LoqiAnnotations are comments (including marginalia), highlights or any other interactions that add to (part of) a post, typically added by individuals other than the author https://indieweb.org/annotation
gRegorLoveMentioned in main channel, but might have got lost amidst HWC notes "Anyone here have a connection with Lindsay Goldner in Portland? I was going to invite her to IWS on Twitter, but figured I'd ask if someone actually already knew her so ti wasn't from a relative stranger."
gRegorLoveI'm excited to see the 10 people that show up as indie RSVPs at the top of 2017.indieweb.org, but wish there was more diversity there too :) Anyway, I don't have a lot of specific ideas, just thinking out loud, if anyone wants to chime in.
tantekgRegorLove: there are two things I have seen help diversity in attendance at HWC / IWC events. 1 directly contacing people you know who would be interested and inviting them 1:1 and making it clear they would "belong" (as opposed to feeling like an outsider), and 2 sad to say, paying for FB to promote the POSSE copy of the event (benwerd can speak to this)
tantek.comedited /2017/Leaders (+166) "/* When */ confirmed morning, give two options later do/bring your own breakfast, or earlier with breakfast. Please add your opinion/prefs!!!" (view diff)
mblaneymy concern is that these two additions aren't backwards compatible with existing implementations, and I'm guessing there are a lot of PuSH implementations out there.
Loqi[gRegor Morrill] I was thinking it would be nice to keep different lists in Netflix rather than one ever-growing list. I might be able to achieve that with different viewer profiles, but I figured I would experiment keeping lists on my own site instead. I wrote up so...
aaronpkIf there is anything about the requirements of a hub that you aren't clear on, please open an issue titled "why should a hub ______?" and we'll add some text to the spec clarifying it
aaronpkit turns out it was a surprisingly smalll amount of code to add to switchboard to make it always send fat pings with a signature, so I don't feel like it's a huge burden on hubs to do that
gregorlove.comcreated /2017/Sessions (+401) "Created page with "{{stub}} If you have session ideas for [[2017|IndieWeb Summit 2017]] that you'd like to capture beforehand, please add them here! Copy paste this: <kbd style="display:block"><n..."" (view diff)
Loqipin or pinning is a feature that allows the author to choose a post to put at the top of their profile (or homepage) which is then called a pinned or sticky post https://indieweb.org/Pin