#dev 2017-10-03

2017-10-03 UTC
eli_oat, tantek, snarfed, snarfed1, leg and [tantek] joined the channel
Just deployed a /request page on my site for the opposite of /pay (literally at dinner where someone else paid and needed to request payment from everyone else).
Only venmo for now because it gives a pay / request choice
Aaronpk if you know how to make a "request payment" PayPal link that would be cool too
snarfed, snarfed1 and renem joined the channel
May want a different verb tho
Request seem very generic
repayment? reimbursement? Restitution!
[keithjgrant], [miklb], KartikPrabhu and tantek joined the channel
hm I don’t think I’ve seen that feature in PayPal at all
eli_oat, KartikPrabhu, snarfed and [shurcool] joined the channel
loicm, snarfed1 and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Is that verb "invoice"?
aaronpk:you can request payment with paypal me - https://paypal.me/ruxtonau/25 - or alternatively, without request, https://paypal.me/ruxtonau
tantek joined the channel
tantek: re your paypal q from earlier, you can request payments with paypal.me - https://paypal.me/ruxtonau/25 - the last part in the url should be a decimal value (25/25.5/25.32/etc.)
j12t joined the channel
oh, wow: don't use python whoosh with asyncio, I ended up consuming 5GB in 0.1 seconds o.O
[tantek] joined the channel
Ruxton I think that's the opposite of what I was asking
I already have /pay for that and am working on adding the / amount for that which will use that PayPal URL for other people to pay me
My /request page is for other people to request payment *from* me
That's the bit I can't figure out how to do with PayPal
j12t and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Looks like PayPal's request system requires the requestor to do the work in the PayPal UI. Or did, this is a very old howto: http://archive.oreilly.com/pub/h/2151
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
John__, eli_oat and [tantek] joined the channel
Kevinmarks the donate button is like the pay link. Again the direction is toward the account holder.
That's /pay and that's solved
This is the opposite. How do you put up a link so someone else can ask you for money
Also wondering if anyone has figured this out with square cash
tantek joined the channel
created /User:Keithjgrant.com (+190) "Created page with "= [https://keithjgrant.com Keith J. Grant] = == Projects == [[Omnibear]] == Talks == * 2017-09-22 [https://keithjgrant.com/talks/decentralized-web/ The Decentralized Social W...""
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edited /IRC_People (+101) "/* Nicknames */"
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tantek, j12t, John___ and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Ah, I see. A bit like Doc Searls's "post an rfp" idea, but simpler.
Worth looking at existing sites that do this - it's usually an application process. Ben has one at matter, for example.
singpolyma joined the channel
Square Cash at least does have a request feature. Not sure about building a link for it tho
snarfed joined the channel
[Julien Genestoux] WebSub
aaronpk++ congrats on the websub PR going up!
aaronpk has 76 karma in this channel (1438 overall)
aaronpk has 77 karma in this channel (1439 overall)
j12t, snarfed, John___ and sebsel joined the channel
edited /User:Martymcgui.re (+1284) "/* Itches */ updates after IWC NYC 2017"
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snarfed, snarfed1, [xavierroy] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
Nice job, aaronpk++ ?
Are there any reference implementations of WebSub, yet?
(I know that there are lots of implementations, but is any considered "the reference")
the three biggest/most public ones are Google's (https://pubsubhubbub.appspot.com/) Superfeedr (http://pubsubhubbub.superfeedr.com/), and mine (https://switchboard.p3k.io)
google recently pushed a few changes to theirs and ran it through the validator
What I'm *really* looking forward to is Microsub!
me too hehe
i feel like i need to capture my plans and schedule for everything i'm working on to keep it straight
like a roadmap, as much as someone dislikes that term
what is a roadmap?
Typical use of the term roadmap does not refer to actual roads, maps, or maps of roads - instead, keep a personal priority ordered list of what you're specifically Working On, and for unsorted or vague desires, add them to an unordered Itches list, on your User page or your project's page https://indieweb.org/roadmap
edited /Baltimore (+139) "add HWC Baltimore twitter"
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KartikPrabhu, [ob], [keithjgrant] and amz3` joined the channel
edited /git (+404) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ Add Dmitri Shuralyov and his example of self-hosted git repos with activity event screenshot."
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[shurcool] and j12t joined the channel
edited /git (+4) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ Tweak wording about events showing up for self-hosted and GitHub-hosted repos."
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KartikPrabhu, [kevinmarks] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
[Jonathan LaCour] Jonathan LaCour ...
Looks like its not finding a `p-name` for the `h-entry`.
Any recommendations on the markup I'm generating?
ooh i had this problem with my reviews too
i wanted the name to include text that is already inside the h-product
i think i ended up making a hidden element to set the p-name of the outer object explicitly :-/
That's what I was planning on doing though ?
So, good to know I'm not crazy@!
Oh well, I am inclined to just leave it how it is, and say its Woodwind's problem.
With nested markup, there's not really a good way to distinguish which `p-name` is designated for an `h-entry` vs. a `h-product`
woodwind could be smart enough to know that's a review and pull out the properties better. but it's still nice to provide a fallback.
[cleverdevil] - I actually came here to say that too! I replied to it, and now its showing all messed up in my woodwind
oh actually you should wrap it in h-review if you can since that's a known top-level object
Its not a review, its a "watched" record.
oh! nvm then
So, an h-entry with a link to an h-product.
Okay, I'll fiddle some more.
I have an idea.
sebsel++ for the tiktok/micropub posy
sebsel has 13 karma in this channel (47 overall)
got me through a lot of puzzling about running hooks with TikTokBot
OK, I did the dirty hack.
Should work now.
But, I feel gross ?
[tantek] joined the channel
created /invisible_canoe (+18) "prompted by [kevinmarks] and dfn added by aaronpk"
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We did used to have ways of telling the parser to look things up in an element with a different id, but it was far too hard to author and parse reliably
[miklb] joined the channel
Tweetbot for iOS finally™ got native share sheet, will be one step closer to a workflow for better doing replies via micropub.
tantek and [eddie] joined the channel
`+Overland` ...??
what is Overland?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Overland" yet. Would you like to create it?
what is Percolator?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Percolator" yet. Would you like to create it?
Percolator is a [[podcast]] by {{aaronpk}} available at https://percolator.today
created /Percolator (+108) "prompted by KartikPrabhu and dfn added by aaronpk"
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Overland is an [[iOS]] app for location tracking that can send its data to an custom server. {{aaronpk}} uses Overland to send his location to his website to do things like automatically set the timezone of posts, track bike rides and train trips, display the local weather, and more.
created /Overland (+311) "prompted by KartikPrabhu and dfn added by aaronpk"
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ok, I added "https://aaronparecki.com/gps/" to the "See Also" section of /Overland
edited /Overland (+49) "/* See Also */ new section"
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[Aaron Parecki] My GPS Logs
edited /Overland (+42) "aaronpk added "https://github.com/aaronpk/Overland-iOS" to "See Also""
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ok, I added "https://github.com/aaronpk/Overland-iOS" to the "See Also" section of /Overland
[aaronpk] Overland-iOS: GPS logger for iOS devices
Overland << Compass
edited /Overland (+14) "aaronpk added "[[Compass]]" to "See Also""
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ok, I added "[[Compass]]" to the "See Also" section of /Overland
tantek, amz3`, [kevinmarks] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel