2017-06-23 UTC
eli_oat joined the channel
amitp, j12t, KevinMarks, [kevinmarks] and tantek joined the channel
# 00:35 tantek js;dr site = inaccessible in Boston Logan airport
# 00:35 GWG I am sitting on a flight that just took off listening to KevinMarks
amitp joined the channel
# 00:53 sknebel although if people start testing selfauth already we really should add a "not recommended for actual use yet" warning to the readme
j12t, amitp and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 01:51 GWG chrisaldrich, still thinking about what is next
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 02:11 Loqi sknebel has 11 karma in this channel (31 overall)
j12t, [kevinmarks] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 03:12 ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk, i figure i should make sure to get it stated that you are okay with the contributing.md and licenses (MIT and CC0) before i merge your PR for selfauth
[miklb] joined the channel
# 03:30 ben_thatmustbeme hmm, regarding #3 (writing its own config file), is no one concerned about it being possible for someone to happen to leave their endpoint unconfigured and someone could just hit the setup.php page and configure it for them?
# 03:32 sknebel kind of. there you still need to setup database etc, it's a bit more than just hit a button and go. but yes, it's a fairly common pattern
tantek joined the channel
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 03:56 sknebel yeah, should be enough (at least I can't come up with an obvious scenario, and it's better than what we have now)
# 03:57 sknebel I just find this stuff totally fascinating but also incredibly hard to match to practice
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 05:02 aaronpk It seems odd, but I think I don't need to do anything else before the leaders summit tomorrow morning so I am going to bed to get some sleep!
# 05:04 Loqi aaronpk has 58 karma in this channel (1353 overall)
kraftbj joined the channel
# 05:24 kraftbj GWG: To continue on, I'll add to GH how I was able to manually inspect that.
# 05:24 GWG kraftbj, updating a comment is held up by a ticket that has been rejected in 4.6-4.8
# 05:24 GWG I think I have to do something hacky
# 05:25 kraftbj core ticket? you have a link handy?
# 05:26 [miklb] I didn’t think the issue with semantic linkbacks and author_name not being included had anything to do with updating a comment.
# 05:28 GWG But the author name was enhanced in my last PR to pull from a URL
# 05:29 kraftbj I'll see if I can figure out why that ticket got passed over. It seems logical.
# 05:29 [miklb] chrisaldrich the WordPress uf2 plugin was renamed to Microformats 2
# 05:29 kraftbj Probably just needs someone to poke people enough.
# 05:30 kraftbj I just realized the time. I need to find a bed. Catch y'all soon.
# 05:34 [chrisaldrich] miklb I saw that on Github, and it works there, but no one renamed it here within the wiki, and for our purposes wiki-wise, keeping the name to disambiguate it from the microformats page is probably a good thing.
# 05:35 [miklb] just didn’t know if someone saw uf2 on wiki and looked for it on wp.org and get confused, but it will be in the IndieWeb plugin installer I suspect.
# 05:36 GWG miklb, I intend to restore it and Press This once I get a chance
# 05:37 GWG Now that they are going in the .org repo
# 05:37 [miklb] have they been accepted? I can help add if you have your hands full.
# 05:38 [miklb] guess a new branch with them in it that can be merged and pushed once they are live would work too.
# 05:38 GWG miklb, I know pfefferle submitted them.
cweiske, barpthewire and gRegorLove joined the channel
AngeloGladding joined the channel
# 06:57 pfefferle GWG miklb I have submitted both and uf2 was accepted the other one is still in review
# 07:08 pfefferle GWG I am working on a travis-ci job to push a new version to the WP.org repo every time we create a new tag on github
# 07:09 pfefferle GWG ...so it's easier to update more often without much pain
# 07:11 cweiske pfefferle, when doing that on travis, then travis needs to get hold of the credentials
# 07:12 pfefferle and I will create kind of a WP indieweb user for wordpress, so that I do not have to use my password :)
# 07:13 cweiske I've got a cweiske-mirror user on github that I use to sync from my server to github
sebsel and loicm joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 10:30 petermolnar I'm getting tempted to write a browser plugin that first tried to load the article content from RSS/Atom to avoid js;dr ...
sebsel joined the channel
# 11:03 sebsel that's probably because config.php is in the repo
# 11:03 cweiske ben_thatmustbeme, if it is in the git index already, then .gitignore is ignored
# 11:04 ben_thatmustbeme although i thought i had that working in something else, where it ignored updates, but i am clearly mistaken
# 11:15 sebsel ben_thatmustbeme thanks for the ++ btw :) I'm glad to contribute, for it's a nice addition to the general IndieAuth options.
