) then the spare goes to all the little pepole
sknebel(afaik patreon takes 5% on top of all the payment provider fees, so for many small amounts it is more effective, for larger ones direct payment via stripe etc. would be cheaper)
Zegnatdgold, interesting, you would rather spread your monthly patreon allotment out than save on the money when one of your patreonees didn’t produce? I think you might be in the minority there.
ZegnatI think Patreon built their audience on the Kickstarter-like promise that you are only paying someone when they actually did a thing. Until then your money doesn’t get touched.
dgoldyeah, that's certainly how they sell it. but, e.g. there are things that I would _like_ to support occasionally, but not interested/valued enough to create a g'tee'd payment
sknebelZegnat: what is "did a thing"? they have the "pay per creation" model, but e.g. I support some webcomic artists. I really don't need the system tracking "ok, X published 20 comics this month (4x5 weekdays), so he gets less than the month before that had 2 weekdays more"
Zegnatsknebel, it depends on the model they are using. I have seen Patreon pages where you pledge a payment per-video for example. So only when they publish a new video will you be charged.
sknebelI'm not sure which one was more important. I don't think I have a single "per creation" thing active, but that probably highly depends on what kind of creator we are talking about
mblaneyand I like the idea from this discussion that you could make payments to silo accounts, and once they rel=me to their own domains they could collect any outstanding payments.
sknebelhm, there was one of those "donate to open source" services that got a lot of flack because they collected money for random github users, without them knowing or even wanting that
jeremycherfasZegnat: That’s the model I use, per epsiode released. It bugs me that Patreon doesn’t enforce that for all the lazy wastrels with day jobs. I’m sick of the people I support apologising that they didn’t do enough this month and that they feel guilty. If that’s the case, they should just switch to per thing.
dgoldif they wanted to be on a schedule, then they'd be on a schedule. Its annoying when you see people posting negative comments on a per-item creators patreon
Loqiok, I added "" to the "See Also" section of /static-site
rMdes <aaronpk> rMdes: first step would be adding it to the list on /events so that there's at least a link to it and so that it shows up in the newsletter
tantekchrisaldrich any thoughts why nownownow deserves (yet) another page (that will likely not get updated, being some place other than your home page) ?
LoqiProgressive Web App is a web site that a client can progressively enhance into a standalone app that's comparable with a native app
[chrisaldrich]They're particularly interesting when you've indiewebified and there's a lot more stream on your own site.... I think Ben Werdmuller made a comment in chat last week sometime about coming up with a page similar to what Now accomplishes. In some sense, it almost serves like a resume page, but of the somewhat more ephemeral material one might like to look back on. I'm thinking of something along the lines of TimeHop, but I get your meaning Tant
tantekchrisaldrich yes, that "find it a bit of a hassle to update pseudo regularly." to me is sufficient to doom the usability of having separate now pages
tantekknows this from experience and having LOTS of such one-off separate pages he used to maintain which are largely time capsules of the last time he maintained them
tantekchrisaldrich this is specifically the tension between something that claims to be *now* and yet adds an undue burden on the author to update it *now*
[chrisaldrich]I think the Now page movement(?) recommends updating about once a month. In some sense, updating something like that becomes a reason to take stock of what you're working on a monthly basis (kind of like monthly New Year's Resolutions), and I think that philosophy is some of what drives the Now page for those who use it. I see a large number of GTD people in that space.
aaronpk[chrisaldrich]: that's interesting! I've been trying to do a somewhat monthly checkin with myself along those lines, but hadn't thought of tying it to a public page
[chrisaldrich]If you did maintain an itch page with some detail, you could cut and paste off of it into posts, which might make your 100daysofIndieWeb easier....
snarfed1, KartikPrabhu, hs0ucy and barpthewire joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]Has anyone played around with Keybase Chat yet? Looks interesting and some of what they're doing is reminiscent of a mixture IndieAuth, /chat, and /private_webmention
tantekwow has gone full js;dr on their articles. e.g. is a big blank scrolling white page for me
[chrisaldrich]GWG, sadly I haven't been able to track down that bug yet. I was swamped most of yesterday, but did make some progress late last night on a new indieweb project...
Loqivideo is a type of post where the primary content is a video file (recorded movie, animation etc.) typically with audio, and has growing support on the indie web