#dev 2017-04-16

2017-04-16 UTC
[kevinmarks], tantek and [mko] joined the channel
Interesting. Haven't actually seen the `jf2` stuff until today. Ironically, that's almost identical to my strongly-typed content ontology's JSON representation (which makes sense, since my primitives are more or less intended to be rendered using Microformats).
Oh well that's a good sign
Yeah. Convergent implementations, I suppose. Anybody else actively working on IndieWeb stuff in TypeScript?
KevinMarks joined the channel
what is TypeScript?
It looks like we don't have a page for "TypeScript" yet. Would you like to create it?
miklb: Working on comment permalinks
Interesting. I can't log into the wiki because I haven't set up HTTPS again on my system but all my rel-me permalinks are HTTPS.
KartikPrabhu, tantek and KevinMarks joined the channel
aaronpk -- how large is your self-tracking database?
The last 3 years is about 2.5gb of GPS data
the other 6 years is in a different place right now so I can't checks
Hm. Not as bad as I thought.
i still need to merge that all
yeah and that's uncompressed. If I gzip it it'd be way smaller
I'm looking at how to transfer my self-tracking database into something more performant. I've broken 20 GB in my canonical self-tracking MongoDB instance (using the Snappy compression algorithm, so it's probably much higher uncompressed). And that's with all the photos/videos/audio stored as URL references.
I'm not confident enough with my DB skills to really know what the best strategy is at this point.
Mongo claims they can store up to around 64 TB in a single database, but I'm finding that it's chugging hard. Maybe I just need to learn how to do real database optimization. >.<
goodness. you're both amazing.
I blame aaronpk for causing my addiction to data. Before importing a ton of old historical data, my first real dataset in my self-tracking database was generated with a dev version of Geoloqi a little over 7 years ago.
Tracked my move from Mobile, AL to San Francisco, CA. Still one of my favorite slices of data.
Oh my gosh I remember that
It was my first experience doing real quantified self tracking. I've had a love affair with data ever since.
https://twitter.com/mko/status/11793388715 -- since my IndieWeb UI is local-only currently, here's the syndicated version. ?
Turning my iPhone into a real-time GPS tracker w/ InstaMapper & @aaronpk. I may be quieter now. Note: Hurry up iPhone OS 4. #mobtosfmove
created /p-name (+205) "prompted by miklb, dfn, see also"
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edited /reply (+12) "/* See Also */ rsvp"
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mko has 1 karma in this channel (18 overall)
barpthewire, KartikPrabhu and tantek joined the channel
edited /u-syndication (-5) "fix dfn"
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edited /reply (+1016) "/* How To */ How to publish, couple of markup examples as prompted by miklb, bit of updating (could use more)"
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edited /rsvp (+57) "/* How to */ How to publish"
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miklb, [jeremycherfas], KevinMarks and barpthewire joined the channel
Want a book you can read after your Young Adult finishes it? NEW HOPE http://linkis.com/NnYsX #indieauth... by… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/853568893469831168
[jeremycherfas], KevinMarks, [kevinmarks] and miklb joined the channel
miklb: Do you have any thoughts on comment permalinks, as you +1 them in the Webmentions plugin?
petermolnar, continueing here, yeah. I wanted to start tracking listens but it is all a bit vague. GNU FM seems to implement a copy of the Last.fm but I can’t find any documentation on the matter at all. So I would have to read the Last.fm docs and then reverse-engineer-implement :/
my big stumbling block is that none of the scrobbling clients let you type in a server URL anymore
everything is hardcoded to last.fm
so spotify for example scrobbles to last.fm, but I can't tell it to send the data elsewhere anymore
I was looking at https://github.com/tgwizard/sls (Android) which seems to support custom links and can even scrobble apps like Spotify (according to the readme)
My audio player on my laptop, QuodLibet, also allows me to set the scrobble URL myself.
I just want API documentation so I can build something …
last.fm has pretty good docs http://www.last.fm/api/scrobbling
I can’t reach last.fm, for some reason. Even so, their documentation is client centric right? So I would be reverse-engineering my responses based on client docs?
i suppose so, but they're pretty thorough about it
I can’t even `dig last.fm any`, hmm, something is up.
tantek and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Hmm, seems like QuodLibet actually implements Audioscrobbler Protocol 1.2, which is easy: http://www.audioscrobbler.net/development/protocol/
Ha, that link is actually documented under https://indieweb.org/scrobble#petermolnar.eu
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
what is squarespace?
Squarespace is a content hosting service (paid) that provides services such as blogging and domain hosting https://indieweb.org/Squarespace
Woop, scrobbling from QuodLibet is now working :D
bah. squarespace returns http 400 from XRay requests
dumb user agent sniffing
barpthewire joined the channel
is playing with the new JSON data type in MySQL
thinking this might come in handy for caching mf2 objects in the database
barpthewire joined the channel
hmmm. just set up a copy of silo.pub to play with it.
realizing now that i don't think i can use this to post to an FB page.
Wayny and tantek joined the channel
what is known?
Known is an open publishing / community platform project https://indieweb.org/known
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
what is hosting?
Web hosting can be the primary regular cost in maintaining an IndieWeb site; this page lists several options from free on up depending on your publishing needs, like a static, shared, private, or dedicated server https://indieweb.org/hosting
KevinMarks joined the channel