[eddie]!tell aaronpk: Victory! It works! My micropub server is upset about the json file, so I need to tweak that but besides that we've figured it out!
Loqibear: tantek left you a message 23 hours, 34 minutes ago: for your review (off the top of my head because aaronpk asked) https://indieweb.org/email#phishing
bearthe part that does the templating is distinct from the part that runs Flask. Flask is required only for the dynamic parts and uses all text files with a bit of redis for a simple event queue and state
[eddie]aaronpk: Yeah, looking at my endpoint, I don't think I'd be able to add support for that in easily. So when I have the chance I might take stab at converting to proper media endpoint, etc instead of changing my endpoint to an unsupported feature. It looks like everything would be in the Jobs/TripComplete.php file that I would need to change. I can take a look at Quill for how you've done the media endpoints in the past
aaronpkthen changing the POST request in TripComplete.php to JSON format and using the URL of the file instead of adding the JSON data as a multipart chunk
[eddie]!tell aaronpk when trips are sent via Micropub do they cease to exist? (Wondering before I start making and testing Micropub changes with Compass and realize all my trips disappear ?) not the biggest deal because all of the data is still in compass but it’d be nice not to lose the trips.
jeremycherfasZegnat Clearly Tim Bunce has given a lot of thought to the mechanics of making transcripts, but I do wonder whether he has actually tried doing it as part of a podcast workflow. For some of mine, I have made the transcript, after the fact. And for some I have transcribed raw tape the better to edit it.
jeremycherfasI think I need to think again about how to do at least the timecoded transcript. There is a tool called F5 (made in Germany) that inserts timecodes automatically.
jeremycherfasGiven a rough transcript produced by one of the online services, I think it would be reasonably quick to clean it up and insert timecodes with F5.
cweiskeno. but if you show the transcript on the page, it should be useful for the user - e.g. to let him jump to the specific position in the podcast by clicking on the line
sknebelI guess my question is, do the details/having a specific format matter that much if it is only used for page-internal functions like that. but I might have misinterpreted the initial question already
sknebelschmarty: btw, was it intentional that your last podcast tweet only had a picture and not a video? confused me quite a bit since I thought my browser was just to stupid to load the video in
sknebelyeah, I recognized the video template and was clicking it like mad. this time I left the tab open while chatting here and suddenly the video controls appeared
jeremycherfasIf I go back to my unmixed podcast audio, I can easily export separate files for each speaker, which could then be transcribed and merged back into a single transcript. No need to diarise the speakers.
clintpatty, raziellight, calumryan, EmreSokullu, eli_oat, dougbeal|imac, j12t, KartikPrabhu and [miklb] joined the channel
Loqiaaronpk: [eddie] left you a message 9 hours, 7 minutes ago: when trips are sent via Micropub do they cease to exist? (Wondering before I start making and testing Micropub changes with Compass and realize all my trips disappear ?) not the biggest deal because all of the data is still in compass but it’d be nice not to lose the trips.
Loqiheadless CMS is a Content Management System that only handles the backend parts of a traditional CMS (storage, editing interface, APIs, ...), with the reader-facing side handled by a different system https://indieweb.org/headless_CMS
sknebelNetlify CMS is an example with a static gen. netlify hosts and builds static sites, so they made a editing UI that talks to the github API to generate the storage files
sknebelregarding the bandwidth discussion, interesting question/idea about forbidding non-gzip responses: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15552973 (requires text-content to be the issue, and in the Indieweb world I wouldn't trust on every program fetching your site speaking gzip)
raziellightcan anyone point me in the right direction for token and auth end point implementations. i'm trying to understand how it all works and trying to connect with a client
sknebel!tell tantek: one thing I noticed regarding your traffic issues is that apparently only static files get gzip-compressed by your webserver. maybe they let you configure that?