[colinwalker] joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
amitp, [chrisaldrich] and tantek joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks_, sebsel and KevinMarks joined the channel
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
jkphl_, [chrisaldrich], dougbeal|iOS, [miklb], derhess and tantek joined the channel
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 16:40 sknebel petermolnar, we saw you briefly but you went away
# 16:43 Zegnat IF any non-US participants have a time limit, please shout out
# 16:44 Loqi I added a countdown scheduled for 2017-06-23 7:14pm CEST (#6022)
# 16:45 Zegnat Last time created -dev and renamed the main channel (dropping camp)
Kongaloosh joined the channel
# 16:46 Zegnat -chat was created later. indieweb, -dev, and -chat are being bridged to slach by aaronpk
flo__ joined the channel
# 16:50 Zegnat last year wiki edits were moved to -dev to make the main channel less noisy.
# 16:50 Zegnat if we create a meta channel - should wiki edits go there?
# 16:50 Zegnat meta channel was discussed, but going from 1 to 2 was easier at the time. Hesitant too create too big a split (easier to split than merge)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 16:51 Zegnat multiple channels usually works out very well (—aaronpk), Slack lets people create new channels easily, but Slack also allows for channels to be closed down. IRC does not allow us to do that.
# 16:53 Zegnat can we just go to -chat when something doesn’t fit with main or -dev?
# 16:54 Zegnat surprising amount of discussion in chat that doesn't need to be logged
# 16:54 Zegnat sometimes gets onto ontopic things, and then needs to be copied over
# 16:54 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: Can you hear us?
# 16:55 Zegnat off-the-record chatting should be OK (no slack logs)
# 16:56 tantek we're discussing should we have #indieweb-meta ? for discussion about community, wiki edits
[jeanmacdonald] joined the channel
# 16:57 [jeanmacdonald] chrisaldrich: Now that I'm using Slack's neural implant (beta), I can join an infinite number of Slack channels. ?
# 16:58 Zegnat gRegorLove and sknebel voted -1 on wiki but are mostly just not sure if it is needed to have an extra channel
# 17:02 Zegnat A meta channel will allow people to chose to follow meta work (wiki and organising) without having to go through developer chat backlog.
# 17:02 Zegnat event planning, community stuff[?], wiki edits
# 17:03 Zegnat wiki edits can go to either -dev or -meta, depending on how the channels grow
# 17:03 Zegnat wiki edits are currently very developer related, so would be nice on -dev
# 17:04 Zegnat just noting what is being said. If I really have an own opinion I will speak up, tantek :)
# 17:06 Zegnat how to segregate superfeedr mentions. most people seem fine with current segregation
# 17:08 Zegnat can we change where wiki edits are put based on edit summary text
# 17:08 GWG It just occurred to me. I figured...why not mention it.
# 17:08 Zegnat for indieweb-meta: event planning, community organising (and tools), wiki gardening
# 17:09 Zegnat GWG, great to throw out, so great I thought I should note it here too :)
# 17:10 Zegnat not officially close any chat channel, but focus on the indieweb-chat one for the slack bridge
# 17:11 Zegnat change the #indiechat IRC topic to make it sound less official
# 17:12 sebsel todo: change the topic on #indiechat to not say 'official' and #indiewebcamp
# 17:13 Zegnat finding the line between wp-only and just design questions (as example from GWG) might be hard to find
# 17:14 Zegnat ping petermolnar, you are -1 on the wiki, do you want to put a comment in on indieweb-wordpress ?
# 17:14 Zegnat we are already pointing people to -dev from main, so pointing people to a different channel is already being done
