#Loqi[Marty McGuire] Hey Folks in/near NYC! @IndieWebCamp NYC is just 5 days away, 9/30 - 10/1 Last year’s IWC NYC was my first in-person IndieWeb experience, and I was completely caught up by the thoughtful people working first-hand to build a more personal, more soci...
#Loqi[David Shanske] IndieWebCamp NYC 2017 is happening this weekend, 9/30 and 10/1. I will be there on Sunday only, as I cannot be there the day before. Sunday is Hack and Create day. Hoping to help some people set up their websites if I can, and maybe improve my own.
#tantekand 403: {"errors":[{"code":186,"message":"Status is over 140 characters."}]}
#tantekoh well, will investigate what API changes I have to make later
leg joined the channel
#tantekbut there you have it. my account is 280 enabled from the Twitter web UI, but not from the API apparently, or the current API that I'm using (no idea why it would need a new API for a string length change)
#tantekgoodness sakes testing twitter is dangerous. open the home page feed and see a dumpster fire.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#aaronpkand people wonder why I don't go to twitter.com and only read twitter from irc searches
#Loqitags or tagging refers to categorizing or labeling content, your own or others (tag-reply), with words, phrases, names, or other information, optionally linked to specific people, events, locations, such as the practice of tagging posts being about certain people (person-tag), like tagging people or other items where (area-tag) they're depicted in a photo https://indieweb.org/tags
#Loqitags or tagging refers to categorizing or labeling content, your own or others (tag-reply), with words, phrases, names, or other information, optionally linked to specific people, events, locations, such as the practice of tagging posts being about certain people (person-tag), like tagging people or other items where (area-tag) they're depicted in a photo https://indieweb.org/category
#petermolnarrevisiting the question if he needs tags at all
#cweiskehow do you list posts of the same topic? I do that with tags
loicm and j12t joined the channel
#petermolnarI call it category: they are in the same folder
#petermolnaroriginally my argument was that I'm terrible a tagging
#petermolnarthe reason for revisiting is that I'd rather do a decent full text search and drop tags
#petermolnarin the meanwhile I realised I have a tendency to do ~bi-annual cleanups of my site
#petermolnarwhen I send a lot of "content" to purgatory (offline archives)
[kevinmarks] and mblaney joined the channel
#mblaney!tell tantek,manton,kevinmarks just following up on the conversation from a few days ago about follow webactions and subscribing, there is a pitfall with indie-config that voxpelli and I discussed recently: unless you actively whitelist who you share your config with then you're potentially broadcasting your config to every page you visit.
[xavierroy], John__, snarfed, j12t, kpraslowicz, eli_oat and [keithjgrant] joined the channel
#[keithjgrant]I've confirmed Omnibear master branch works in Firefox, Chromium, and Vivaldi. I want to skip in a couple new features, then I'll cut another release on the next few days
#Loqikeithjgrant has 5 karma in this channel (10 overall)
[keithjgrant] joined the channel
#[keithjgrant]grantcodes cweiske I think I'm done with my changes to Omnibear. If you have the time today to test things out from the master branch, let me know now things work
#[keithjgrant]If not, no worries. I'll just publish what I've got and we'll find out later how many of the auth issues it resolves
#skippy[keithjgrant]: do you think omnibear would work with Firefox mobile? or is it desktop only?
#LoqiA slug is a series of words in a permalink URL, usually at the end, that are from or representative of the name or text of a post, and thus part of an overall URL design https://indieweb.org/slug
#[grantcodes]Yeah just a reply-to with content of a single emoji
#schmartytantek: deduplication is on my todo list, down in a fuzzy area called "maybe i should redo how i store and display received webmentions altogether"
#[keithjgrant]Go for it. I'm a little wary of filling up the little window with too much stuff, but I can sort that out later. Maybe provide options for the user to hide what they don't need visible
#snarfedhmm, an advanced de-duping maneuver would be to handle silo-only reactions with rel-me instead of u-syndication
#snarfede.g. if you know someone's twitter and FB accounts via rel-me, and they like in both places, you could de-dupe even if they don't have an indie like
#[kevinmarks]'single emoji character' is a slippery concept
#Loqi[kevinmarks]: mblaney left you a message 7 hours, 39 minutes ago: just following up on the conversation from a few days ago about follow webactions and subscribing, there is a pitfall with indie-config that voxpelli and I discussed recently: unless you actively whitelist who you share your config with then you're potentially broadcasting your config to every page you visit.
#Loqi[dissolve] single-emoji-recognizer: determine if some text contains a single emoji or not. useful in determining if a reply is a "reacji" or actual text