#dev 2017-08-22
2017-08-22 UTC
# KartikPrabhu what is shpub?
# KartikPrabhu what is shpub?
# Loqi shpub is a command line micropub client written by Christian Weiske https://indieweb.org/shpub
[kevinmarks] and [manton] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
# [cleverdevil] I am also interested in this aaronpk.
# [cleverdevil] I wrote this not so impressive script earlier today
# [cleverdevil] I don’t blame you. Covers 98% of the audience.
mblaney joined the channel
# Ruxton bit more of a break down of it here - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36883037/generate-a-thumbnail-snapshot-of-a-video-file-selected-by-a-file-input-at-a-spec
KartikPrabhu, loicm, [kevinmarks], cweiske, barpthewire, [pfefferle] and schmarty joined the channel
# Zegnat TIL: IE will add “helpful” LTR/RTL reading direction characters to date strings created with JavaScript’s toLocaleString. https://stackoverflow.com/a/25317146
GWG and jeremycherfas joined the channel
# jeremycherfas Loqi messages?
# jeremycherfas Thanks mblaney I remember looking at simplepie a good long while ago. Currently seems like overkill for me, but will investigate.
KartikPrabhu and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# [kevinmarks] You don't want to do your own feed parsing. So many dragons there. You want a library that has been through the pain.
j12t joined the channel
# jeremycherfas Even if I want to parse only one feed from one source?
# jeremycherfas And is there a difference between the guid I see in the RSS Atom feed and the UID that Ryan was referring to?
# jeremycherfas Thanks zegnat
# jeremycherfas My worry about using SimplePie, for example, is that it will introduce complexities that — for now at least — will make life more difficult.
# jeremycherfas Maybe if I want to extend the little script I am writing, to post from MY RSS feed to MY Known instance, I’ll get into that
# jeremycherfas That’s exactly my approach. And I have step 1 - a datafile that contains the XML
# jeremycherfas That is exactly where I am right now. Is there a better source of instruction that php.net/manual?
[colinwalker] joined the channel
davidmead joined the channel
# jeremycherfas Do I really need domdocument? It seems to require me to define the structure of the Document, but that is already given by the RSS.
# petermolnar jeremycherfas simplepie is good for you
# jeremycherfas If you say so, petermolnar. I’m going to go a little further into this rabbit hole and then re-assess.
# petermolnar the unfortunate truth is that it's not an overkill, given all the things that can go wrong with xml parsing
# jeremycherfas OK. Time to reassess then.
# petermolnar just read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billion_laughs_attack
# jeremycherfas But doesn’t it mean I have to download and use simplipie locally?
# petermolnar it does, yes
# petermolnar well
# petermolnar you have to have it as a lib at the place you're running the script
# petermolnar as an include
Zegnat, Kaja and sknebel_ joined the channel
# jeremycherfas I have the data in $xml and was trying to use $dom->loadXML($xml);
# jeremycherfas I got this error Start tag expected, '<' not found
# jeremycherfas Ah, my mistake. I was trying to validate the xml, because I thought tht’s where the mistake was, and that wanted the DTD. But that is not where the mistake was.
# jeremycherfas Well, that’s good. I can now get the RSS and read each guid in it. That seems like a good place to stop for lunch.
# jeremycherfas Next I think I will try to see whather I can read the XML from the stored file
schmarty, plindner, barpthewire and j4y_funabashi joined the channel
# j4y_funabashi aaronpk: I implemented some of https://indieweb.org/Micropub-brainstorming#Query_for_post_list in my micropub server
# j4y_funabashi aaronpk: not got pagination in there yet, it just returns the latest 30 posts but it works great! have got the feed showing up in my micropub client, just need to add some action buttons
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# [kevinmarks] if you're just parsing your own site, why use RSS and not mf2?
# [kevinmarks] when he said it was just for his own site, that was when I was puzzled
# [kevinmarks] where did this RSS yak come from? What was the original goal again?
# [kevinmarks] but what was the feed from?
# [kevinmarks] is this a PESOS tool?
j12t joined the channel
# jeremycherfas Cweiske: Good to know. I am using simplexml at the moment to turn it into JSON
# jeremycherfas Kevinmarks: I am not parsing my own site. I am parsing an RSS of my personal feed at reading.am with a view to automating PESOS from there.
loicm joined the channel
# jeremycherfas Er, no. I’m not sure I actually saw that they have webhooks. Except, perhaps subconsciously, because it shares to places like Pinboard
# Zegnat If you go to https://www.reading.am/settings/hooks and select “URL” on the dropdown. You can give it a URL for a file on your site.
