aaronpk[grantcodes]: since JSON Micropub is just sending the mf2 JSON it would work fine. It's just that nobody has done it before so it hasn't been documented yet ?
[grantcodes]But the client works ? Full gallery posting with photos uploaded via the media endpoint, even grabs exif data for name, published, and location.
aaronpkOh I remember... at one point we were considering having the update syntax include "properties" as a key but for 99.9% of the use cases all that did was add an unnecessary level of nesting
loqi.meedited /lulz (+136) "tantek added "https://m.photofunia.com/effects/retro-wave for that 1980s / new wave look like the Homebrew Website Club header image on some events" to "See Also"" (view diff)
[keithjgrant]Publishing Omnibear 0.5.3 to the Chrome web store. Includes big fixes when identifying h-entries on the page and fixes some permissions issues for non-Chrome browsers
tantektbbrown: do you know if there's an open source implementation of ubikey support that you could add to your own server so it could act as indieauth itself rather than using indieauth.com?
tantekWeb Authentication is https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn/ a W3C working draft for an API to access public key credentials, including for a browser, optionally with the use of a hardware key.
tantek2 they all (AFAIK) provide the option (if not *encouragement*!) to use SMS as a "factor" (sometimes 2-factor, often for account recovery) which is pretty big security hole
tanteksnarfed, I disagree about email/pw + SMS being "more secure" than just email/pw BECAUSE turning on that +SMS *also* turns on SMS account recovery
aaronpkit's recently become apparent that it's insecure for many reasons, but at one point, it was seen as a good solution for 2-factor auth. many providers added it, and now some are demoting it or at least letting you opt out of it. the point is the security landscape is always changing, and I would rather trust someone whose business it is to handle authentication to keep up with those changes.
Loqi[facebook] DelegatedRecoverySpecification: Allows an application to delegate the capability to recover an account to an account controlled by the same user or entity at a third party service provider.
aaronpkif you're saying i shouldn't trust anyone else to handle my authentication, then you're basically saying that I need to be constantly paying attention to what's the best way to secure accounts, keep up on all the new browser APIs for 2fa, etc etc
snarfedsecurity is significantly harder to get right than just implementing web sites and other features. we have to be much more careful if we encourage people to roll it themselves, use smaller providers/implementations, etc
tantekI'm saying perhaps industry in general makes decent decisions, however because they've shown that time to time they make totally idiotic decision, yes you do need to keep up with what they do
tanteknot fully, and not in practice. because "silo for auth" puts you down a UX path where SMS is their offered path of least resistance with bad defaults
snarfedthe realistic alternative for auth is something like self hosted wordpress or known with email/password, which will get brute forced, or fall behind security updates and get hacked, because sysadminning is hard
EmreSoku_In regards to Steemit, I believe Reddit may also do something there. I mean, incentivizing their user base via cryptocurrency. Right now the content on steemit remains too niche, it seems, so there is an opportunity for Reddit to copy and make it big there.
tantekdoes anyone have a good strategy for archiving individual pages from a MediaWiki install - i.e. assume you do not have backend access of any kind, all you have is a user account you can login, edit, etc.
aaronpksnarfed: does bridgy publish look up the syndication URLs of the post being replied to and match up a twitter ID from that? e.g. if you were to reply to this post, would bridgy publish know to include my tweet ID of it in the twitter API request? https://aaronparecki.com/2017/09/22/9/
aaronpkquill -> type first note -> get redirected to my website -> click browser reply bookmarklet -> launches quill with reply URL filled -> type second note -> get redirected to my website