2017-04-02 UTC
miklb joined the channel
# 02:14 sknebel hmpf, flexbox feels like CSS somehow always does... fun the first few steps, then you run headfirst into something that really should not be as complicated as it is
# 02:16 sknebel (and/or I just don't have any intuition for how it works)
# 02:17 miklb wait until you start adding CSS Grid to the mix
# 02:18 miklb grid actually makes a lot of sense once you start looking at it, and is more appropriate for some of the things Flexbox is being used for currently. IMO
# 02:19 sknebel yeah, I think I really want grid for what I'm trying to do
# 02:20 sknebel from just reading it feels a lot more like the layouting systems I'm used to, from other gui programming and DTP software
# 02:22 sknebel right now I wonder why they didn't include a clear way of forcing a row/column break in flexbox
# 02:23 sknebel for rows inserting empty elements with width:100% seems to work, but not for columns
# 02:23 sknebel or I could use nested flex-boxes, but then I can't change the order arbitrarily in mediaqueries...
# 02:47 sknebel it's just one of these slightly infuriating things that are *so* close to doing what you want, but then one tiny bit is missing
# 02:47 sknebel and I'd prefer to use stuff that does not require a browser that literally came out within the past few weeks
# 02:48 sknebel but yes, I probably should look at grids instead of repeating age-old rants about web tech :P
# 03:01 Loqi kartikprabhu has 3 karma in this channel (143 overall)
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