2017-05-04 UTC
[cleverdevil] and tantek joined the channel
# 01:53 KartikPrabhu anyone have good reasons for using some particular format for date times? particularly 1) use "T" or "<space>" to separate date from time and 2) use "+HH:MM" or "+HHMM" for timezone?
leg and gRegorLove joined the channel
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# 07:17 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 07:30 sknebel I also can't find it in the spec, just wanted to make sure before I delete it from the wiki
mblaney joined the channel
# 07:39 mblaney see the section "Verifying the authorization code"
# 07:40 sknebel mblaney: yes, that talks about using the token endpoint,not the mp-endpoint
# 07:40 sknebel (which makes sense, and I assume is the current state of things but is not what's said in the link)
# 07:41 sknebel (oh, not even, the section you refer to talks about communcation between token- and auth-endpoint)
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# 14:20 sknebel schmarty: one thing I didn't change in my patch, since it would have broken the existing interface, would be to replace the scope parameter you store in the g-object with the list of seperated scopes as well
leg joined the channel
# 14:21 sknebel also, I'm curious why you check for the access_token in json as well – micropub doesn't specify that, do you have another use case?
# 14:23 schmarty i feel like i added that check while testing against a specific micropub client, but can't recall now what it would have been.
# 14:24 schmarty also: i like the idea of storing the scopes as a separated list. it feels cleaner and probably worth the breaking change.
[eddie] joined the channel
gRegorLove, cweiske, barpthewire, [gregorlove] and miklb joined the channel
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[mikirk], tantek, KartikPrabhu, [gregorlove], cweiske, [goldylocks] and [colinwalker] joined the channel
[gregorlove], [kevinmarks] and miklb joined the channel
[gregorlove], [evanwolf], tantek, [cleverdevil] and mblaney joined the channel
# 23:41 mblaney for me, the token endpoint verification is a functional part of the micropub process, because I support multiple users on the same domain.
# 23:42 mblaney I need the returned rel=me to find the path in the url, so I can match a username.