# 17:15 Loqi Countdown set by sknebel on 2017-06-23 at 6:44pm CEST
# 17:15 Zegnat let the community filter out topics themselves?
# 17:18 Zegnat slack allows for anyone to create a new channel, which has led to -wordpress existing there and nowhere else
# 17:22 voxpelli #indieweb-wp is more same length as #indieweb-dev, but sure ;)
# 17:22 GWG For advertising to newcomers, the full name makes more sense.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 17:25 Zegnat decisions have been made for channels, moving on to a different topic
# 17:26 Loqi I added a countdown scheduled for 2017-06-23 10:36am PDT (#6023)
# 17:26 Loqi I added a countdown scheduled for 2017-06-23 7:36pm CEST (#6024)
# 17:26 jkphl_ tantek: you said a very true sentence before: "we've got a lot of distractable people (in the channels)" -- i'm definitely one of them. so this is the main reason why i don't actively participate in the channels (while i still *read* them from time to time, mostly using the web interface)
# 17:27 Loqi [indieweb] branding: Source files for the IndieWebCamp logo and branding materials
# 17:28 Zegnat aaronpk wanted logos for building blogs: whether tools or specs
# 17:28 Zegnat “want to put stickers on things” (quoting out of context for comedic effect)
# 17:30 Zegnat No iterations passed that image: aaronpk and shaners itterated back and forth between them
# 17:30 Zegnat issues on logos are logged in the branding repo
# 17:30 tantek +1 for stickers for specs, validators, tools etc.
# 17:31 Zegnat for stickers of 7 different logos it would cost money to print, so needs a check on interest among the community
# 17:32 petermolnar I'm not a sticker person but I once saw an image with a near transparent debian twist stuck on a thinkpad and it looked stunning
# 17:32 Kongaloosh +1 I really like how how they're kind of like scout badges for IWC
# 17:32 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme has 12 karma in this channel (239 overall)
# 17:33 Kongaloosh I think it would be cool if you could give them out at HWC for completing a thing
# 17:33 jkphl_ i really like the ideas of the hex stickersC! however, i think they should share more of a common design so that people can easily associate them with each other.
# 17:34 [chrisaldrich] Stickers for webmention, micropub and posse are great to help get the word out about those particular ideas. Especially at non-indieweb specific conferences.
# 17:35 Zegnat aaronpk agrees with jkphl_ that design needs to make the stickers have more in common
# 17:36 petermolnar (I used to do pingbacks as well. But then I took a webmention in the knee)
# 17:36 jkphl_ the logos themselves don't need to be too similar, but there should be something like a common base design around the logos (font / label, maybe background color etc.)
# 17:37 sebsel (voxpelli wanted to know if the logo's on the stickers are going to use anywhere else, because if not, then there are plenty of other stickers to put on your laptop)
# 17:37 Loqi petermolnar has 3 karma in this channel (36 overall)
# 17:37 Zegnat there is interest in logos for specs. but those logos need some adoption before stickers start to make sense (possibly)
# 17:38 Zegnat logos are good, them being badges is cool, but needs consistency
# 17:38 Zegnat use cases would also include footers on websites (to show implementation), badges on GitHub READMEs, marks on hosted services
# 17:39 voxpelli (and perhaps templates for incorporating into logos of specific libraries and such)
# 17:40 Zegnat did petermolnar stutter for everyone or just for me?
AngeloGladding joined the channel
# 17:41 petermolnar I only mentioned I've seen the micropub sticker in Brighton, probably from Jeremy
# 17:41 sknebel (sorry, but watching you guys pass stickers around is boring)
# 17:42 tantek what belongs in the indieweb community repo vs others / individual repos?
# 17:43 tantek we moved a few projects from individuals (like wordpress plugins) to the indieweb repo
# 17:45 jkphl_ sorry for that, thought i was still muted. but at least we know it works again. (jule just locked herself out of her apartment :/)
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 17:46 jkphl_ tantek: unfortunately yes. she's just moving out of it ...
# 17:46 Zegnat the ruby webmention repo is on indieweb, and made by aaronpk, but he is no longer using it himself. But people find it through the org and start using it
# 17:47 Loqi [vrypan] webmention-tools: Tools for webmention.org
# 17:47 Zegnat now he receives PRs and issues, but isn’t actually working on it anymore
# 17:47 Zegnat For projects on the indieweb org we need a clear note when a project needs a new maintainer.
# 17:47 [chrisaldrich] thanks petermolnar, I knew there was a specific phrase, but it wasn't coming to me...
# 17:48 Zegnat (This is about the problem of a project becoming unmaintained while listed on the indieweb org.)
# 17:48 petermolnar you can't point out a new maintainer if the repo is within a private tree
# 17:49 tantek voxpelli makes a good point, there should be multiple maintainers before it gets moved to the indieweb org
# 17:49 [chrisaldrich] just the fact that there's a ruby project in the repo, for example, makes an explicit statement that speaks against plurality in some sense... new people may see it and make assumptions.
