sknebelI'm sure the implicit name rules have potential to break stuff :P (you might have to change your name to the empty string though, which could get tricky)
sknebel(apropos, wanted to make a test case for the split-off timezone for microformat/tests. if multiple parsers get it wrong, it's worth a test case)
Zegnatsknebel, this is more for #mf, but: an issue to me is the entirely different parsing algo behind vcp vs plain string parsing. Especially if we want to start allowing partial matches to be implied to non-vcp values.
ZegnatIt makes more sense to me to first resolve vcp into a string value. And then parse any string value (whether obtained from vcp or the straight mf) with a set of rules for extracting the datetime.
ZegnatBut no matter how I tried to write that up as a spec, it stayed confusing. I’ll revisit next week after my final exams, those are occupying my mind atm.
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