tantekjsonfeed << [https://github.com/brentsimmons/JSONFeed/issues/49 Megathread JSONFeed issue 49: Thought experiment: using schema.org + JSON-LD instead] (unclear if based on real world use-case, or unintentional, but quite effective, trolling and attempt at reigniting RSS/Atom wars of yore)
Loqiok, I added "[https://github.com/brentsimmons/JSONFeed/issues/49 Megathread JSONFeed issue 49: Thought experiment: using schema.org + JSON-LD instead] (unclear if based on real world use-case, or unintentional, but quite effective, trolling and attempt at reigniting RSS/Atom wars of yore)" to the "See Also" section of /jsonfeed
LoqiRSS in JSON appears to be an occasional standards meme that pops up every few years with a new attempt at putting RSS into JSON, or defining a JSON feed file format to replace RSS https://indieweb.org/RSS_in_JSON
LoqiRSS typically loosely refers to a set of XML feed file formats of varying degrees of use for syndicating typically time-stamped content from web sites https://indieweb.org/RSS
LoqiRSS is a set of XML feed file formats of varying degrees of use for syndicating time-stamped content from web sites, and sometimes used to refer more broadly to feed file formats as a whole including Atom, or even more broadly in vernacular as a synonym for feed file or even feeds or syndication as a concept https://indieweb.org/RSS
tantekperhaps the many meanings of RSS explain the many interpretations of RSS in JSON. whether direct format conversion, or "feed in JSON" which became JSON Feed
miklbwhen I read the phrase "RSS in JSON" I'm hearing that JSON is a wrapper for the already existing RSS, however you define RSS. Not taking a stance one way or another.
miklbI was fortunate enough to be around a lot of really smart people when Habari was being developed and learned a fair amount about "RSS" vs Atom so I have a clearer distinction than maybe general audience.
dougbealaaronpk: maybe this should be in dev. does the webserver matter? should the php version matter? I was going to use mariadb:5.5 to mirror my host.
Loqiaaronpk: dougbeal left you a message 59 minutes ago: For OwnYourGram, does the webserver matter? should the php version matter? I was going to use mariadb:5.5 to mirror my host.
[jeremycherfas]I thought, if I work out whether a particular page is either the RSS feed or the Atom feed, then I can maybe get the plugin not to inject the rel=“webmention” on that page. No luck so far.
voxpelliWow, WebSub is "a a niche of a niche of a niche of a thing nobody cares about" – would never have thought someone would find WebSub to be such controversial as that tt-rss person
voxpelliTo me it's the least controversial piece of tech in the entire IndieWeb stack :/ I mean – it's even the official way to submit new pages in realtime to Google
sknebelaaronpk: so if I steal the session cookie from my browser I can use the mediawiki api (since it sounded like you weren't sure if that's possible)
cweiskemy home server ssh's into my main server as a special user, which automatically starts a script that uses the remote user's IP as new DNS target
aaronpkWe also have to make sure to distinguish between authentication and authorization, to make sure we don't create a way for someone to automatically log a bot in unintentionally
sknebelthe simplification is that the bot "owns" the identity, it doesn't support (without specifying the step "how does it talk to the auth endpoint") a bot that can only act as a user in limited capacity
sknebel(and using it for private webmentions isn't straightforward either, since there is no clear answer to "which identity is a private webmention adressed to", so this needs thinking as well)