aaronpkhas this really not come up before? anyone using granary who's publishing photos as a separate mf2 property and not including the image inside the html content would be hitting this case
aaronpkmy alternate solution is looking really grim, which is to move the e-content class to encompass everything in the post including a lot of the metadata
aaronpki guess i have another solution which is to move the photo in my posts inside the div with e-content. although i'm not sure if that's going to have any effects on how my CSS is applied
aaronpkif the photo is in the content, then there shouldn't be a need to mark it up with u-photo, cause if you do then the photo appears twice in the h-entry
aaronpki don't think it's a good idea to require HTML parsing in order to consume mf2 data since the HTML should have all been converted to a data structure during the parsing stage
[tantek](Why discussing / documenting "actual" user facing problems are a more effective way to solve this kind of thing, the specifics allow us to look for existing attempts to solve similar problems analyze them)
mblaneyaaronpk if it helps with your reasoning, you don't need to parse the HTML in this case, just check for the existence of the u-photo string in the e-content... not much of a loophole but maybe enough...
mblaneyand I agree that u-photo should be 'flattened' into the content for RSS/Atom, my thinking is that microformats provides the richer vocabulary, and moving to older formats requires simplification. I have the same problem trying to fit h-card into available author fields in SimplePie.
sebselI have the same problem as aaronpk with u-photo's in e-content and CSS... But I am not going to put my u-photo inside the e-content for now. I agree that it feels wrong.
mblaneypetermolnar that's the question I guess, do you try and keep semantics somehow related or just simplify it. The answer might also depend on how well enclosures are supported.
mblaneypetermolnar I think that's a great way to go for converting u-photo to Atom then. (I notice RSS won't work as it requires one enclosure per item, but that's ok.)
ZegnatUpon further reading, yeah, it seems enclosure is for just 1 thing. If you really MUST adhere to that, you can always go with something like http://www.rssboard.org/media-rss to have multiple images included
mblaneyI subscribed to your photo feed in feedly petermolnar, it put the photo at the top of the entry, looked fine. wouldn't know it wasn't part of the content.