gRegorLoveI'm refreshing my memory about the process; always get a bit confused when I first look at it again. The code in question is part of exchanging the authorization_code for the token
aaronpkthe flip side of that answer is that if quill sends you an auth code that your auth endpoint issued, quill has no idea what that token is, it's just expecting a certain response. if you happen to be using JWTs, that's up to you, but quill has no idea
gRegorLoveaaronpk: Sometimes after failing a test and then passing it, manually checking the third box, when I return to the list of tests, it still shows a red x. I run the test again and then it's green on the list of tests. Test 206 for example.
sknebelbtw, I have poked around the code for a bit. Did I miss it (not terribly familiar with structure of PHP projects), or is the bit sending new messages to the nginx-push-thingy not in there?
sknebelthat I found, but not where I could check how it is (not) applied in the two different delivery channels (which seemed like the things compare for this)