2017-03-15 UTC
KevinMarks, tantek, jonnybarnes, barpthewire and cweiske joined the channel
KevinMarks, [kevinmarks], loicm, miklb, leg and tantek joined the channel
# 15:53 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: does p3k read from the file storage to construct your feed pages too?
# 15:53 aaronpk it queries the DB to get the list of posts, and then reads each post's storage file for the contents
# 15:53 aaronpk the only thing in the DB is the published date, tags, channels, and the post's filename
# 15:54 KartikPrabhu interesting, and the reply-context is then read separately from its own file for each post?
# 15:54 aaronpk the reply context is actually stored in the post itself
# 15:54 tantek a bit surprised by that. I would expect that to be cached as well - since it's from outside your site
# 15:55 aaronpk yeah, i had a lot of issues trying to come up with a good format for storing external content
# 15:55 Loqi [Aaron Parecki] Day 25: Automatically Fetching Reply Contexts for p3k #100DaysOfIndieWeb
# 15:55 tantek that's literally the biggest design challenge I have in Falcon that many things (like better reply contexts, nicknames cache, webmentions received) are all depending on
# 15:56 aaronpk instead of storing just the URL as the in-reply-to property in my post, it stores the full parsed mf2 of the context
# 15:56 tantek or are they only a snapshot as of the moment you post your reply?
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 15:57 aaronpk including a snapshot of the author's photo at the time I replied
# 15:58 aaronpk no, i'm cheating for responses right now. they are only stored in the database.
# 15:58 aaronpk i punted on making that decision in order to launch the rebuild of my site. i plan on finding a disk storage solution to it in the future though
# 15:58 KartikPrabhu aah I see. cool thanks. I am thinking about how to store all these "pieces" of a post
# 16:03 aaronpk i just realized i forgot to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of my new site
# 16:04 tantek sounds like you know what feature to implement next ;)
# 16:05 aaronpk i'm not sure what i would count the first "post" on my site
# 16:06 aaronpk i had lots of things on my website, but none had timestamps like a blog post does
# 16:06 tantek aaronpk - are you thinking current site? or ever on the domain?
# 16:06 aaronpk before I turned it into something that resembles what it is now
# 16:06 tantek (personally I think "ever on the domain" is the way to measure it)
# 16:07 aaronpk the original content on the domain didn't have timestamps
# 16:07 aaronpk there was a copyright yeah, but that's for the site as a whole
# 16:07 aaronpk rather than about the specific content you'd be looking at
# 16:07 tantek has really old notes that he happened to datestamp
# 16:08 tantek a bunch of one-offs before I started actually *blogging*
# 16:08 aaronpk i had some school essays on there, those might be the closes things to datestamped content
# 16:08 tantek oh yeah! if your school essays have a date on them
# 16:09 aaronpk some of them just have a relative year! (e.g. Grade 10)
arush joined the channel
# 16:13 aaronpk creates a calendar reminder for 2019 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of his website
# 16:13 aaronpk oh, except the domain didn't exist until 2001, so i must have backfilled that content
KevinMarks, arush and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 16:29 [kevinmarks] Right, I celebrated the 20th anniversary of of my first page, but it was on a different site.
arush and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
# 16:47 tantek videos about the indieweb << podcasts about the indieweb
# 16:47 tantek podcasts about the indieweb << videos about the indieweb
KevinMarks joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
gRegorLove joined the channel
arush joined the channel
KevinMarks and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 18:14 tantek might be worth filing this as a separate issue on github
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
ncollig and tantek joined the channel
tantek, [chrisaldrich], [cleverdevil], arush and bnvk joined the channel
# 20:54 Loqi [Marty McGuire] Screech - a micropub client for podcasting
# 20:56 sknebel aaronpk: ^^^ I'm not sure what Loqi is doing with that URL...
# 20:58 martymcguire[m] hahaha
bnvk, tantek, arush, KartikPrabhu and gRegorLove joined the channel