eli_oatI need to read through the spec. a bit more before I can write more, but defo wanna expand it to talk about discoverability and endpoints, at least.
eli_oatit has been neat to see how this community documents stuff. I'm in charge of writing documentation at work, but I'm the only one who ever works on it, and for the most part, the only one who reads it. Doing it in the open is a lot more fun
gRegorLove, eli_oat[m] and eli_oat joined the channel
gRegorLovetantek: This post mentions mf2 has been in development the "past couple years" and then it's "stable and ready for trying out in real world experiments" so should I use that post's date in the Background section of the article, or some other more precise date?
gRegorLove"Most of the existing microformats originated at the Microformats.org wiki and the associated mailing list[citation needed]" Love the placement of that "citation needed" :)
pfefferle!tell GWG I think homepage webmentions are fine and it shouldn't be that complicated to implement... for "archive/taxonomy webmentions" we need something like `url_to_taxonomyid`...
LoqiGWG: pfefferle left you a message 4 hours, 16 minutes ago: I think homepage webmentions are fine and it shouldn't be that complicated to implement... for "archive/taxonomy webmentions" we need something like `url_to_taxonomyid`...
Loqischmarty: tantek left you a message 2 days, 17 hours ago: added a bunch more proposed Leaders Summit sessions for your consideration - please take a look and add interested (or not) notes, or other suggestions! https://indieweb.org/2017/Leaders#Sessions
tantek.comedited /specifications (-295) "lots of h-entry extensions made it into the core since that page was last touched, simplify lists significantly" (view diff)