2017-07-20 UTC
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# 00:26 tantek cool, I'll brainstorm some possible minimal UI and let you iterate from there
# 00:27 aaronpk i'm trying to decide if i should list recent webmentions, let you browse all of them, or require that you type in a URL to see webmentions just on that post
# 00:29 tantek listing recent webmentions with [x] buttons would be an added bonus for sure. suggested MVF of paste in a URL in a field
# 00:29 Loqi [tantek] brainstorm possible "minimal" UI:
* IndieAuth login
* form field to enter a webmention source to "delete"
* Delete button - deletes all webmentions from that source (exact URL match only) to all targets with the domain that was IndieAuth verified
# 00:31 tantek the "list recent webmentions" would certainly make it easier in many/most cases, as would then auto-filtering that list based on the text field
# 00:32 tantek e.g. typing in brid.gy would then show only recent webmentions where source URL has (string subset) brid.gy
# 00:33 tantek but that's all enhancement beyond an MVF I think
# 00:34 tantek and assuming that (minimum text field UI) worked with a form submission, then I could on my end (on my site) have a buttons (visible only when logged into my site) on each webmention displayed on my site that I could click to delete which would do a form post to the UI on wmio
# 00:34 tantek would be nice if the result could confirm the # of webmentions deleted
# 00:37 tantek then that form submission becomes a defacto API of sorts as well (though the client has to be cookie'd in already via IndieAuth)
# 00:43 tantek oh that's interesting, I'm going to run into that same challenge building a "Got an indie RSVP? Enter the URL here: ______" form that submits to wmio
# 00:44 aaronpk that form is intentionally not supposed to have a CSRF check for exactly that purpose
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KevinMarks and eli_oat joined the channel
# 01:52 Ruxton could be worse, you could be programming PDF's in iText :P
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 01:55 tantek it's ok aaronpk, postpone it (assuming #86) til tomorrow
# 01:55 tantek pretty is not needed for this MVF. I'm expecting something like a rudimentary admin UI
# 01:56 tantek stmbu is a good example of such, not pretty but usable and works just fine
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# 04:03 mblaney dobrado can play all 3 roles in SWAT0. it's linked to on that page.
# 04:05 mblaney I was pretty careful not to say that it "passes SWAT0" in the blog post I've linked to there, as my example is obviously not "Social" enough.
# 04:19 mblaney ^ also updated my entry on the SWAT0 page to follow the new recommend guidelines.
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# 10:36 sebsel with Micropubs 202 Accepted + Location header, we might end up with '4XX Wait for it': resource found but not ready to show :P
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# 11:41 [barryf] I added it because my site's software returns a 202 while it's building the new post.
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 12:18 sebsel [barryf] nice! But it assumes 3 seconds, right? I guess that's enough for most sites, but you don't KNOW if the post is ready
eli_oat, singpolyma, Defenestrate and jeremycherfas joined the channel
# 13:33 jeremycherfas Aaronpk: Is it possible to use curl from my local development to get things from xray?
# 13:50 jeremycherfas Aaronpk: I was managing to send webmentions from one local site to another, but now I seem to be getting 404 back when I try to use curl.
# 13:51 aaronpk The PHP webmention client has a function for that. Not sure if anyone has turned that into a proper command line tool
# 13:58 jeremycherfas But I could use the example in your readme and make a little PHP program?
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# 14:32 Zegnat I see you’ve been working hard on XRay again, jeremycherfas! :D
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# 14:46 jeremycherfas_ Zegnat: The problem seems to be that notifycommand.php hangs and does not finish executing, and I cannot see why.
# 14:47 Zegnat notifycommand is what? A tool for sending webmentions *from* Grav?
# 14:53 Zegnat It seems to read a file where it collects where it needs to send mentions to? I don’t see where that file is coming from though.
# 14:57 Zegnat I am at a loss there… Do you really need to go through that tool though? Shouldn’t Grav automatically sent webmentions when you create a new post
# 14:59 jeremycherfas All Grav knows about webmentions it knows through that plugin. Natively, it does nothing. And the plugin must be run from the command line (or, if I ever get it working) as a cron job).
# 15:00 jeremycherfas I keep thinking that trying to fix this plugin is in the end not as efficient as building an entirely new plugin, but while I am sort of happy to tinker with something someone else has beuilt, I don’t think I could build something myself.
