#dev 2017-09-24

2017-09-24 UTC
tbbrown, renem, snarfed, sebsel, John___, [kevinmarks] and jonnybarnes joined the channel
davidmead, snarfed and John___ joined the channel
@libsgarciarocks Congratulations on the webmention! I emailed details to claim your ebook to the address on your blog
davidmead and blueyed joined the channel
aaronpk: (from #indieweb:( tried with another browser (firefox) - cookies should be allowed. before I was using qutebrowser.
i've been digging into it and I think I found the problem
Zegnat mentioned a test field?! Can I try it there?
aaronpk: great, thanks. will be back later.
On indieauth.com there is a test field on the homepage. But that just tests overall indieauth.com compatibility, not openID
yeah this problem is specific to the openid.indieauth.com domain
aha this broke in the august 17th change
which i had to do because github changed their OAuth API slightly
alright i tweaked a few things and it should work now
aaronpk: still does not work for me..
oh yeah you'll have to clear your cookies this time
(the problem is right now there are different cookies on openid.indieauth.com and indieauth.com, so when github sends you back to indieauth.com it's missing the previous state)
leg joined the channel
aaronpk: I had deleted the indieauth cookies already, and just tried again.
"csrf_detected" also seems to come from GitHub?!
well i'm confused
i was able to reproduce the problem, and then fixed it and now it works for me
(i'm logging in to stackoverflow to test)
does logging in via github on the little test box at https://indieauth.com work?
yes, it works there
Can you double check that all *.indieauth.com cookies are deleted? You might have one for openid.indieauth.com plus IndieAuth.com
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Alrighty, I'm working on a new version of a micropub client to post photo galleries, I'm going down the collection route, is there a correct way to reference the individual child photo posts in the gallery micropub request
The spec just says "A better alternative is to reference objects by their URLs" but I can't see info on any property for child posts or something similar?
[shurcool] and tantek joined the channel
I'm curious in general about exporting things from google maps or gmap-pedometer to some portable format
also note the interesting POSSE there! "This article is also available on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/converting-google-maps-directions-gpx-data-sverrir-sigmundarson"
also has anyone used gmap-pedometer AKA Milermeter? e.g. https://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=7146504
it's more of a mapping route "commons" than silo - free to use, no login required, can even save "public" routes like that ^^^ without creating a login
[grantcodes]: that note is assuming you'd make a Micropub request first to create the individual one so that it has a URL
then you'd use that URL when referencing it for the gallery post
my albums/collections work this way right now, just not hooked up to Micropub. I think I have microformats on everything tho
edited /principles (+665) "clean up distinction between tools for yourself and (self)dogfooding as they are complementary but different steps, explicitly note scratch your own itch, and cite earlier (1999?) ref for that in C&B per WP, span IDs, bold whole summaries"
(view diff)
[Aaron Parecki] Cocktails from Friday's Portland Highball Week Pub Crawl
well that was a pretty major update that should look minor
thats the album and there are a bunch of children h-entry's there
so if I were going to make a Micropub request to create that I'd send the album h-entry like normal but all the children would just be the URLs of their respective h-entry's rather than the full h-entry object like you see there
makes sense
That's how I'm imagining it anyway. It should be noted that I haven't actually implemented that yet :-)
One issue related to this is I need a way for the client to tell my Micropub endpoint that the post it's creating will be used in a collection, so that my server avoids adding it to my main feeds automatically
John__ joined the channel
(right now when a post is created my server adds it to a few different feeds based on what it is, so it'll end up in my photos list or home page, etc.)
aaronpk: I wonder if any silo APIs have precedents for that
I feel like that's something that comes up with FB also - e.g. posting lots of photos only to put them into a single album post
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Cool thanks!
I'll give it a go!
At the moment I just add a category to all gallery photos and my main feed is set to ignore them. Means it only works on my site though
my site has a "p3k-channel" property to either set the channels specifically or use the magic word "none" to prevent it from going into any feeds
yeah, same issue again, will only work on your site
worth noting the different solutions tho
eventually this could become some standard based on what's been implemented
True! Well this is about ready to publish in alpha or something, just need to figure out why media endpoint uploads aren't working ?
KartikPrabhu, davidmead, leg, [shurcool], [kevinmarks] and snarfed joined the channel