#dev 2017-10-07

2017-10-07 UTC
[miklb] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich], tantek and gRegorLove joined the channel
tantek and eli_oat joined the channel
Trying to scrape AIM names from AIM.com via javascript, but it only gets the part of the list visible on the screen.
So if I zoom way out, I can get 85 at a time, haha
KartikPrabhu, renem, [chrisaldrich] and [eddie] joined the channel
!tell grantcodes I tried to install together locally to see how progress is coming with your recent changes but I got an error: https://github.com/cleverdevil/together/issues/8
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[EdwardHinkle] #8 Error on install
leg and [miklb] joined the channel
this looks interesting for static sites hosted on GitHub to be able to trigger a build or something to get webmentions https://github.com/probot/scheduler
[probot] scheduler: A helper to trigger events on a periodic schedule.
#omni #ui Using Facepiles in Comments for WordPress with Webmentions and Semantic Linkbacks http://dlvr.it/Psxbgs… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/916544399848366084
EmreSokullu, jeremycherfas, sebsel and j12t joined the channel
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
If you're going to use circles, why a square grid?
renem, j12t and John___ joined the channel
snarfed and snarfed1 joined the channel
j12t and [grantcodes] joined the channel
eddie Yup you probably just need to run `yarn install` first
[grantcodes]: [eddie] left you a message 12 hours, 43 minutes ago: I tried to install together locally to see how progress is coming with your recent changes but I got an error: https://github.com/cleverdevil/together/issues/8
oh holy crap my app was approved
[miklb] joined the channel
now you too can automatically set the timezone and geotag things on your website!
I'm so torn about geolocating myself. I find it fascinating, but also boring to others, possibly.
it's not about other people, it's about you!
i like my subtle use of it where it just makes the timezones of all my posts correct
and the city name shows up on my posts as well, which isn't "boring" to others necessarily cause it's easy to ignore if you don't care
I need something like that, but just for my house. Except most would just say “couch”
hah reverse engineered the link since it's not showing up in search yet
edited /Overland (+64) "add download link"
(view diff)
That's true. It is me I'm geolocating. I have other things to scratch first.
jeremych_, snarfed, j12t, jeremycherfas, [kevinmarks], amz3` and [eddie] joined the channel
grantcodes: ohhh! That makes sense. I’ll try that ?
aaronpk: yay, congrats!!
jeremych_ joined the channel
aaronpk: I know you have a hosted compass server. Is it easy to export from? I’m trying to decide if I want to go through trying to get Compass installed now or just start by using the hosted version and then migrating (if that’s possible and not a headache).
If that’s not possible or hard to do than I should just do the self install
there is no built-in export tool, but it just saves files on disk
Gotcha. So self install then ?
it should be easy to install
i'm not really intending to run a public install of it either
i should probably actually block signups
Haha yeah probably. I wondered at one point so I tried to login and when it let me I figured it was public intended
i was thinking about building a different backend for it that i actually would run for people who download the app. instead of storing everything it would just store a little bit of info like the last known location and maybe a log of what city you're in
Ohhh interesting. That would be a good way to allow “easy getting started” and then if they wanted to do more they could build their own backend
yeah i don't mind hosting that little data, i just don't want to host gigs of data for peoplee
my logs are up to 3 gigs for the last couple years, which isn't a ton, but still
Haha yeah that could go badly in multiple ways. File space and people might feel like they hold you accountable for the data which could be sticky
Where as “last location” and simple data like that isn’t bad
John___ joined the channel
yeah i kinda wanna do it Fire Eagle style
Oh cool! Yeah, I had never heard of Fire Eagle but seems pretty cool
j12t joined the channel
PHP is now installed and configured with my nginx server. Woowoo! ?
nice! hope that wasn't too painful
I haven't touched PHP in literally over 6 years. lol
it's a lot better now :)
Yeah it seems like it ?
I actually did half of it on my phone. haha
I’m gonna end up leaving before I get it fully installed. As long as I switch the send interval to off, it’ll just queue the gps so that when I get home I can turn it on and it’ll upload them all, from the way I understand it?
Also: when it doesn't get 'ok' from your server, it will keep the data :)
Ahhh good to know ?
j12t, [miklb], leg, tantek and snarfed joined the channel