#dev 2017-09-29

2017-09-29 UTC
snarfed, EmreSokullu, EmreS, renem, [miklb] and [keithjgrant] joined the channel
edited /Go (+276) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ Add Dmitri Shuralyov and his example of using Go for indieweb."
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loicm, cweiske, j12t, rMdes_, John__, eli_oat and tantek joined the channel
tantek and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
That is very interesting
j12t and snarfed joined the channel
good morning #indieweb-dev
tantek: mblaney left you a message 1 day, 4 hours ago: just following up on the conversation from a few days ago about follow webactions and subscribing, there is a pitfall with indie-config that voxpelli and I discussed recently: unless you actively whitelist who you share your config with then you're potentially broadcasting your config to every page you visit.
huh interesting - though I don't think you're "broadcasting" but rather "making discoverable" which I believe is the whole point - so that from any page you visit, you can click on webaction buttons there and have them automatically work
dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
yep and this is my point about "leaking" information unintentionally and without requiring any user interaction
which coincidentally I talked about on my 3rd episode of Percolator which I am publishing this morning :)
are there any good examples / tools for importing one's Twitter archive into an indieweb site? Hopefully preserving reply-to chains, and such?
loicm joined the channel
I just deploy the webapp they give in the downloads
I could do a how-to for putting that on githup pages or something
i'd like to integrate the export into my statically generated site, with the intent of posting notes there from now on and POSSEing to Twitter...
i think i wrote my own importer script
it tends to be very specific to the site you're importing to IMO
sure, that makes sense, aaronpk
tantek joined the channel
that cloudflare service workers thing could be used to do unmung type services which is fun
loicm and [keithjgrant] joined the channel
My WMs from webmention.io stopped loading (jsonp) in Firefox only...?
[miklb] joined the channel
Working in FF nightly. Gotta be a cache or cookie issue?
KartikPrabhu, j12t and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Is suppose you could do a twitter archive to micropub translation, but that would pound your micropub endpoint
snarfed, sebsel, [kpraslowicz], snarfed1, artsyhonker, KartikPrabhu and [keithjgrant] joined the channel
Well, Netlify doesn't appear to be any faster than forestry.io when building a Hugo site. It requires a lot fewer moving parts though, so I'll probably stick with it
snarfed, tantek, [xavierroy], [miklb], j12t and [manton] joined the channel
edited /Homebrew_Website_Club (-183) "Moving Austin to regular meetings section."
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edited /Homebrew_Website_Club (+201) "Adding Austin with first Wednesday schedule."
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snarfed, tantek, loicm, John__, cweiske, KartikPrabhu, snarfed1, leg, clintpatty and [tantek] joined the channel
What is import?
import in the context of the indieweb refers to the ability to take an export and add it to your site https://indieweb.org/import
What is backfill
backfill is the action of importing all your past posts, typically from a social media silo, into your own site https://indieweb.org/backfill
kevinmarks skippy perhaps add questions and suggestions re above, webmebtion, micropub to /import or /backfill whichever sounds closer to what you're doing?
leg and [miklb] joined the channel