[eddie]aaronpk: As I’m thinking through how I build stuff out for my site. Do you use your hosted XRay internally? Or do you have the same code but both as an external service and as part of your internal codebase?
[eddie]Just rolled out an update to my micropub server (*crosses fingers*) It supports posting photos with captions, likes, reposts, replies, notes and articles. ? Haven’t throughly tested it. lol Hope everything works well as I test it out with Quill today. if all goes well, then I’ll be ready to wrap up the final work on Indigenous and get it into a place where I can do a beta
[eddie]I had boxed myself into a corner with my initial micropub implementation. (I was putting everything into YAML by hand…. I don’t know why I did that. Really dumb) so I moved over now to a new data storage model (still yaml) more similar to your implementation on p3k how it mirrors micropub/mf2. And I use a yaml module that pushes a JavaScript Object directly into yaml automatically. MUCH more flexible now. Instead of looking for specific prop
[eddie]And now that my server pretty much supports all general/typical post types, I can really get moving on Indigenous. The hold-up was my poor micropub support as I want to make sure indigenous is working well so it’s actually a decent beta and not really an alpha ?
Loqi[codedge] laravel-selfupdater: This package provides some basic methods to implement a self updating functionality for your Laravel 5 application. Already bundled are some methods to provide a self-update mechanism via Github.
tantekI noticed (from taking a step back) that the home page has good "timeless" content (mission, summary, principles etc.) as well as good "future" content (HWC, IWS/IWC)
tantekwhat's missing from that is "recently" (just chat log and recent changes, both of which have a ton to wade through to find any "recent highlights")
tantek.comedited /timeline (+1131) "/* needs cleanup */ we documented a few of these, and there are a few more we should document (likely available from their pages)" (view diff)
tantek!tell gRegorLove if you're interested in digging into a few more timeline items, I expanded some specifics that we need dates/creators/citations for https://indieweb.org/timeline#Needs_Dates_and_incorporation_above in nice bullet list form so you can knock out as few or as many as you want and mark them off accordingly
LoqigRegorLove: tantek left you a message 31 minutes ago: if you're interested in digging into a few more timeline items, I expanded some specifics that we need dates/creators/citations for https://indieweb.org/timeline#Needs_Dates_and_incorporation_above in nice bullet list form so you can knock out as few or as many as you want and mark them off accordingly
gRegorLoveI think my own confusion with the page started with /2015/Demos, where we combined start and end demos in there. Then /2016 was first IWS so there was a keynote rather than "normal" intro session
sknebelhm, Nürnberg doesn't have a Demo page yet... I did Düsseldorf, but since I was in Nürnberg on-site I didn't have the time/quiet to do it immediately afterwards
gRegorLovetantek: Should "State of the IndieWeb and other keynotes" on /2017/Schedule be "Introductions, State of the IndieWeb, and other keynotes" then?
tantekI'm leaning toward the emoji instead of YT branding. In the hopes that the links to YT videos could somehow in the future be replaced with archive.org open video links or something