gRegorLovetantek: Not a video that I can find, just video of State of the IndieWeb and Cutting Edge IndieWeb. There were attendee intros and demos after those two, though.
tantekok etherpad icon suggestion: ? for when the etherpads are *active* and have not yet been archived, then change them to ? after they've been archived
gRegorLoveI usually remove the link from the Schedule page once they're archived on a session page; the session page links to the etherpad at that point
tantek.comedited /2017/Düsseldorf/Schedule (+462) "/* Saturday May 13, 2017 */ emoji video links, and emojis for various states of etherpads to see if that's useful or not" (view diff)
tantek(what I'm learning as someone who was not at an IWC, nor able to watch/participate remotely, is after the fact, I wanted something like this to watch and catch-up)
[miklb]Now I’m thinking about instead of scrobbling every song as a post, setting a up an Alfred Workflow to use micropub to post current playing song.
Zegnat!tell tantek gRegorLove Nürnberg uses ? to link to videos because /? is a link to /video. Made sense to me to keep the iconography the same. I did those links, and the rest of the schedule page during IWC lunch as I was remote.
Zegnat!tell gRegorLove Nürnberg uses ? to link to videos because /? is a link to /video. Made sense to me to keep the iconography the same. I did those links, and the rest of the schedule page during IWC lunch as I was remote.
[eddie]!tell manton you note permalinks have the date/time link within the h-entry content. I'm on mobile right now so I can't look at your source code for suggestions but the mf2 if definitely a little off
[eddie]Which, if I wanted to use the mf2 content as a note for a reply or like, would put the date-time at the end even if just using the content.value
[eddie]Zegnat: Yeah, I was actually just looking at the code of his website and realized that it doesn’t really have mf2. It has a “hentry” class which is tricking my parser
[eddie]The share sheet will always be there (it requires a UI and each app can only have one) for replies and actions that require text input. However is it worth it to add extra “Action” extensions for things like “Like” and “Repost” or is there not that big of a benefit?
[eddie]miklb cleverdevil aaronpk: I’m about to post 2 gifs, the first one is what liking a random URL looks like via a Share Extension (Takes a bit long), the second one is an Action extension (technically I’m copying a Tweet’s text, but the taps are the same if it were a “like” action).
[eddie]I've just gotten so use to Tweetbot's "like" button in like that I felt like the Share Extension was a lot of steps, but I guess really if you want less steps then that you should be in a Micropub/Microsub reader
[eddie]Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I think I'm going to start with a table view of actions and then show the Fields applicable to any type of action.
[eddie]So in that way you would click the share sheet icon, and then it would present a list of options one of them being like you would click on the like and then it would show confirmation that the like was sent.
[eddie]Same with repost. Then if you choose to reply, that is when a text box for the pier and you would be able to attach things like an image categories etc.
GWG[miklb]: Yes, but the Micropub plugin saves anything in the 'photo' property as a sideloaded attachment, so I switched it to use the built-in attachment functions, which makes it more universal.
[eddie]I keep getting caught up in trying to refine the UI too much and getting stuck in the weeds, so I have to keep re-orienting myself. Get everything working correctly and then worry about the look
LoqigRegorLove: Zegnat left you a message 14 hours, 15 minutes ago: Nürnberg uses ? to link to videos because /? is a link to /video. Made sense to me to keep the iconography the same. I did those links, and the rest of the schedule page during IWC lunch as I was remote.