tantekin short, it takes too long for the work that you do, bug fixes, etc. to get deployed to "normal" users, and "normal" WordPress users will not bother with the Github version
tantekFrom what I can tell from the past two years, pfefferle is not really actively pushing updates to "normal" users, nor really shows any interest or maybe just isn't available to, so it makes sense to have someone who is active here do a "user" fork that is more response to bug fixes and updates
tantekGWG, what do you think of forking the WordPress IndieWeb related plugins into the IndieWeb github org, and assigning multiple repo maintainers so we are not bottlenecked on a single person (per [miklb]'s point)
tantek2. being bottlenecked / greatly delayed getting "official" (WP directory) releases of plugins both initially, and responsive updates when bug fixes / improvements are made
[miklb]fwiw, pfefferle has been pretty quick to merge and release plugin updates. I know there was a time before I was using WordPress where he had commitments,but I haven’t seen any long delays.
[miklb]Work on the theme & I want to get some kind of check in working, either ownyourswarm or use your simple locations before I go to New Orleans next month
aaronpki've been erring on the side of keeping things on my own account as part of "p3k" lately, mostly cause i'm not sure everyone wants to solve the problems the same way as me
GWGwordpress-uf2 is an old repo. Maybe it is better to start fresh with that. It was meant to try and automatically add mf2. markup using filters and such.
tantekaaronpk, agreed, that makes sense. similarly, cassis.js is *very* opinionated right now (maybe not in all the ideal ways), but in a way that makes sense to me, but may not make sense to others (in terms of coding on / in it)
Zegnatsknebel, I am planning to do some work on my wm endpoint today, including private wm. Are you available later today for some testing/consultation?
GWGpfefferle: I did, however, agree with tantek that trying to solve the entire non-post mentions problem was overscoping when homepage mentions were the only one for which there was a specific rather than general use case, which is why I sent the PR.
pfefferleGWG I understand, and I like the changes and already merged them... I only wanted to argue why it is still not live on the WP repo... and that is because of some issues with WordPress showing "duplicate comment" issues if bridgy sends webmentions to more than one URL with the same content.
Zegnatpfefferle, is there a reason to not push to WP for every thing that gets merged? That’s probably what tantek hoped for: quick iterative updates, if you have 2 bugs and fixed only 1, still push it.
pfefferleZegnat with the review process, we wanted to lower the bug count... and as far as I know there was never a problem of blocking a bugfix for too long...
tantekgRegorLove: of the 18 indie RSVPs you counted, (and which are displayed on 2017.indieweb.org), note that the two black & white icons look VERY similar >:D (due to posting multiple indie RSVP posts ;) )
tantekwhereas right now if you want to post an RSVP with WordPress WITHOUT typing in markup, you have to install the latest Wordpress Post kinds plugin via github / sftp/scp command line voodoo
tanteksknebel: see the #indieweb logs - it was not as of when scottjenson tried to RSVP, and it was pretty clear that setting up WordPress to post RSVPs is like a twisty maze
LoqiAn RSVP is a reply to an event post that says whether the sender is or is not attending, might attend, or is just interested in the event https://indieweb.org/rsvp
Zegnattantek, I wanted to RSVP (I have cleared my schedule for IWC), but did not want to RSVP yes to 2017.indieweb.org because I am not taking a spot (I am 100% remote)
tantekZegnat - great point! Can you add a note / question to that extent in /RSVP#Brainstorming about "remote participation"? (create a new subsection on that topic if there isn't one already)
ben_thatmustbemeaaronpk: regarding the laravel queuing and sending too many webmentions. I see what you mean. I have a way around it, but I really shouldn't have to do it this way.
[pfefferle]GWG what do you think about an wordpress-indieweb-debug plugin, so we do not have to ship debug code with webmentions and semantic linkbacks and some other plugins?
tantek"Microformats" should not be capitalized, and I guarantee that tilting the text like that will get people to *align* the text horizontally and thus misalign the logo. we've already seen this with the previous microformats stickers
tantekso "Microformats" should be "microformats", and the text should be horizontally aligned with the bottom of the logo so people line it up correctly. also should be "microformats.org" TBH
LoqiAbout microformats | Thanks | People | Colophon
Designed for humans first and machines second, microformats are a set of simple, open data formats built upon existing and widely adopted standards. Instead of throwing away what works today, microform...
LoqiWebmention is a web standard for mentions and conversations across the web, a powerful building block that is used for a growing federated network of comments, likes, reposts, and other rich interactions across the decentralized social web https://indieweb.org/Webmention
tantekexcept with the W, the x-axis is time, whereas with network traffic diagrams, the y-axies is typically time (downward indicating further in time)
tantekaaronpk: I specifically remember describing the analogy of the W with the arrow to network traffic to you - we discussed this with V for Vouch similarly!
tantekaaronpk: another relatively "simple" set of graphics for Webmention and Micropub: use the first letter "M" and "W" as shaped on micropub.rocks and webmention.rocks, and put their starburst behind it
tantekaaronpk: I guess I'm saying it's OK if we have webmention.rocks and micropub.rocks stickers because both of those are awesome sites worth promoting
gRegorLoveThe h-entry doesn't have an explicit p-name so when parsing the h-entry implied name is the plain text of the review instead of the title of the review.
tantekaaronpk - do you have any Webmention.rocks or micropub.rocks stickers left? Also I noticed that the Webmention.rocks sticker I have does not actually say what it is
tantekaaronpk, which makes me think that new hex stickers for both micropub.rocks and webmention.rocks is the way to go for this round - so there are stickers with those URLs on them. we need those anyway, and the design is fairly well defined
ZegnatJust reading through the graphics discussion before bed and wanted to discourage an M-downwards-arrow for Micropub. Sounds a lot like the markdown logo.
gRegorLoveNice! Yeah I think that section might be pretty old. Think there's core plugins for video and audio. I def saw benwerd demo audio posts a couple years ago
[cleverdevil]Thanks for the feedback, folks. I've added some tasks for myself to clean up extraneous h-cards and audit the microformats in all of my plugins.