#[mko]aaronpk The Last.FM API works really well. I've been POSSEing scrobbles since 2014 and backfilled my scrobbles all the way back to 2008. Approximately 80k listens.
#aaronpkthat's awesome. I really want to backfill my scrobbles, I think mine go back to 2008 also.
#[mko]The problem I have is that I mostly have used Apple Music for a long time now, which doesn't really even let me scrobble from most of my sources.
#aaronpkthat's gonna be a loooot of new posts on my site
#[mko]The scrobbler for iTunes on Mac is inconsistent, at best, and scrobbling from my phone simply doesn't work (and hasn't for a long time).
#aaronpkthat's too bad. I play from spotify which scrobbles from my computer and my phone luckily.
#KartikPrabhuanyone know how CSS grids work? I am having trouble with a layout on my site and can make a minimal example to show
#miklbGWG I do not have any specific thoughts on comment permalinks. Honestly don't recall scenario of +1, probably was in context of a discussion. I'm all for it though it if makes it easier to reply to a webmention as a comment.
#miklbKartikPrabhu I completed Grid Garden, does that count? ;-)
#GWGmiklb: You endorsed it. But, will proceed with plan
#KartikPrabhumiklb: oh that is that game thingie, ok will make an example
#aaronpkyeah that was my fault, i'm not sure how I got an ipv6 DNS entry there in the first place becasue I don't have a server listening on that address