ZegnatOpen question to all webmention endpoint implementers: if you return a status page for a webmention, how do you handle repeat mentions (e.g. caused by an update)? Same status page / same ID, or treat it as a completely new mention?
LoqiZegnat: tantek left you a message 7 hours, 36 minutes ago: interesting. And looks cleaner. Still think we should keep "TBD" for the regularly reliable HWCs even if they chance venues
sknebelIHMO they should be different, with maybe the exception of if you merge their processing (e.g. because a second mention is received before you've processed the first)
Zegnat!tell tantek I brought back the "regularly reliable" venues on /events/2017-06-28-homebrew-website-club and adapted Brighton's "just show up" syntax on the RSVP line (sounds welcoming I think). Is SF friendly to drop-ins too? Or does Mozilla require a list of attendees?
sknebelIn the US I kind of get people thinking in East vs West, but in Europe I don't think many use that mental pattern outside maybe really eastern europe
[sebsel]yeah, but CET is just very big and covers a lot of Europe already. I think that’s why we don’t think in timezones. I can feel Londen being different from Berlin, but always forget that Portugal is in GMT as well https://savvytime.com/static/images/timezone/cet.png
aaronpkmore realistically, it's more convenient to be synchronized with part of europe than it is to be technically correct according to the position of the sun when the time of day has little effect on how much daylight hours there are
aaronpktho given how many icelandair flights were delayed by 30-90 minutes today it's quite possible that icelandic clocks run at randomly varying rates and everyone just sort of hopes things work out in the end
[eddie]aaronpk: Currently I’m making my checkin maps on-demand. I need to start saving those to my server instead. It seems that you just name your map map.png and put it in the folder with your post.txt. Do you make any notes in your YAML that there is a map or is it based on some type of “post-type-discovery”
aaronpkyep exactly, i have files called "map.png" everywhere, as well as "photo.jpg" for my photo posts. I have a property in my YAML called "map-image" which tells it the filename.
aaronpkthe only problem i've ran into with this is it doesn't let me save two different map images, which i kind of want to do. (a thin one for list views, and taller one for permalinks)
[eddie]ohhh okay. So your code doesn’t assume the file name, you add the filename into YAML. that’s smart. (Yeah, I’ve been thinking through numbering my maps because I have a different image for my checkin background than my checkin preview in a feed).
[eddie]That’s good. It’s not my default method of thinking, but I can see how that really simplifies the code and future code changes, so I try to course correct when I see or detect that
ZegnatNow we wait for the newsletter to go out and we’ll know if we fixed everything up nice :) If we are no longer going to allow TBDs on the page we know that all cities are basically confirmed (unless some late cancellations come in) so we should make an effort to get them in the newsletter.
ZegnatThis might also have to move the “deadline” for organisers to put their events up to Friday instead of Sunday. tantek writes a Moz newsletter on Monday, but the IndieWeb newsletter is pretty important too.
Loqitantek: Zegnat left you a message 11 hours, 46 minutes ago: I brought back the "regularly reliable" venues on /events/2017-06-28-homebrew-website-club and adapted Brighton's "just show up" syntax on the RSVP line (sounds welcoming I think). Is SF friendly to drop-ins too? Or does Mozilla require a list of attendees?
tantekHWC & IWC co-leaders: we're 1 week out, and I see 6 people in person RSVP at https://indieweb.org/2017/Leaders#RSVP so that's what we're going to get breakfast / food for