tantekgRegorLove++ thanks for the "event" markup verification. 7 of 8 impls doing h-event as root object is pretty strong evidence, more than needed to add to the Post Type Algorithm
sknebelmf2util (python lib by kylewm) has a function to parse mfs, which includes events (determines them by being h-event and not h-entry) and which I use to determine days on which IWCs happen for the youtube bot
tantekinteresting, adding h-event support to Post Type Discovery will require adding it as a normative reference, which will require updating h-event to have similar change control as h-entry. https://github.com/microformats/h-event/issues/1
sknebelaaronpk: only thing in the way of completely automatic is that you have to choose an auth provider on indieauth.com, other than that the flow could be relatively easily scripted (that the thought process where my comparison of manual flow to potential automatic one on /non-interacitve IndieAuth came from)
sknebelbut of course you then end up with the app trying to use cookies instead of tokens, since browsers don't ask for tokens, which makes things less nice
[sebsel]also, alice.server should somehow get the code mentioned in 2 from alice.auth. That might be obvious, but since they can be different servers, I think it’s good to make that explicit
ZegnatI wonder what makes more sense: 1. Bob giving Alice a token and saying “you can use this to C/R/U/D”, or 2. Alice asking Bob for a token for the specific action she wants to do.
ZegnatI think sknebel wants scoping within that scope, sebsel. So me=svenknebel.de now has access to all posts ment for him, but he wants the system to be able to request a token me=svenknebel.de that only has access to a subset of the posts.
Zegnatprivate wm is a very easy usecase that needs very little. But other auths, such as micropub, will always need slightly more information than this offers
ZegnatAh, you mean, I might want the wm endpoint on licit.li not be able to read private webmentions sent to vanderven.se/martijn/? But wouldn’t both identify themselves as me=vanderven.se/martijn/ ?
aaronpkA similar example being how my auth endpoint has its own concept of "channels" so I can limit where apps can post to but they don't know anything is different
aaronpkyeah client id would be something identifying the server that is requesting the token, so the webmention endpoint URL would be a good thing to use
aaronpkOAuth is a protocol for delegating authorization to third party clients. As a user, you trust those clients only a little, so you grant them limited scope to your account
aaronpkif the webmention endpoint is on a different domain than the user it's claiming to represent, then we need the delegated authorization part so the webmention endpoint can prove the user has authorized it to act on their behalf
sknebelI'm not sure where the "inception" is. but I'm also currently trying to understand why my webserver configuration actually works (I hope it's not a schrödinger-bug) and still thinking about what I actually wanted to do before that
sebselthe inception I saw is that in order for alice.server to obtain a code, it needs to prove to alice.auth that it's with alice, which is the whole problem all over again, if they are on different servers.
ZegnatOne line of explanation “authenticate itself”, next line of explanation “authorization part”, and again the difference after auth- makes all the difference
ZegnatThat is a pretty good write-up ^^^ though I am not sure I agree with Slack et al as a social network. A communication network for sure, but I don’t get a big feel of identity on those.
sknebelaaronpk: I found a bug in Indieauth redirects (issue is filed), but with the new-ish feature of it redirecting automatically if there is only an authorization endpoint I think I can implement automatic wiki login
[kevinmarks], gRegorLove and KevinMarks joined the channel
eli_oatDoes anyone else who sends webmentions via webmentions.io notice that bridgy picks up POSSE'd content faster than the webmention itself is delivered?
aaronpkwebmention.io receives webmentions for people, and optionally delivers them to the site via a web hook. it processes everything asynchronously and is sometimes kinda slow about that
eli_oat:D shout out to aaronpk++ for helping me sort out what was going on there (e.g. I was trying to send them through a receiver rather than a transmitter…to go with a radio metaphor)