schmarty[aarongustafson]++ ! I look forward to playing with this new plugin! I currently have no automatic outgoing webmentions (or tracking of mentions sent, since I use telegraph).
sknebel(oh, btw, Zegnat: we're going to stay with normal schedule at least for the next few times, so it can be added by default for now. locations still TBA tho)
ZegnatIf someone feels like fixing up the display of /friending#Facebook: please! I thought I would get some screenshots in but it really doesn’t look good.
loqi.meedited /IndieMark (+112) "[kevinmarks] added " describes problems with an extrinsic to do list like indiemark" to "See Also"" (view diff) martijnedited /friending (+359) "/* On Facebook */ Splitting posting audience from other friend features, noting that unfollowing can happen without losing the friend." (view diff)
Loqiaaronpk: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 24 minutes ago: NoMethodError at /auth/github/callback undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass file: auth-web.rb location: block (2 levels) in <class:Controller> line: 619
LoqiThe IndieWeb Community is largely based on principles (AKA tenets) such as own your data, scratch your own itches, build tools for yourself, selfdogfood, document your stuff, open source your stuff, UX design is more important than protocols, visible data for humans first and machines second, platform agnostic platforms, plurality over monoculture, longevity, and remember to have fun!
Loqi[Ben Roberts] Hello, Ben Roberts from the Social Web Working Group and Social Web Incubator Community Group and the W3C (that second one is open to the public if you are interested in joining). I was looking for some feedback.
In yesterday's Social Web Incubat...
ben_thatmustbemeshould probably shop the idea around here too though, if webfinger were replaced with just a template to go user@host->url or just @url -> url (that one is much simpler haha) what would be the interet in here?
LoqiWebFinger is a discovery protocol for the web that uses email address-like identifiers to get info about users; it has been largely superseded on the indieweb by the use of personal web sites and representative h-card
Zegnatpetermolnar the inclusivity thing is a new pet peeve of mine where people seem to read the IndieWeb wiki and then say we are against or excluding specific tech. Which we shouldn’t be doing, that’s not what IndieWeb is about. Open Web and selfdogfooding mean you can use whatever you want.
ZegnatHighlighting criticisms and linking to alternatives is fine. Saying Tech A has been superseded by Tech B in the definition of Tech A should only be done when that is actually the case.
ben_thatmustbememany specs get such treatment as they didn't dogfood before going to spec and as such are really under developed and awkward. I think its fair to be critical of such specifications. claiming superseded is definitely not the correct term
ben_thatmustbemeat the same point there are a set of "accepted" indieweb building blocks, So i'm not sure we are really inclusive of everything any more
aaronpki was looking back at the FSWS 2010 pictures and was kind of surprised how everyone there was representing building a service to host tons of users
Zegnatben_thatmustbeme re rememberability, the nice thing about URLs for identity over some WebFinger:ed accn-uri is that the prior are often discoverable through search engines users are already familiar with.
tantekZegnat, anything meta or about community e.g. exclusive or not - can we please do that in #indieweb-dev? the typical user does not care about that kind of meta
ZegnatOooh, you’re looking at a topic yesterday. That was mostly in context to a tweet being brought into the chat by Loqi, but I can see what you mean :) Noted.
tantekwe should not be afraid or shirk from declaring what tech has been shown to be better by real world implementations, selfdogfooding etc. essentially, what tech has been shown to be better per indieweb principles
aaronpkwhile that is true, i do think there are (were?) some specific instances on the wiki where the term "superseded" was applied a bit too generously
ZegnatYes. And even as a dev term I feel that it is easy to misuse. E.g. OpenID was superseded by OpenID 2.0 which was superseded by OpenID Connect, spec wise. The IndieWeb went with an alternative, but the use of the tech term superseding seemed out of place imho.
ZegnatOpenID and WebFinger I changed. Our tech is different and (possibly, probably) a better alternative, but I feel superseding was a weird word choice
Zegnat[kevinmarks], sure, but on any standards track, especially because of the tech meaning on the word supersede (which is often used when one spec obsoletes another), OpenID was not superseded by websignin, it was superseded by OpenID Connect.
aaronpkZegnat: we're getting info from the mozilla tech people tomorrow afternoon, not sure we'll have a chance then to test with you, also it will be kind of late (3pm pacific)
Zegnat1500 to 1600 would be 2400 to 0100 for me. That’s not a problem. I will be making my way onto a PDX schedule after Leaders anyway to attend the rest of IWS.
Loqi[dissolve] single-emoji-recognizer: determine if some text contains a single emoji or not. useful in determining if a reply is a "reacji" or actual text
[miklb]aaronpk, oh, your library looks like it will make my life that much easier. I had glanced at dissolve’s library already, but it didn’t click on how to use it.