ZegnatTo login to the wiki, the wiki would want to know me as a user, but has 0 need for webmentions. And I do not have to support webmentions at all to be able to use my URL as login.
raucaoyes, i realize that, but some people do need it (esp. everyone implementing micropub software), so it would just be much easier to return it there
ZegnatHmm, I need to take another good look at micropub software I think. As I would authenticate with a different URL then I want to post to. Is that supported anywhere?
sknebelmicropub software doesn't need the webmention endpoint :P it needs the micropub endpoint. maybe an option to return the entire parser result could make sense... but to me it'd make more sense to have a switch to turn the parsing off entirely and do it yourself if you need it
raucao"After the user signs in, the uid reported by OmniAuth will be their URL they entered. The gem will also attempt to parse their URL for an h-card, and return their real name and profile image if available."
sknebelZegnat: re micropub, you'd have to have the mp-endpoint for licit.li on your homepage as micropup endpoint, but if licit li knows that your homepage can post it'd work
LoqiMicropub is an open API standard (W3C Recommendation) that is used to create, update, and delete posts on one's own domain using third-party clients, and supersedes both MetaWeblog and AtomPub https://indieweb.org/Micropub
sebselBut Zegnat can just use Quill now right? Sign in as vanderven.se/martijn/, have a rel=micropub to licit.li/micropub. The only thing is that licit.li/micropub should accept tokens for vanderven.se/martijn/, but that's Martijn's problem ;P
Zegnatsebsel, sure, but now I need to micropub to *either* licit.li or zegnat.net, and obviously I do both as me (me being vanderven.se/martijn/). Solve it please ;)
ZegnatSo I have both a philosophical (my primary identity should not have to claim that I only publish to one place) and a technical (multiple sites) issue with it.
ZegnatYes, cweiske, I hadn’t read up on it yet before this morning (as I am not currently implementing mp), but that is how the current spec works. And I have the 2 previously stated issues with that
aaronpkit doesn't make sense for the IndieAuth plugin to return the webmention endpoint because there may be multiple webmention endpoint. The webmention endpoint depends on the page you're sending the webmention to
KartikPrabhu, j_juran, tbbrown, singpolyma, j12t and KevinMarks joined the channel
Zegnathtodo was basically hevent with 3 properties added: "completed", "due", "percent". I assume this mirrors the VTODO spec (which may or may not be supported by calendar and todo software already!) so it feels like it would make sense to port that to mf2
ZegnatI am conflicted on the mf/iw process difference though. E.g. for indieweb I would say: pick whatever sounds logical and start shipping (e.g. h-todo), for microformats I would say: follow process and document before implementing.
ZegnatI seem to recall they were working on their commercial parts at the time as well, leading to a difference between open-source self-hostable code and code they were running themselves.
Loqi[cleverdevil]: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 16 hours, 3 minutes ago: i just updated stream.thatmustbe.us for the change to JF2, it should be up to date now
ZegnatArgh, running into problems with selfauth and unsure if it is untested original code or errors in my new code. Looks like I should also write an app that actually uses the login flow just so I can more easily debug :(
ZegnatI also thought I spotted a bug in how scope is being included in the token. But because it is token generation I am currently rewriting that may have gotten lost in my code already.
ZegnatAh, yes, when $scope is passed to verify_code() it can be an array. Inside verify_code it just gets concatted with strings. That might lead to strange things happening.
ZegnatI started tinkering just to replace the MD5s with proper HMAC (which is what you want, the token is then a signed message). And then my tests break, and turns out there were bugs elsewhere. So not sure what path I should take now :p I’ll keep hacking at it until it works again, I guess :)
ZegnatI’m just doing everything in one big swoop now. But pausing it for a minute and first making a one button tester that records the entire back and forth.
[cleverdevil]I've got a nice little script that takes in a list of sources, then uses your site like an API to convert them to JF2, and dumps the individual JF2 formatted items to disk by source.
aaronpk"Chrome detected unusual code on this page and blocked it to protect your personal information (for example, passwords, phone numbers, and credit cards)."
[eddie]That color at the top of the page does help a lot. Because when I had looked at the page the top section didn’t stand out earlier in the day. Now it definitely does
[eddie]!tell aaronpk: I added a media endpoint but teacup still doesn’t seem to have a way to upload an image. Anything special need to happen for it to detect the media endpoint? I have it added as part of the ?q=config response
Loqiaaronpk: [eddie] left you a message 1 hour, 9 minutes ago: I added a media endpoint but teacup still doesn’t seem to have a way to upload an image. Anything special need to happen for it to detect the media endpoint? I have it added as part of the ?q=config response
[aarongustafson]It lets you aggregate specific webmention types to display them differently, handles redirection (including legacy domains), counts, and more. I’ve got some more features to add in the coming week or so and welcome any feedback & feature requests.
AngeloGladdingaaronpk or anyone else know of existing work regarding blogroll webmentions? https://indieweb.org/Vouch#Old_Notes alludes to something of the nature but certainly nothing concrete