# 15:11 jeremycherfas There is a setting in the sender module for automatic. If true, it sends metions as soon as the page has been built. There is a warning that this will slow down the site if a page is link heavy. But most of my pages are not link heavy. So I might try changing that.
# 15:13 aaronpk are you running into this problem on your dev machine or on the real site?
# 15:18 Zegnat It shouldn’t even really slow down your site, I think, jeremycherfas. If it is in the build process, the slowdown would only be visible to you when you first create a page, right? That can’t be too bad.
# 15:22 aaronpk jeremycherfas: depending on how your local PHP is configured, it could be that the server is blocked serving the one request so isn't able to serve the request your server makes to itself to verify the webmention
# 15:23 aaronpk i've had that happen before, tho i think more often on ruby sites because of the way the dev environment is run
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# 15:46 Zegnat I can’t imagine it will resend URLs on every build though. And I seem to recall seeing some pretty heavy caching
# 15:46 petermolnar it ate up all the io when I tried to load an image heavy site after a cache clean
snarfed joined the channel
# 15:48 petermolnar (it also had one of the crappiest on-demand dynamic image resizing things when I tried it ~2 years ago)
# 15:49 petermolnar sidenotes: I'm getting rather unhappy with my site design; suggestions welcome, if anyone feels to take a look what could be prettier
# 15:53 jeremycherfas I’m coming to the conclusion that, impossible thought it may seem now, I need to think about this from the ground up. Steal what I can, simplify where I can. Break it down ibnto units I can maybe manage.
# 15:55 Zegnat Looking forward to your demo on Wednesday jeremycherfas ;)
# 16:00 jeremycherfas No way. I’m going away on monday and tuesday. I suppose I might have some sort of old skool flow diagram.
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# 18:10 Loqi ok, I added "https://diasporafoundation.org/getting_started/aspects" to the "See Also" section of /aspects
# 18:13 tantek interesting recent request for Webmention support in Mastodon (cc: ben_thatmustbeme )
# 18:13 Loqi [John Johnston] Wondering of there could be #webmention support in mastadon? even it the same way bridgy added it to twitter? Still figuring out various #indieweb things on my blog and micro.blog.
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# 18:51 Zegnat eli_oat any reason you use the <title> rather than the p-name of the post you are replying to?
# 18:55 Zegnat Yep, the text. It says “In reply to: Martijn’s permalinked post”
# 18:56 eli_oat SO, the major reason I use <title> is laziness. It is easier to parse the <title> in PHP than the p-name. I've played with some of the libraries for that, but wasn't pleased with the consistency
# 18:57 Loqi [aaronpk] XRay: X-Ray returns structured data from any URL
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# 18:58 eli_oat I've played with it aaronpk, but should most certainly take another look
# 18:58 aaronpk i also recently repackaged it as a library so you can integrate it directly into a project instead of using it as an api
tantek joined the channel
# 18:59 Zegnat It is fine of course, might even be the best way to get a title on notes where name === content.
# 19:01 eli_oat alas, Zegnat. My reasoning is almost always laziness :|
# 19:02 schmarty i can tell you that all it does is look for posts with h: event, normalize the start/end properties, convert the description into a single line with \n characters, and then renders a template
# 19:02 schmarty that template is based on a "save to calendar" that i did from an eventbrite event
# 19:04 aaronpk i played around with ics generation a bit. it's surprisingly hard to make an .ics file that is able to be opened in google/iOS/mac
# 19:11 prtksxna tantek: What would be the right approach for something like this?
# 19:11 tantek I'm still using h2vx.com for ics generation - link right there on my homepage
# 19:12 tantek and aaronpk is right - making a good ICS file is hard which is why we captured those smarts in a service
# 19:12 tantek prtksxna: like + photo doesn't really make sense because they're pretty different
# 19:12 prtksxna tantek: Then what would you suggest for that use case I linked to?
# 19:13 tantek that use-case you linked is not really a photo
# 19:13 tantek 2D quotation as it were - "screenshot of the element that I liked"
# 19:13 tantek it's someone else's content, not yours, so not a photo
# 19:13 tantek nor is it a repost of a photo because it's not the whole thing
# 19:14 tantek that's more the reply-context of what you're posting
# 19:14 gRegorLove This is for a work-work project, so I might bump that up a bit, or at least some minimal viable thing
# 19:14 tantek your *actual* content is perhaps the like-of, and then the "small note and tags"
# 19:15 tantek you're essentially "responding" to the subset of the page indicated by the "screenshot of the element that I liked", thus that latter part makes sense to use as your reply-context
# 19:16 prtksxna tantek: I understand. And to maintain a grid of all such replies, I'll just have to make explicit tags that I use internally?
