#dev 2017-05-01

2017-05-01 UTC
KevinMarks_ and [eddie] joined the channel
tantek: Thanks!
yeah, Aaron noticed the responsive layout issues the other day when I posted a screenshot
I might peek at the IndieAuth.com repo and see what the layout looks like. I might make some tweaks on it if I have the time and aaron hasn't beat me to it.
miklb, leg, gRegorLove, tantek, [jeremycherfas], [colinwalker], [manton], [kevinmarks] and KevinMarks joined the channel
KevinMarks and singpolyma joined the channel
anyone know of a pubsubhubbub/websub implementation that advertises the hub using .host-meta?
yeah me either
tantek, KevinMarks, KevinMarks_, [cleverdevil], gRegorLove, singpoly1a, arush, leg, miklb and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
micropub question: why is q= a reserved parameter in POST bodies – shouldn't all queries use GET? Just to be sure, or did I overlook a case?
no you're correct
that's poorly worded
[eddie] joined the channel
second question: in JSON encoding, mp-* are always in the properties object, and not "top-level"? (there is not a single example of e.g. mp-syndicate-to with a json request I could find)
(if you want me to put any of this as github issues, say so, I'm never sure if github or IRC are better channels for these things)
can you make an issue for the first one? request clarification around the wording of the reserved properties
sure, will do
funny that there aren't any examples of mp-syndicate-to in JSON format. it'd be one of the properties tho, another reason for the mp- prefix
KevinMarks and tantek joined the channel
what's the purpose of the hub sending the hub and self URLs as HTTP link headers?
"The subscriber must not use these Link headers to identify the subscription corresponding to the content distribution request"
KevinMarks joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
aaronpk++ wow wow! kicking out lots of libraries these past few days!
aaronpk has 50 karma in this channel (1305 overall)
KevinMarks joined the channel
aaronpk: in p3k do you check for inconsistencies between your DB and file-storage? as in what happens if your DB has a record for some post that does not exist in the file storage and vice-versa?
file storage is authoritative
every time a post is touched, it updates the DB copy of it
e.g. if i edit the post, or when webmentions are received for the post
if there's a trace of a post in the DB that doesn't have a corresponding file, it's basically a 404 error but probably is actually a little messier than that in practice
ok got it. I was thinking along the same lines but it becomes messier
I have my current notes stored as files already, but have to devise some way to save new ones since I am still using Django's admin interface instead of having a full-micropub setup
so deciding which one is easier to implement 1) change Django's admin setup or 2) implement full micropub
[eddie] joined the channel
oh aaronpk: on that topic, your webmentions. They are stored in the YAML front-matter? Or somewhere else?
^ that should be a p3k FAQ since I asked it already once at least :P
right now they are only stored in the database ? but my plan is to have a separate storage file for each post for its webmentions
I have files per webmention
file per webmention makes it a little easier to deal with updates actually
That is true.
sknebel, why timestamp? Do you allow multiple webmentions per source?
[eddie]: right now I don't process updates properly, but want to have all data later
I don't display them yet, rendering many WMs from many files might not scale
yeah i'll probably still be caching them in the database for that reason
but since I cache parts of the post html, maybe I'll cache a rendered version of all WMs as well
Hmmm interesting. I’ll have to think through all of that. ?
(I have a post.html file which html with yaml header, but if a post is not written in HTML directly there is a source.<format> file as well)
(*still* working on my MP endpoint, this is taking entirely to long, but once its finished it'll also automatically save all changes in git and push it to a backup location)
[kevinmarks] and [mko] joined the channel
edited /indieweb_network (+84) "/* Larger or multi-user software */ websub for micro.blog"
(view diff)
RT @ReadersGazette BLOG Indie Author Answers by Jim Heskett http://www.thejugglingauthor.com/indieauth/ Get help writing your book #bookbloggers 63
[eddie], [kevinmarks] and [tamaracks] joined the channel