#tantekalright maybe I'll start documenting resolution limitations of image / photo silos as I encounter them
#tanteksince if you're going to use silos to "host" your images, this can make a difference
#tantekthis is really making me rethink image hosting/posting strategy
#tantekwhoa, posting photos after the fact gives you coins now! That's new. cc: aaronpk
#tantekI'm assuming they show up as photo comments
#tantekso is that sorta like a salmention then? if you post a photo comment on your own photo, Swarm replies by giving you coins? and "More photos = more coins ?"
#tantekand now I have to wrestle with whether to crop a photo locally on my device first (before uploading to Swarm, since Swarm has no photocropping), or to crop it after the fact on my site using CSS
#tantekwhich is to quickly checkin while running around, NOT upload the photo (which wastes time and bandwidth that should be spent paying attention in person), and then go back and upload photos while at home later at night with fast unliminted bandwidth
#aaronpkbut yes if it appears to be the primary photo of a Check-in and posted by the same person who posted the Check-in then I think I'd want to update the original post
#tanteksince Swarm apparently uploads full resolution!
#tantek(unlike IG which downsamples to 720x720 or so)
#tantekaaronpk - yeah I think that's the sensible default behavior
#tantekthat even though not "literally" correct in terms of the actions the author took, is what is "desired" / intended by the user
#tantekthat is, *updates* to the checkin rather than photo comments threading below it
#aaronpkI may try doing that more often now tho, since I often want to post a photo I took after I've already been somewhere a while
#tantekthus I'd say, checkin post first (with any photos), and then the food/drink consuming post second, which could perhaps reference (instead of copy?) the checkin
#aaronpkI'll have to try some mockups of both options. Either a combined post that is both a Check-in and a food/drink, as well as having the food posts be replies to the Check-in
#[kevinmarks]in swarm it feels like you need to get all the people, photos and stickers into the original checkin to get coins - do the sticker multipliers apply to the replies?
#tantekaaronpk - you can have your /food and /drink page show *different* contexts for the posts because they are single-post-type streams! (rather than composite streams)
#tantekkevinmarks, I used to agree with that observation
#tantekHowever I *just* added three photos to a checkin from yesterday, and got 15 coins! (3 photos x 5 coins each)
#aaronpktantek: im not sure what you mean. My feeds don't have any concept of what post type is in them. Every post will appear the same regardless of which list view it's in (a "channel", a tag page, my home page, a collection)
[jeremycherfas], barpthewire, cweiske, miklb_, KevinMarks, loicm, plindner, [kevinmarks], mindB and martymcguire[m] joined the channel
#petermolnar!tell aaronpk do I recall correctly that you experimented using Flick to autotag your photos? Any updates on that, how is it going? Is it accurate/useful enough to worth using it?
#miklbGWG intersting. I set my permalink structure temporarily to default, and the error stopped, but now getting a TypeError: response is not an Object. (evaluating ''name' in response')
#Loqiaaronpk: petermolnar left you a message 5 hours, 15 minutes ago: do I recall correctly that you experimented using Flick to autotag your photos? Any updates on that, how is it going? Is it accurate/useful enough to worth using it?
#tantekor is it more of a "multi-author blog"? where it just happens to have multiple authors, who aren't otherwise a group themselves (that is there's no "group" or "grouping" of them outside of the fact that they happen to contribute to this "blog")
#aaronpki'm considering implementing a timezone hack i am not happy about
#aaronpkit seems quite a lot of sites render the published date with "Z" or "+0000" as the timezone offset by default, even if the person is not in that timezone
#aaronpkso when i display the published date of comments, i'm thinking that if the timezone is "Z" or "+0000", then instead of using that timezone, I use the timezone of my post
#tantekah the problem of bad defaults (and over-validation? or overly strict requiring of explicit TZ?) strikes again. (like lang="en" in HTML)
#tantekthat once again, bad defaults are causing a need to reject the data
#aaronpkironically I actually have pretty good timezone support on my website, and yet these comments look "wrong" because of this
#tantekeven just the problem documenting bad TZ defaults polluting data is worth its own blogpost. with cited examples. and a note about approaches to solve / workaround this being in the next blog post
#tantekreminder, Friday is the deadline for submitting OSBridge talk proposals!
#[kevinmarks]They are kind of a group - some of them know each other, but it was more of the early group discussion model where you would invite people to the log as cross blog comments were hard
#tantek"cross blog comments were hard" motivated a lot of other behaviors didn't it?
#tantekjust added 3 more photos to a Sunday morning checkin that already had 8 photos, and it aded them and added 15 (3 * 5 per) coins
[dgold] joined the channel
#tanteknow trying on a Sunday checkin that had a 3x sticker
#tantekand yes, it applied that too. 3 photos (0 prev), 45 coins (3x * 3 * 5 coins per)
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
#tantekwow all this adding photos after the fact is particularly highlighting where I *did not* checkin, and thus don't have a checkin to attach the photo to!
#tantekNow I really want to just always offline check-in so I can do it just with one-click, no fuss, muss.
#aaronpki kind of wish that offline checkin button was always present, even if i'm online
#tantekso I don't have to stress about all the darn latency if Swarm loading a venue list, searching, considering a checkin comment etc.
#tantekmy watch has that button, it's called "pause run"
#tantekaaronpk, so far my experience with the offline checkin button is that when I launch Swarm, it almost always shows the offline checkin screen/UI/button for at least a second before it loads everything else that depends on the network
KartikPrabhu, ben_thatmustbeme and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
#[chrisaldrich]tantek, I've noticed that Swarm will occasionally notify me that I have X places where I didn't checkin recently and ask do you want to add them now?
#[chrisaldrich]Perhaps this could be a method for super-lazy checkin long after the fact.
#[chrisaldrich]It even offers to let me modify the location if it didn't correctly detect the first time.
#[chrisaldrich]This type of after-the-fact checkin is also nice for people who want to protect their privacy (while they're at a location), but want to be able to indicate where they were after-the-fact.
#[chrisaldrich]I've heard anecdotal evidence of people checking into a place as they're leaving to prevent issues like stalking.
#Loqipostsquare (or postsq) is a portmanteau of "post" (meaning after) and "Foursquare" (the checkin service) meaning a checkin post made after the fact, that is, after the person posting it was actually at the location, or perhaps after they arrived at the location https://indieweb.org/postsquare
#[chrisaldrich]I might have said #latersquare, but I like the concept.
#[chrisaldrich]The ability to change some of the data is potentially nice to be able to checkin when one arrives and then later update with a time left as well as additional photos. These ideas have long been itches I've quietly ignored, but will have to delve into soon.
#www.boffosocko.comuploaded /File:places_visited.png "Swarm provides a list of previously visited locations which weren't checked into. This can be used for checking into after-the-fact."
#www.boffosocko.comuploaded /File:change_location.png "When checking in after the fact, Swarm allows you to modify the location on the chance that it guessed an incorrect nearby location."
#aaronpkhow should I represent the little "with so and so" that swarm adds to your checkins?
#aaronpkit's not quite a person tag, because it's not created by the user
#[chrisaldrich]I noticed that sometime in the last year that Swarm made it harder to "friend" or see the profile of the mayor of a location.
#[chrisaldrich]Previously one could just click on the mayor's avatar to see their profile; now one has to go to the location detail with several extra clicks and then click on that avatar to see their profile.
#[kevinmarks]I meant known is reviving the multiple users per blog pattern, especially in their education product