zoglesby joined the channel
# 17:50 petermolnar indeed fair point; essentially my opinion is the same: just have multiple maintainers or at least nominate a maintainer if you leave it behind _and_ if it's used by anyone other than you
# 17:52 Zegnat voxpelli raising the issue of plurality. When should the indieweb org take ownership. Good for reference implementations (like php-mf), unneccessary for extra implementations (like nodejs parser)
# 17:53 Zegnat only move into indieweb org when multiple maintainers would be there ? (sknebel?)
# 17:54 sknebel community stuff should have multiple people allowed to merge (and ideally release)
# 17:54 Zegnat namespaces on package listings are an overlapping issue
# 17:55 Zegnat when does something go under e.g. mf/ and indieweb/. Not necessarily a problem, but another namespace thing.
# 17:56 Zegnat should projects be moved out of the indieweb org?
# 17:57 Zegnat especially when they do not meet the criteria for coming in anymore
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
# 17:58 Zegnat some areas might not allow much plurality at all - like WP plugins - so maybe have a lower threshold on such projects for coming in?
# 17:59 Zegnat * new criteria for moving in (and possibly moving out) repos to (and from) the indieweb org repo on GitHub
# 17:59 Zegnat * have adaptable thresholds for projects that might need the extra nudge (and that do not allow much plurality anyway) like WP plugins
# 17:59 Zegnat * aaronpk will look at his repos and possibly move things out. Put out a call to others to look at their repos to?
# 18:01 Zegnat Section on indieweb.org for “community use of github” (proposed title)
# 18:01 Loqi I added a countdown scheduled for 2017-06-23 11:16am PDT (#6025)
# 18:02 Zegnat 300 something MBs burned on the 1:40 hours conference with my current settings
# 18:03 Zegnat tantek: I am a big stuff person, ship me stuff! ;)
# 18:04 Zegnat How does Vidyo choose what webcam to show? I am looking at voxpelli’s empty chair, instead of the room where talk is happening
# 18:04 sknebel Zegnat: I think noise level? you can enable a grid view somehow
# 18:04 [chrisaldrich] I think it pulls from the last person to talk/make noise (and who has a camera on--PDX doesn't have their camera on)
# 18:05 Zegnat Oh they turned off? That’s one thing I can’t see.
# 18:05 Zegnat I wonder if my bandwidth settings make me only get 1 view... Most of the time I just see PDX so that’s fine
# 18:06 Zegnat Turning coffee break into dinner break :D just get notified of food being ready
# 18:07 petermolnar hm. embedding images in base64 into archival copies - neat idea, unless the images are GIF and the result is a 44MB HTML o.O
barpthewire joined the channel
# 18:08 petermolnar also damn those who keep displaying galleries with images as background-image from css styling (of course I did that as well eons ago)
