#dev 2017-04-23

2017-04-23 UTC
aaronpk++ woah! Nice upgrade to XRay!
aaronpk has 45 karma in this channel (1291 overall)
ReadersGazette: BLOG Indie Author Answers by Jim Heskett http://www.thejugglingauthor.com/indieauth/ Get help writing your book #bookbloggers 94
Time to once again liberally adopt aaronpk's Ideas
[eddie] joined the channel
Hello from the deep outer reaches of Swift world ??
Lots of foundational stuff to get working in Swift, haha.
KevinMarks joined the channel
Does anyone know of an IndieWeb site that has the authorization endpoint in the HTTP headers? I need to test that I’m detecting it right
Mine is in the HTML Header Link that’s why
and I feel like that’s probably the most common
mine does!
ah, great! ?
Good and Bad. Good news: I see your urls. Bad News: I built it wrong ? But at least I can adapt it now that I have a site that gives the right headers
? Thanks
crawls back into my swift cave
if you end up with code for finding the 3 endpoints, that would be super useful to release as a library :)
Definitely planning on doing that. As I’m working on Indigenous I’m trying to keep the code separated so I can release an mf2 library, an IndieAuth/Endpoint library both separately from the app itself.
eddie has 2 karma in this channel (11 overall)
aaronpk: I’m actually basically stalking the IndieAuth PHP Client and php-mf2 packages for best practices and then just basically attempting to do the same stuff just in a Swift-y way
[eddie]: working on a micropub client for iOS, or using swift on the server?
what is Indigenous
Indigenous is a simple action extension for iOS and macOS for posting your website using Micropub https://indieweb.org/Indigenous
sknebel ^
miklb_, miklb__ and [eddie] joined the channel
sknebel: what miklb said ? although, once I finish building all of these building blocks in swift, I don't know that an eventual server-side swift is out of the question... definitely kind of waiting for Swift server stuff to continue to settle out a little bit, though. I don't like getting into environments when it's still fairly early on
barpthewire, miklb, [dgold], sebsel, [kevinmarks], [colinwalker], loicm_, [jeremycherfas], KevinMarks and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
Are you using https://webmention.io/ at all? If so, got any examples of it’s worth?
KevinMarks, miklb, jonnybarnes and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
edited /site-deaths (+70) "[kevinmarks] added "http://kottke.org/17/04/pour-some-out-for-the-sites-that-arent-here" to "See Also""
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[colinwalker] joined the channel