eli_oatI'm not certain. I'll do some poking. It isn't really documented, as far as I can tell. I'm about to start poking at the source to see if I can figure out what it is looking for.
eli_oatYeah, i think I had a leg up in that I a) had a heap of help, b) built my system from the ground up with the whole focus being on supporting micropub and indieweb
schmartyhmm. i'm a bit lost/confused with the tt-rrss-micropub plugin, as well. i have it configured with my site as an identity, but i don't see any micropub interface when reading through feeds...
eli_oathmm, no luck finding that on github, sorry. If you have the fever plugin installed, you can also use various 3rd party feed readers (like Reeder for mac and iOS)
eli_oatReeder on iOS is a great app, too. I generally shy away from anything that isn't in the browser or on the command line (ironic for someone who works for an app dev.), but love reeder 3 on iOS
eli_oatI'm not sure if my site is ever able to automatically send webmentions to folks. It may just be reciving them. When possible, i manually send webmentions
eli_oatI'll go back over the code, and read up more on webmentions. I'll admit I'm still not totes confident I actually understand all the steps of sending/recieving a webmention
gRegorLoveI mean, it's common, recommended (you are technically citing an external source), but as far as wm sending / receiving, it's not a requirement)
Zegnat!tell aaronpk Why does webmention.io change the HTML content value of a mention? It added an xml:lang property that doesn’t exist in the original, and also lowercased the contents of the lang attribute (from nl-NL to nl-nl) https://webmention.io/indiewebcamp/webmention/qcdYT9Gw0t91GewcOvvb
Zegnatpetermolnar, you could also get tag suggestions for link/bookmark posts from Pinboard, if that’s another thing you want to work on besides photos
Loqiaaronpk: Zegnat left you a message 5 hours, 53 minutes ago: Why does webmention.io change the HTML content value of a mention? It added an xml:lang property that doesn’t exist in the original, and also lowercased the contents of the lang attribute (from nl-NL to nl-nl) https://webmention.io/indiewebcamp/webmention/qcdYT9Gw0t91GewcOvvb
aaronpkZegnat: it sanitizes the HTML restricted to a very small whitelist of HTML tags and allows only mf2 classes, that way consumers can display the HTML directly without sanitizing it themselves
aaronpkit uses the main PHP sanitization library to do so, and it's actually XRay that does that. If you think it's doing something wrong feel free to open an issue on XRay and I'll look into it
ZegnatAdding xml:lang isn’t really wrong, just unexpected in HTML context. Changing the case on the language tag may invalidate the value, not sure, so that could be a bug. Will look into it and file on XRay if it is against spec
surfthedream.com.aucreated /javery (+414) "Created page with "= [https://surfthedream.com.au Justin Avery] = Hey, I'm Justin, a Digital Consultant during the day and a lover of all things webby. I attend the London [[Homebrew_Website_Club..."" (view diff)
[eddie]aaronpk: Does webmention.io accept any arbitrary webmention.io/username/webmention with any domain? Or do you have to “sign in with your domain” first?
[eddie]One thing I’m debating right now is I have it only using one Micropub account, but I can imagine some people have multiple micropub endpoints. Trying to figure if I should finish up the standard functionality and then go back and add multiple micropub accounts or add it in foundationally