[eddie]I might peek at the IndieAuth.com repo and see what the layout looks like. I might make some tweaks on it if I have the time and aaron hasn't beat me to it.
miklb, leg, gRegorLove, tantek, [jeremycherfas], [colinwalker], [manton], [kevinmarks] and KevinMarks joined the channel
sknebelsecond question: in JSON encoding, mp-* are always in the properties object, and not "top-level"? (there is not a single example of e.g. mp-syndicate-to with a json request I could find)
KartikPrabhuaaronpk: in p3k do you check for inconsistencies between your DB and file-storage? as in what happens if your DB has a record for some post that does not exist in the file storage and vice-versa?
aaronpkif there's a trace of a post in the DB that doesn't have a corresponding file, it's basically a 404 error but probably is actually a little messier than that in practice
KartikPrabhuI have my current notes stored as files already, but have to devise some way to save new ones since I am still using Django's admin interface instead of having a full-micropub setup
sknebel(*still* working on my MP endpoint, this is taking entirely to long, but once its finished it'll also automatically save all changes in git and push it to a backup location)