#Loqi[Aaron Parecki] Day 25: Automatically Fetching Reply Contexts for p3k #100DaysOfIndieWeb
#tantekthat's literally the biggest design challenge I have in Falcon that many things (like better reply contexts, nicknames cache, webmentions received) are all depending on
#aaronpkinstead of storing just the URL as the in-reply-to property in my post, it stores the full parsed mf2 of the context
#aaronpkincluding a snapshot of the author's photo at the time I replied
#KartikPrabhuaaronpk: are the responses also stored in the post content file?
#aaronpkno, i'm cheating for responses right now. they are only stored in the database.
#aaronpki punted on making that decision in order to launch the rebuild of my site. i plan on finding a disk storage solution to it in the future though
#KartikPrabhuaah I see. cool thanks. I am thinking about how to store all these "pieces" of a post
#petermolnarhm. I'm getting a little frustrated on readability vs python. So far I've tried many from https://github.com/bookieio/breadability/#alternatives but the best result is still with the mozilla readability.js - unfortunately that one is js which I'm trying to avoid. newspaper (https://github.com/codelucas/newspaper) so far is quite good at returning the text only contents but that is really very lossy compared to a markdown version.
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