j12t, eli_oat, KartikPrabhu, j12t_, Defenestrate and gRegorLove joined the channel
#gRegorLove!tell schmarty Not sure if consuming software gripes about this, but apparently iCalendar standard says you can't use UTC offset in date-time values. Noticed your .ics files have them.
j12t, jonnybarnes, Defenestrate, KevinMarks and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
#schmarty!tell gRegorLove thanks! My .ics files are definitely not to spec but Google calendar seemed to grok them so good enough for now. Date with UTC time would be my preference.
#Loqischmarty: gRegorLove left you a message 6 hours, 17 minutes ago: Not sure if consuming software gripes about this, but apparently iCalendar standard says you can't use UTC offset in date-time values. Noticed your .ics files have them.
KevinMarks, j12t, j12t_, KevinMarks_, singpolyma, eli_oat and snarfed joined the channel
#prtksxnapetermolnar: Oh... what exactly is your use case?
#aaronpkoh yeah you want the flickr style one right/
#Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 1 day, 16 hours ago: question about the federation support demonstrated by https://aaronparecki.com/2017/07/19/24/webmention-io - when you're looking at that post yourself when signed-into your site, do you have/see "Reply" or "Like" buttons yourself on the comments? And if you reply right there, do they get threaded with the original comment on micro.blog?
#aaronpkpetermolnar: i think it's possible to do without JS if you know the image dimensions on the server side and do the layout there. is that not an option for you?
#petermolnarin that case, it'd hard to keep it fluid unless you pre-organize the whole thing on the server side
#jeremycherfasIf I comment out just that line, I no longer get the error.
#jeremycherfasWith that line, Symfony says “Unexpected characters near "]" at line 40 (near "links: { }]”).” and tracing the various steps in Grav it goes back to that one line.
#jeremycherfasBut I cannot see anything funny in that line.
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
#voxpellimust say that he loves that he built language sniffing into his Micropub endpoint – he just posted a bookmark in Swedish and it automatically understood it was Swedish and marked it up as Swedish – yay
#ZegnatWonder why though, because I believe it uses the same YAML lib to write the file in the first place
snarfed joined the channel
#jeremycherfasPossibly because the files were left over from a previous install. I got in a terrible mess yesterday, so deleted the Dev branch and re-installed the plugin, now working on a new dev branch and the first thing that happened was that error. :(
#jeremycherfasVoxpelli Is it possible to use your webmention app from a local install?
#voxpellijeremycherfas: I run it all locally in dev, with my testpinger and everything – just check the sample env file and then run the command to set up the local Postgres database
#gRegorLoveI've got an MVP PHP script to make .ics from h-event working. Will open source it shortly once I clean it up.
#LoqigRegorLove: schmarty left you a message 5 hours, 4 minutes ago: thanks! My .ics files are definitely not to spec but Google calendar seemed to grok them so good enough for now. Date with UTC time would be my preference.
#tantekgRegorLove: by "working" I seriously hope you looked at how H2VX generates ics and copied the weird details in the ICS output from it
#tantekotherwise it's going to be many months of "fix the ICS to work in all the calendar consumers one at a time" struggles
#gRegorLoveAre the weird details documented or just by reading the xsl?
#gRegorLoveI followed the RFC and the validator on icalendar.org, as well as comparing to h2vx output and schmarty's
#tantekI think the weird details may be documented in ancient X2V commit logs
#tantekyes the RFC + validator are very far from sufficient
#tantekblack box it means to just look at something by what outputs does it give when you give it certain inputs, *without* looking at anything it does with those inputs to determine the outputs. it's a literal analogy. you put stuff into the black(opaque) box, you have no idea what happens inside, you get stuff out, then you reconstruct (theorize) what it did
#tanteksnarfed: I'm trying to come up wtih a series of strategies for incrementally implementing showing responses of various types for various types of posts
#tantekto basically minimize unintended exposure to bad actors on my personal site
#snarfedyup. you mentioned starting with blacklisting all bridgy, to start. sgtm.
#tantekand in the process, figure out just what is required for at least some more "challenging" scenarios with showing backfeeds on your personal site
#tantekI realize most people here have (nearly) zero problem with their backfeeds, but I'd posit that's because of 1) small(er) amounts of attention, 2) the very strongly biased demographics of privilege (mostly white-ish and/or mostly male-ish)
#tantekbecause of @t incurring so much collateral backfeed damage, it's at least *a* more challenging use-case that may help explore (even address?) some of the problems beyond that privileged demographic.
#tantektrying to at least talk about it openly to explore it openly, and admit to the challenges along the way
#tantekresponses from FB and IG are fairly high s/n, with rare abuse that not only is it quick to block, but the providers are quick to delete such accounts
#tantekMT was baked (by perl into static files then served), WordPress always fried pages up as demanded from MySQL queries
#Loqi[snarfed] done, yay. oldest issue we've closed in a long time. :P
oh and for the record, serving from stored responses would be tricky since we always want to serve the current silo response, or 404/410 if it's missing, etc. this should usually still work w...
#sebsellol, then my post to glenn became on-topic for this discussion... I just got a spam-retweet-via-bridgy
#gRegorLoveI might be seeing some attempts to webmention spam via the manual form at the bottom of my posts. Only on the php-mf2 anniversary post so far, though.
#sebselwhat is the current thing to do? Manual block and delete?
#gRegorLovehoneypot field is a form input that is intended to be left blank and spam bots will usually fill in, allowing you to filter out a lot of spam form submissions.
#Loqi[gRegor Morrill] Spam statistics since 2016-05-10, when I last reported:
1,224 caught by honeypot — an extra hidden field was filled in when it shouldn’t have been
828 marked as spam by Akismet
18 spam comments got through Akismet