#jeremycherfas!tell voxpelli I have been trying to use Zapier to access https://webmention.herokuapp.com/user/sites/jeremycherfas.net but it returns a 401. Zapier gives me the option for a user | pw and I used my github details, but that makes no difference. Is there a specific user | pw combination I can use?
#Loqivoxpelli: jeremycherfas left you a message 1 minute ago: I have been trying to use Zapier to access https://webmention.herokuapp.com/user/sites/jeremycherfas.net but it returns a 401. Zapier gives me the option for a user | pw and I used my github details, but that makes no difference. Is there a specific user | pw combination I can use?
[barryf] joined the channel
#voxpellihuh, cool, you somehow have gotten a comment tree there – I thought that feature wasn't released :P
#jeremycherfasAh. That’s what I couldn’t find. Let me try again. Thanks
#voxpelliguesses that the fact that a few people uses his endpoint means that there will be some data that looks like Salmention data without any actual salmentioning happens – because the mentions from each site will map to oneanother
#jeremycherfasAnd then you just look at that feed in your reader?
#jeremycherfasI was thinking of getting Zapier to send me an email instead.
#voxpellijeremycherfas: I use IFTTT to send me push notifications on each new item in the RSS
#petermolnarI set up an web-to-sms gateway, since my home server is a thinkpad t400, which has a built-in 3g modem, and in the uk, go get a 5gbp/m -> unlimited sms plan, so I can send as many notifications as I want :)
#petermolnarbut I think this is a bit out of scope for most
#jeremycherfasAll done, I hope, on Zapier and IFTTT. Petermolnar I think I would come up against Zapier’s free tier limit of 100 tasks per month. A task is any movement of data.
#aaronpkoh now i remember why i haven't touched webmention.io much lately... the ORM I'm using doesn't work with mysql 5.7 which is what's running on my laptop :headdesk:
#cweiskeinstead, you could still use the "me" from callback, verify it's the same server and use it
#cweiskethe token endpoint will tell you if the code and the me match
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#aaronpkthat seems like an unncessary step that could still lead to issues
#cweiskethen there is no way that the auth endpoint can return a different "me"
#aaronpkyes there is, in the response when issuing an access token
#cweiskebut that#s the token endpoint. and it's not the token endpoint's task to juggle with "me"s
#cweiskethe token endpoint verifies if the "me" and the temp auth code match, and then gives out an access token
#cweiskewhat use is that "me" parameter in the token endpoint request if it can be wrong?
#aaronpkthat allows token endpoints to be used by multiple different users/auth endpoints
#cweiskebut you're just saying that it's ok to send the original user-input "me" to it, which is not what the real "me" is. thus it's wrong
#aaronpkwhen a token endpoint like tokens.indieauth.com (which has no database and no state) receives a request with an authorization code, it uses the "me" value to find out which authorization server to use to verify the code
#aaronpkthe authorization server at that point would accept the "old me" URL and the code, and return the "new me" as the verification
#aaronpkif the two endpoints are part of the same code then this step is bypassed completely
#cweiskeso the "me" on the token endpoint is only for proxies?
#aaronpki guess it is not needed if the token endpoint has a way to verify the auth code itself
#cweiskeso I cannot check if the auth code's me and the given me are equal
#cweiskeand just accept that the auth code that is passed to it was obtained in a legit way
#aaronpkThat makes sense. You could also add a check that the auth code matches the passed "me". (Assuming you know what "me" was entered initially when the auth code was generated)
#aaronpkand yeah I wanted to get some feedback on the github issue about the "me" in the redirect but it sounds like everyone agrees
#tantek.comedited /User:Tantek.com (+27) "/* indieweb community */ 2016 homepage work was done. 2017 site refresh project is still in brainstorming, needs iteration" (view diff)