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# 19:20 tantek a grid? presentationally? do you have a sketch/mockup of what you mean by that?
# 19:21 tantek oh boy - that's certainly not a "grid". I don't know what that layout style is called
# 19:23 tantek well the top red examples. the bottom are the vertical bricks I meant
# 19:23 tantek (if you rotate them 90deg they look sorta like actual masonry bricklaying with overlaps across horizontal layers)
# 19:24 tantek I think aaronpk was exploring doing something like that for his photos? or photo gallery posts? I forget which
# 19:25 prtksxna tantek: Right, so my question was, I'd have to use internal tagging to decide what to show on such a page, right?
# 19:25 tantek hence I don't understand the "have to use internal tagging" requirement
# 19:25 tantek there are lots of ways to show a subset of your posts
# 19:25 petermolnar css grid still can't do flickr-like justified gallery, which, in my opinion, is a shame
# 19:26 tantek again, aaronpk has many examples of "subsets of his posts" on his site
# 19:27 prtksxna But I am not looking for design ideas :( I am trying to figure out the correct technical way to do this.
# 19:29 aaronpk i have a separate mechanism from tags for deciding what posts appear in which lists
# 19:29 tantek prtksxna: it's not clear which subset of your posts you want to show why, hence the questions / suggestions before leaping to "have to use"
# 19:30 prtksxna tantek: The subset would be the posts that belong to the scrapbook in general. As you made me understand, those would be ones which are 'like-of' and have a 'reply-context' that has in <img>.
# 19:31 tantek prtksxna: ok that helps a bit - however do you really want to limit to snaps you like? sometimes it's useful to collect examples of things to avoid too ;)
# 19:31 aaronpk since wordpress has a separate idea of categories and tags
# 19:31 tantek or things that are just "meh" from otherwise supposedly good designers or corps
# 19:32 tantek I'm skeptical of conflating "like" with "scrapbook"
# 19:33 prtksxna tantek: Right, so as the use case mentioned, they could be bookmarks or likes. Whether they are #meh or #wow can be easily delegated to tags.
# 19:33 tantek prtksxna: ^^^ check that for some info / pointers on linking to parts of media (audio, video, images)
# 19:33 tantek prtksxna: agreed re tag usage or even "antipattern" "darkpattern" etc.
# 19:34 aaronpk i hadn't thought of showing the thing i'm bookmarking in the reply context
# 19:34 tantek aaronpk totally! I thought you did that with screenshots of pages you bookmarked!
# 19:34 aaronpk yeah but as part of *my* post, not as a reply context
# 19:34 prtksxna tantek: I think I've read that while reading the new WebAnnotation spec. I don't think it solves stuff for me. For example a screenshot of a website, or an animation for an interaction.
# 19:35 aaronpk i guess i don't really think of my bookmarks as replies to the posts
# 19:35 tantek prtksxna: a-ha - where there is no actual media *file* of the original
# 19:35 aaronpk as much as linking to some other post in a note or article is sure
# 19:35 tantek as I display likes (with counter), I'm definitely looking at displaying # of times bookmarked as well
# 19:36 aaronpk they're responses from the PoV of the thing i'm bookmarking, but not for me
# 19:36 tantek especially for long form articles, I see it as useful feedback how many people have bookmarked it
# 19:36 prtksxna I don't think of bookmarks as responses as they are personal. I feel no need to inform the other person of my action, unlike a reply or a like.