# 18:11 Zegnat maintainers have reached agreement and licence info has been updated, so fine to close I would say
# 18:16 Loqi [sebsel] #7 Do not ship with config.php
# 18:24 petermolnar that is because Loqi is not a freaking large robot with machine guns to enforce RESUME
# 18:25 sknebel can't we teach Loqi to shock aaronpk or something?
# 18:25 sknebel something like that. there was a kickstarter for that!
# 18:26 Zegnat I will soon have to go get seconds if this keeps up!
# 18:26 voxpelli sknebel: riiight, any crazy thought one gets already been realized by someone else on the web :P
tantek joined the channel
# 18:31 Loqi I added a countdown scheduled for 2017-06-23 6:51pm GMT+0000 (#6027)
# 18:42 GWG [chrisaldrich]: Want to bring back IWC NA Online?
# 18:42 GWG Since the one in Europe has been doing well enough?
# 18:43 tantek different problems with just one organizer vs multiple organizers
# 18:43 tantek E.g. HWC Nürnberg is always organized by jkphl_ always at the same venue
# 18:44 tantek and it is ok for regular / local attendees for it to be announced last minute sometimes
# 18:47 tantek specifically *venue* TBA, the event itself is certain
# 18:49 GWG [chrisaldrich]: Added it to the wiki as TBA. We'll talk.
# 18:57 tantek Zegnat says just invite him to any HWC FB event and he'll add it
# 18:59 Zegnat sknebel want to replace gRegorLove and Zegnat with a bot. Automate all the stuff!
calumryan joined the channel
# 19:01 GWG I'm sure they'd love to be replaced by bots.
# 19:02 gRegorLove I'm technically a cyborg (pacemaker), so I don't mind being replaced by a robot :)
# 19:02 tantek definitely chime in with ways to help broadcast HWC Edmonton!
# 19:02 GWG gRegorLove: Your technological and biological distinctiveness will be added to our own.
# 19:03 Loqi gwg has 13 karma in this channel (237 overall)
# 19:03 Kongaloosh Just my two cents: I only use the wiki to inform you guys about what's going on.
# 19:03 Zegnat announced topics for HWC: sound great, especially when a following has grown (e.g. on meetup) but the first try in Berlin failed
# 19:07 Zegnat become regular when once a month happens for three months
# 19:09 Zegnat only go “on hiatus” when there is a date known after the hiatus
# 19:09 tantek On Hiatus should only be for regular meetings with a temporary on hold - known / announced restart date
# 19:10 tantek Regular (with on hiatus temporary subset) includes weekly and monthly, Popups (formerly irregular), Getting Started or Need Restarting
# 19:12 Loqi I added a countdown scheduled for 2017-06-23 7:32pm GMT+0000 (#6028)
# 19:13 tantek I agree with moving "Need Restarting" to the Up and coming
# 19:14 tantek 3 months as a transition time requirement for popup -> regular, and as a timeout from Getting Started to Needs Restarting
# 19:24 Zegnat “Many of the most popular London tech meetups announce at least 2 weeks in advance” - calumryan in main channel
flo__ joined the channel
# 19:26 tantek Kongaloosh: have there been multiple HWC Edmonton?
# 19:52 petermolnar I'm going to eject; sorry, everyone, but I'm getting way to tired to be productive
# 19:53 sknebel petermolnar: yeah, it's tiring for the ears as heck
# 19:53 Zegnat have a good one petermolnar, thanks for dropping in either way!
# 19:55 flo__ I have to leave, too
# 19:56 flo__ All the best to you!
j12t joined the channel
# 20:07 GWG [chrisaldrich]: I will start taking group photos
# 20:07 Zegnat sebsel, when was the last HWC NL? We might have to move it down the list on /hwc
# 20:07 sebsel I'm afraid we have to. No meeting since you left. :(
# 20:07 Zegnat I always get empty chairs too :o We should coordinate and make sure we don’t cannibalise each others HWC, GWG
# 20:10 calumryan Happy to co-ordinate HWC London/Virtual HWC European time around 19:00 CEST provided there’s capability to stream
# 20:12 Zegnat tantek: I put “reaching out to organisers” on my IWC todo list. Will probably just start emailing people listed as organisers to see how involved with the community they are
# 20:12 sebsel I would vote for HWC Netherlands as 'Needs restarting', because I really want that, but I haven't got to it.
# 20:13 tantek then we can determine whether things should get moved down from "Needs restarting" to "past" etc.
# 20:17 sknebel sebsel got started on x-ray reading from facebook events, right?
# 20:18 Zegnat teaching Loqi to add events by working on x-ray being able to parse external events without h-event markup
# 20:18 sebsel well, there are a few details, but most of it is done
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 20:25 [chrisaldrich] Doing quarterly meetings can also mean they're shorter in time instead of 5 hour
# 20:28 [chrisaldrich] Anyone have a preference for an IWC-LA time period after mid-August? It's warm here in the winter.
dougbeal|iOS joined the channel
# 20:32 sknebel jkphl_: your camera feed is very horror-movie style ;)
# 20:33 jkphl_ sknebel: please call the police should i suddenly disappear ;)
# 20:34 Zegnat sknebel, I am already in Sweden, and even I don’t feel like travelling up to Kiruna for IWC :p
# 20:35 Loqi IndieWeb code of conduct tl;dr: Be respectful of other people, respectfully ask people to stop if you are bothered, and if you can't resolve an issue contact staff. If you are being a problem, it will be apparent and you'll be asked to leave https://indieweb.org/code-of-conduct
[pfefferle] joined the channel
# 20:41 GWG [pfefferle]: indieweb-wordpress is going official.
[miklb] joined the channel
# 20:50 [miklb] pfefferle do you get an email also about travis-ci failure?
# 20:53 Zegnat [chrisaldrich] are you still in? sknebel and I want to go test mumble (for possible virtual HWC use)
# 20:55 Loqi jkphl has 1 karma in this channel (30 overall)
# 20:58 Loqi [markharding] Thanks!
I'm guessing we might also run into issues because, right now, we have no server side rending.. so such scraping might be an issue.
