2017-09-21 UTC
dougbeal|mb1 and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[miklb] joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 01:08 aaronpk so re: reply UI and linking up to POSSE copies...
# 01:09 aaronpk so there's another problem with the POSSE to twitter issue
# 01:10 aaronpk Quill doesn't know if any of those buttons are twitter or not, so Quill can't do anything automatic here.
# 01:11 aaronpk if I choose one of the twitter buttons, then my site knows it's twitter so it can do the work
# 01:12 aaronpk but if my site doesn't find a twitter syndication URL of the original post, what should it do?
# 01:12 aaronpk should it *not* POSSE the reply to twitter cause it has nothing to reply to?
# 01:12 aaronpk where is the feedback given to the user for whatever the outcome?
# 01:13 Loqi [dissolve] #362 syndicate posts despite "Could not find a tweet to reply to."
# 01:14 aaronpk also right now my site uses silo.pub to actually post to twitter, and since silo.pub is a micropub endpoint, all my site sees is a micropub endpoint and doesn't actually know that it's twitter specifically
# 01:14 aaronpk that's kind of an implementation detail but it does mean my site will need to be aware of which services the syndication endpoints are tied to, whereas right now it does not need that knowledge
tantek joined the channel
# 01:25 tantek next time I propose *any* new rel value, someone please remind me of this
leg joined the channel
# 01:30 tantek ok rel-syndicaton docs / references updated to u-syndication. yikes that was a long time coming
# 01:31 tantek that's what I get for making more work for benwerd
# 01:39 tantek demonstrating tweetstorming with POSSE threading to ask for tweetstorming
eli_oat, renem, [miklb], KartikPrabhu, tantek, snarfed, leg and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
# 05:32 Loqi [aaronpk] so there's another problem with the POSSE to twitter issue
# 05:36 tantek aaronpk, let's see if we can chip away at this bit by bit
leg joined the channel
# 05:38 tantek one improvement Quill could make is to show (perhaps icons for?) the POSSE copies of the post that is being replied to. Just as Quill can determine the author of that post, it can determine all the syndication copies via u-syndication links
# 05:41 tantek so that's at least a start - to indicate to the user of Quill that hey this post you're replying to has POSSE copies
# 05:41 tantek which enables the user to make a more informed decision about where they want to then POSSE their reply to
tantek joined the channel
# 06:09 aaronpk I want to document the problems with trying to translate instagram's multi photo+video posts into micropub somewhere
tantek, [cleverdevil], cweiske, jeremycherfas and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 09:05 [kevinmarks] Threaded tweetstorms sounds like a noterlive variant. Except I need to add micropub still
jeremycherfas, KartikPrabhu, [kevinmarks], singpolyma, [xavierroy], snarfed, tantek, sebsel, [cleverdevil], eli_oat, loicm, gRegorLove, [miklb] and Loqi joined the channel