tantekSince you've already got your personal site setup (very nice photos btw), indiewebify will help with step by step adding more indieweb features / functionality
skippyHow do folks handle @-mentions to you on Twitter that AREN'T replies to POSSE content you created? Do you capture and display those on your own sites? Or do you only capture and post replies to things you've POSSEd?
tantekkpraslowicz: re: getting your "CMS publishing to Twitter" - I took *a lot* of notes while buliding that myself, captured here: https://indieweb.org/Twitter#POSSE_to_Twitter (perhaps more detail than you need initially, but I figured I might as well document all the challenges I encountered and approaches/solutions I ended up with)
snarfedkpraslowicz: re publishing to twitter, feel free to try https://brid.gy/about#publishing . lets you avoid writing twitter API code, truncating logic, etc
singpolymaI actually had my own Twitter API code and switched to brid.gy publish because it's a bit cleaner and I don't have to keep it up to date as Twitter invents new things :)
[miklb]I questioned expansion of characters until I saw argument for other languages. Seems would be easier to do for everyone than try to sniff which language and support >
@kennethnSuper excited about the move to 280 characters! ---- CONFIDENTIALITY. This tweet is intended only for the use of the recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient any dissemination of this tweet is prohibited. If you received this in error notify the sender immediately. (twitter.com/_/status/913053785517260801)
tantekI'd suggest at least 1) markup your posts with h-entry (verify with indiewebify.me), and 2) make sure your post publish/update code/flow sends webmentions for all links in your posts
skippy[keithjgrant]: also curious how you set up notes and posts in Hugo. I only have "posts" and haven't fully wrapped my brain around content types with Hugo yet.
[keithjgrant]For posts/notes/likes/replies, I did something with the post categories, I think, but I'd have to dig into the code to recall exactly how I set that up
[grantcodes]Hey keithjgrant I see you're working on omnibear, do you still need to fix that generated `eval` issue? I have an updated webpack setup I can send a pull request for but I don't know if it actually fixes the issue
[keithjgrant]Oh, @skippy there's one more piece to my Hugo setup. micropub-to-github commits the source file for the new post, but the site still needs to be rebuilt...
skippy[keithjgrant]: yeah, a build pipeline seemed obvious from the github usage. I dont use GitHub to store my posts, but have a (similar) rebuild process for https://skippy.is/
skippyi'm thinking about playing with AWS Lambda for some of the future wiring; but that's a differnet kind of silo, with a whole new set of lock-in...
tantek!tell [chrisaldrich] this point of stress is a good reason to *not* try to make your blog look "perfect", but rather, be ok with "pretty good" and iterate. https://twitter.com/ChrisAldrich/status/913150710241480705 if you ever make it look "too good" that's a barrier to incremental change/shift over time also