Are there no standards such as endpoints where we could return json? I think that would be a cleaner soluti...
# 21:10 Loqi pfefferle has 1 karma in this channel (26 overall)
# 21:11 [miklb] that can be done with the core indieweb plugin as well, yes?
# 21:11 Loqi [IndieWeb WordPress Outreach Club] Description
It is only a very basic implementation, because not every element is accessible through actions or filters. It is better to use a theme that supports Microformats 2 fully.
What are Microformats 2?
Microformats are a simple ...
# 21:12 [miklb] did the press this go through? Maybe tag a new IW plugin when add uf2 & the press this?
# 21:14 [pfefferle] aaronpk who is the admin of indieweb.org? is it possible to generate an email wordpress@indieweb.org that forwards to some indieweb wordpress people?
# 21:16 aaronpk im assuming for using as a login for a plugin registry?
# 21:19 Loqi [StackExchange] blackbox: Safely store secrets in Git/Mercurial/Subversion
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
# 21:19 [cleverdevil] Hmm... is there a tool out there that will pull all of my data off of Facebook and retroactively migrate it via Micropub to my site?
# 21:19 [cleverdevil] I've set a personal goal to completely leave Facebook by the end of 2017.
# 21:25 sknebel ugh, they even have microdata markup on the page. with just the name and rating :/
# 21:26 Zegnat that Id should atleast lead to the FB page for the venue, right?
# 21:28 sebsel yeah and the other event I tried on works that way too
# 21:28 Zegnat Is this Facebook API output? Can you query the Facebook API using that ID to get more venue info?
# 21:29 sebsel But this is my first (or second) dive in here. Not really familiar with this structure
# 21:30 sebsel Their explorer complains about all access tokens I give :P
# 21:32 sknebel does bridgy do anything with facebook events oyu could look at?
# 21:37 sknebel I just can't try facebook stuff without an account
# 21:37 sknebel [cleverdevil]: not that I know of. but granary has at least some ability to get data out and convert it, which might be a starting point
# 21:39 [cleverdevil] Ah, thanks @sknebel. I might just focus on getting my data out first, and then work on putting it back on my website later.
# 21:40 Zegnat There is Facebook’s own back-up tool (which is ... interesting)
# 21:40 Zegnat And I don’t know if markmhendrickson’s project touches on Facebook or not
# 21:42 sebsel sknebel I can't seem to get an event out of Granary, what did you use?
# 21:43 sknebel sebsel: as I said, can't try it, but it has code for it. reading through it right now
# 21:44 sebsel Granary only gives me this context of '/ facebook / me / @self / @app / ' and then an input field. The Fb API responds to /id for events, but just adding the ID of the event to Granary does not work
# 21:46 sebsel but then again, I also can't get any posts out of it, so maybe I'm doing something wrong
# 21:46 sknebel sebsel: not sure. anyway, from the source code it doesn't do anything more than converting what you already have in your screenshot, so not all that interesting
# 21:51 sebsel okay, one of my friends is already going to my test event :')
Kaja joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 22:16 sebsel okay, I got XRay working with Fb events ánd a lot of friends attending my test event
AngeloGladding joined the channel
# 22:17 [miklb] think Im at a point I need a dedicated test install of WP for the community plugins ?
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 22:20 sknebel [miklb]: when you set one up, you should consider recording your screen. then you can easily grab screenshots or reference what you did for documentation afterwards, I found that quite useful in the past when having to document complex workflows
# 22:21 [miklb] yes, I want to do small screencast .gifs for documentation at some point
# 22:44 [miklb] wasn’t around during summit, but I think I read mention that -wordpress was being bridged?
# 22:46 [miklb] oh, no I wouldn’t have expected that it was already bridged
[aaronpk] joined the channel
[pfefferle], [miklb] and [aaronpk] joined the channel
# 23:14 sebsel But, it does fail those tests, see my comment
# 23:14 sebsel I have to sleep, however, for it's 1:14 here :)
eli_oat joined the channel