aaronpk(the problem is right now there are different cookies on openid.indieauth.com and indieauth.com, so when github sends you back to indieauth.com it's missing the previous state)
[grantcodes]Alrighty, I'm working on a new version of a micropub client to post photo galleries, I'm going down the collection route, is there a correct way to reference the individual child photo posts in the gallery micropub request
[grantcodes]The spec just says "A better alternative is to reference objects by their URLs" but I can't see info on any property for child posts or something similar?
tantekit's more of a mapping route "commons" than silo - free to use, no login required, can even save "public" routes like that ^^^ without creating a login
tantek.comedited /principles (+665) "clean up distinction between tools for yourself and (self)dogfooding as they are complementary but different steps, explicitly note scratch your own itch, and cite earlier (1999?) ref for that in C&B per WP, span IDs, bold whole summaries" (view diff)
aaronpkso if I were going to make a Micropub request to create that I'd send the album h-entry like normal but all the children would just be the URLs of their respective h-entry's rather than the full h-entry object like you see there
aaronpkOne issue related to this is I need a way for the client to tell my Micropub endpoint that the post it's creating will be used in a collection, so that my server avoids adding it to my main feeds automatically
aaronpk(right now when a post is created my server adds it to a few different feeds based on what it is, so it'll end up in my photos list or home page, etc.)
aaronpkmy site has a "p3k-channel" property to either set the channels specifically or use the magic word "none" to prevent it from going into any feeds