# 19:36 tantek aaronpk: not sure how you can say they are not responses? you're posting something in response to something you saw
# 19:37 prtksxna I am saving what I saw in a list, not responding to it.
# 19:37 tantek you're literally responding rather than just creating
# 19:37 aaronpk because i add tags and such, and sometimes pull quotes
# 19:38 aaronpk also i feel more ownership over my set of bookmarks than i do the set of things i "like"
# 19:39 tantek I feel more ownership over my set of replies than I do the set of things I like
# 19:39 tantek they're still both "responses" to someone else's stuff
# 19:39 aaronpk well i don't care what you think my bookmarks are, i'm going to display them how I want #indieweb :P
# 19:40 tantek display them however you want obv! point being it's more than "just" a mention
# 19:40 aaronpk of course it's more than a mention, especially from the perspective of the thing i'm bookmarking
# 19:40 aaronpk but i dont think displaying it like my replies is appropriiate
# 19:41 tantek but I can see how you got that from "show a reply-context"
# 19:41 tantek perhaps I should have said, show a link-preview
# 19:41 aaronpk yeah i don't think a reply context is appropriate for my bookmarks
# 19:41 prtksxna A critique or a review would be a response to a book, a bookmark is just your state in the book.
# 19:42 aaronpk link preview on the other hand... basically my screenshots are a cheater version of a link preview
# 19:42 tantek I meant more the techinques in a reply-context rather than literally
# 19:42 tantek a screenshot thumbnail is a plenty fine implementation of the concept of a link preview
# 19:42 tantek you're literally showing a preview of what is at the link when you looked at it
# 19:44 prtksxna Thanks a ton aaronpk and tantek. I think I have a better understanding of this now <3
# 19:44 Loqi tantek has 11 karma in this channel (372 overall)
# 19:44 Loqi aaronpk has 66 karma in this channel (1382 overall)
# 19:45 tantek prtksxna: great use-case exploration - really appreciate it
# 19:45 tantek the funny thing is, we screenshot and post parts of web pages like that all the time! but to the IndieWebCamp wiki
# 19:46 tantek obv it makes sense how to best do that to your own site either instead, or first, and then POSSE it to the Indieweb.org wiki
# 19:46 tantek is there a term for that kind of capture, the click & drag screenshot of part of a screen
# 19:47 tantek I'm sure aaronpk and I have posted dozens of such mini captures
# 19:47 prtksxna tantek: Not sure what you mean? Click & drag screenshot?
# 19:47 prtksxna tantek: A sceenshot of a part of the screen is still as screenshot?
# 19:48 Zegnat !tell jeremycherfas looks like I got a webmention from your main site? Not sure if that was the notify script or something else.
# 19:48 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 19:48 tantek prtksxna: maybe? I always considered "screenshot" to imply the whole screen or window by default
# 19:48 tantek feels like there should be a different design term for such a mini screenshot
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# 19:49 aaronpk i think partial screen captures are normally called screenshots
# 19:50 prtksxna screen grab/screenshot, I've never differentiated between the terms, or full or partial captures :/
# 19:50 prtksxna had questions for tantek about the post type discovery algorithm but is too sleepy now
# 19:57 tantek I feel like if we asked some designer folks they would have a term for this
# 19:57 dgold aaronpk: tiktok works great for me now - thanks for yesterday's bugfix session
# 19:58 tantek aaronpk: makes sense that Flickr would simplify the UI down to three choices rather than try to come up with a massive taxonomy :P
# 19:58 dgold can I ask tho - can TTB 'voice' the response from a webhook back into the channel?
# 19:59 Loqi [aaronpk] TikTokBot: TikTokBot is a bot framework for Slack and IRC.
# 20:01 dgold ah, never mind - I misread the response URL documentation as meaning something else.
# 20:02 prtksxna aaronpk: I've asked at the Wordpress and Wikimedia Foundation design channels. Will let you know about responses :) (context: screenshot)
# 20:04 tantek prtksxna: separately, do you know anything about the microforrmats or mf2 related projects at Wikipedia? I think ben_thatmustbeme and/or gRegorLove were looking into it
# 20:04 prtksxna tantek: Could you share links? I could figure out if something needs moving.
# 20:06 gRegorLove I'm the one h-card (vs hCard) on the project page, so Loqi picked that up :)
# 20:07 Loqi loqi has 3 karma in this channel (435 overall)
# 20:09 prtksxna gRegorLove: We are going to have infoboxes be populate through Wikidata some time soon™. I think it'd be best that the extension responsible for creating the markup uses mf2.
# 20:09 prtksxna gRegorLove: I'll look at the wikiproject closely tomorrow :)
# 20:10 gRegorLove prtksxna: Cool! I'm quite new to that wiki project so I don't know much about it. Just kinda familiar with setting up wiki templates
# 20:10 gRegorLove Would be awesome if infoboxes started automatically having mf2
# 20:13 tantek perhaps the templates for templates need better mf2 as well ;)
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