# jeremycherfas Hang on. Doesn’t it need an authentication to POST to my site?
# jeremycherfas At my end?
# jeremycherfas God, this could save me tearing my hair out pretending to be a developer.
# jeremycherfas Maybe I should wait until vHWC to understand this.
# jeremycherfas Nothing comes through sending it to /like/edit but maybe I should be sending it to micropub?
# jeremycherfas I suppose I need to look at my logs to see what was sent.
# Zegnat jeremycherfas, you can have a PHP file like this on your server and give reading the link to it: https://gist.github.com/Zegnat/8b7af691e1ad6781bf35ab09a7397324
# jeremycherfas Nothing from POST, you’re right.
# jeremycherfas Zegnat: I put that in the root of https://stream.jeremycherfas.net and it would write the details of every incoming POST request to POST.log?
# jeremycherfas I honestly think I’ve got too many conversations going on at once here. Each of them sends me off in a different direction. I think maybe I need to keep plodding along using things I understand a bit better, like RSS and very limited PHP.
# jeremycherfas So far I am able to get the RSS file from reading.am. I have tried using DOMDocument to read specific nodes, but I had trouble writing them to file because they need to be strings.
# jeremycherfas And I can convert the XML to JSON and read the whole object.
# jeremycherfas Currently I am searching around for ways to convert $guid->nodeValue into a string so I can write it to file.
# jeremycherfas But I have a feeling I may be better off concentrating on simplexml and working with that, rather than with DOMDocument
# jeremycherfas And I need to stop and do some other work anyway.
# jeremycherfas But I’ll be lurking here.
# jeremycherfas BTW zegnat, did you get my RSVP?
# jeremycherfas What -1?
# jeremycherfas All I said was Yes.
# cweiske e.g. http://postb.in/
singpolyma joined the channel
# jeremycherfas Well, that certainly looks handy.
# jeremycherfas bookmarks it in my super-cluttered iamnotadev folder
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# Zegnat jeremycherfas, the permalink to your RSVP is -1: https://stream.jeremycherfas.net/2017/-1
# jeremycherfas That is very odd indeed. But Known can be very odd indeed.
snarfed joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
[miklb] joined the channel
# j4y_funabashi aaronpk: I have altered the wiki page to reflect the current state of my implementation
# j4y_funabashi It is making me think that this extension opens up a new set of clients that render feeds/posts etc. So they can act as the front end to your website
# Loqi Microsub is an early draft of a spec that provides a standardized way for clients to consume and interact with feeds collected by a server https://indieweb.org/microsub
# aaronpk that's kind of what i was thinking with https://indieweb.org/Microsub-spec
# j4y_funabashi yeah tis similar to that but for your 'private' posts
snarfed joined the channel
# j4y_funabashi eg I only really show photos on my site/in feeds but I post notes/bookmarks/likes etc
# j4y_funabashi I am kind of thinking that this client is going to be the frontend to my site so it would be the thing I login to see everything
# j4y_funabashi currently I kind of lump in post/feed rendering with my micropub server.
# j4y_funabashi but it is making more sense to have rendering in this new client, that way when I add the ability to post new types then I can add rendering code in the same place
snarfed joined the channel
# j4y_funabashi because I am rendering my site with the same client I am posting with
# j4y_funabashi hope that makes sense
# j4y_funabashi tis basically decoupling micropub server from rendering
# j4y_funabashi which could also mean people could 'plug in' diff clients to their micropub server
# j4y_funabashi and have their site rendered differently
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# [kevinmarks] A "turn a reading.am post into a micropub post sounds like an amazon lambda thingy
# jeremycherfas What is amazon lambda?
# Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "amazon lambda" yet. Would you like to create it?
# jeremycherfas I was just going to say, not another rabbit hole to dive down.
# jeremycherfas My “application” is currently a heap of mess, but cleaning up that mess will probably teach me more than starting a new mess.
# [kevinmarks] Ok.
# voxpelli Anyone good at Ruby that wants to attempt a PR for https://github.com/jcs/lobsters/issues/383#issuecomment-324051466 ?
eli_oat joined the channel
# j4y_funabashi Does anyone else return extra information from their media endpoint?
# j4y_funabashi I am currently returning EXIF date and lat/lng read from the photo after upload. Just wondering if other people do something similar?
[miklb] joined the channel
# Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Lobster" yet. Would you like to create it?
# Loqi Lobsters is an open source, technology-focused link-aggregation site similar to Hacker News https://indieweb.org/lobsters
snarfed joined the channel
# www.svenknebel.de moved /lobsters to /Lobsters "canonical name is capitalized"
# snarfed reviews when and why wm.io returns HTTP 303. https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2017-03-22#t1490214293318000
[manton] joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
gRegorLove, j12t, j12t_, snarfed, j12t__, KartikPrabhu, [jeremycherfas] and [manton] joined the channel
[miklb], snarfed and davidmead joined the channel
eli_oat and leg joined the channel