aaronpkso the code I added is basically: is the syndication target twitter? if so, is the thing I'm replying to an h-cite? if so, is the URL of that h-cite a twitter URL? if so, set the reply URL to that URL. if not, are there any syndication URLs that match twitter.com? If so, set the reply URL to the matching syndication URL. if no matching reply URL is found, abort syndicating the post
@justinSomeone socially engineered AT&T to get a new SIM for my phone, signed into my Paypal (using 2FA) and withdrew a bunch of money. I am livid (twitter.com/_/status/883171036283285508)
tantekSMS << 2017-07-06 @justin: "[https://twitter.com/justin/status/883171036283285508 Someone socially engineered AT&T to get a new SIM for my phone, signed into my Paypal (using 2FA) and withdrew a bunch of money.]" (was actually done by SMS password reset / account recovery on [[PayPal]], see posts in tweet thread)
@justinSomeone socially engineered AT&T to get a new SIM for my phone, signed into my Paypal (using 2FA) and withdrew a bunch of money. I am livid (twitter.com/_/status/883171036283285508)
Loqiok, I added "2017-07-06 @justin: "[https://twitter.com/justin/status/883171036283285508 Someone socially engineered AT&T to get a new SIM for my phone, signed into my Paypal (using 2FA) and withdrew a bunch of money.]" (was actually done by SMS password reset / account recovery on [[PayPal]], see posts in tweet thread)" to the "See Also" section of /SMS
loqi.meedited /SMS (+310) "tantek added "2017-07-06 @justin: "[https://twitter.com/justin/status/883171036283285508 Someone socially engineered AT&T to get a new SIM for my phone, signed into my Paypal (using 2FA) and withdrew a bunch of money.]" (was actually done by SMS pass" (view diff)
LoqiAn archival copy is a copy of a web page made (often by someone other than the author) at a particular point in time, that can be used as a reference if the original disappears or is temporarily unavailable https://indieweb.org/archival_copy
LoqiAn archival copy is a copy of a web page made (often by someone other than the author) at a particular point in time, that can be used as a reference if the original disappears or is temporarily unavailable https://indieweb.org/archive_copy
snarfedof the big five, mastodon works (both AP and ostatus), hubzilla works (ostatus), friendica doesn't (old ostatus was broken, new ostatus still in development), gnu social doesn't (still investigating), diaspora haven't tried yet
snarfedre open collective, aaronpk would you be open to other peopl joining as contributors so they can self serve and use it to pay for things like iwc nyc breakfast?
tantekyeah so this is why "writing" is a skill like design, UX, dev - and why I encourage folks who say "I'm 'just' a writer, how can be useful to anyone?" to come share their skills at IWC
snarfedalso though, for this specifically, i'm trying to think for ways to advertize to people who organize and run indieweb things that they can use community funds
tantekyou would not believe how often I seem to have that conversation, to convince writers that they are just as (if not more!) important/needed as anyone "technical" for indieweb collaborations
tantek.comedited /expenses (+31) "p-summary so Loqi shows dfn. otherwise people get suspicious and view source and might find random mf2 markup that SOMEONE stuck in there" (view diff)
tantek.comedited /Planning (-26) "move MIT and Brighton to 2018, as well as any new ciities, add IWC Austin! add nearby events to top of year section" (view diff)
[manton]aaronpk I'm experimenting with adding rel-subscribe to Micro.blog. I noticed that your error message on aaronparecki.com has a typo: "rel-subscription".
Loqi[manton]: jeremycherfas left you a message 3 weeks, 1 day ago: No problem with micro.blog; just an observation. The problem is with the feed I am sending.
Loqirel-subscribe is an experimental rel value for linking from your home page to your subscription endpoint, and is currently prototyped by Aaron Parecki on aaronparecki.com; try the Follow button in the right side of the footer of his home page or any permalink https://indieweb.org/rel-subscribe
[manton]To start with, I added rel-subscribe to all the hosted sites, as well as the micro.blog root. It's still limited, but essentially takes subscribe-to and tries to find any registered user with a similar feed or site URL. Want to talk about this more sometime and improve it.
[manton]kevinmarks I definitely support rel-alternate too. Aaron's idea with rel-subscribe though is to streamline the process of clicking a "follow" button and being able to route the user to actually subscribing to the site. This still needs to be a lot easier.
[manton]The /follow page has a lot of good info. Where I'd love to see rel-subscribe go is just making this whole process smoother. I'm on a web site, click Follow, and then magic happens, and I'm subscribed in my favorite feed reader. The closest we've ever gotten to this is feed:// URLs or browsers like Safari detecting an RSS link and prompting to do something, but those are focused on native apps and don't really know what to do if you're using Fee
[manton]The reason I think Twitter/Facebook follow links work is that you know something useful will happen even if the user doesn't have a Twitter account. There's no risk that they'll be taken to a dead-end like with RSS links.
aaronpkThe reason follow buttons work on twitter and Facebook is that when you see one, you're in the security context of being logged into your account on a domain you trust
[manton]So with rel-subscribe, do you eventually see that initial subscribe page (on your site) knowing if you're signed in to a specific feed service, and only falling back on the "enter your web site" prompt when it doesn't know what to do?
tantek.comedited /Planning (+797) "AEA SF, fix some heading levels, move NYC to NYC 2017 planned, and add a 2018 NYC entry, move Austin to top since dates are known" (view diff)
tantekRSS link is a hyperlink (like HTML a href) to an [[RSS]] [[feed file]], which when clicked, sometimes results in a feed view in a browser, but sometimes just shows XML gibberish, and in either case is a dead-end, poor UX, and to be avoided.
tantekI forget which silo(s) do/did this - where you can still view posts etc. even when not logged in, and there are still all the response / follow buttons/webactions, but if you click any of them (like Follow) when not logged in, you go to a login redirect
tanteki.e. you can like things on my site just by clicking the like etc. buttons which via indie-config transfer you to your own personal site posting setup
aaronpkI'm going to have to review the web action thing again to make sure it doesn't leak info to the site about who I am or whether I'm already following them
tantek!tell voxpelli I'm experimenting with a "follow" webaction on my homepage - take a look and let me know if you think /indie-config needs any changes to support handling "follow" and passing it to your website to handle
loqi.meedited /tinbox (+209) "tantek_ added "write an mf2 to indieweb version of this article, showing which minimal, typical, maximal properties to use for which effects in indieweb posts and interactions: https://moz.com/blog/meta-data-templates-123" to "See Also"" (view diff)