#dev 2017-10-26
2017-10-26 UTC
EmreSokullu, dougbeal|mb1, [kevinmarks], renem, [miklb], [eddie], gRegorLove, sebsel, j12t, cweiske, KartikPrabhu, John___, [jeremycherfas], jeremycherfas and martin4 joined the channel
vanderven.se martijn moved /Typography to /typography "This isn’t a name, better to be available without caps."
vanderven.se martijn edited /Planning (-24) "/* Planned */ Martijn is definitely on-site for a Leaders Summit in Berlin" (view diff)
jeremycherfas !tell aaronpk Telegraph received this error "Reason: <span style="color: #F00;">POST received with blank user-agent and referer" from https://readwriterespond.com/wp-json/webmention/1.0/endpoint. Is this something I should report to that site?

jeremycherfas At the site I am replying to? I'll let him know directly.

Zegnat Feel free to comment further on this issue: https://github.com/indieweb/mention-client-php/issues/32

jeremycherfas Thanks for doing all the detective work. I just left a comment at that site.

jeremycherfas It's a wordpress.com site; I wonder whether that makes a difference?

EmreSokullu joined the channel
petermolnar what is MentionClient

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "MentionClient" yet. Would you like to create it?

Zegnat Hmm. It is a library, and I don’t think all libraries should have their own pages. It is linked on https://indieweb.org/Webmention-developer#Sending

petermolnar worldfence, one of the heaviest plugin ever existed for wp

j12t joined the channel
petermolnar nyeh, typo

eli_oat, calumryan, snarfed and tantek joined the channel
loqi.me edited /blockchain (+381) "tantek added "[https://steem.io/ Steem] - a "blockchain-based social media platform" - misfocused because [[plumbing#UX_and_design_is_more_important_than_plumbing|plumbing is less important than UX]], and ironic because deduplication (user level, not" (view diff)

Loqi bandwidth is defined by hosting providers as the amount of network traffic sent and received by your web site during a billing period (like a month) and by ISPs as the maximum rate of network traffic allowed per minute https://indieweb.org/bandwidth

tantek on another topic, interesting silo RSVP permalink datapoint - when you click a FB action to respond "interested" to an event it creates an RSVP post that others can like, comment on etc., AND if you click another FB action (or via API) to respond "going" to that same event, rather than create a new RSVP post, FB updates the original RSVP post with "is going" replacing "is interested" which then may make the comments inapplic

tantek public (log-in may be required?) permalink: https://www.facebook.com/events/920009881480567/permalink/920183231463232/

tantek maybe worth adding as an explicit example to https://indieweb.org/RSVP#Facebook, with screenshot, above analysis, etc.

j12t, [manton], snarfed, snarfed1, John___ and sebsel joined the channel
raziellight anyone know if i use OAuth 2.0 will that work for micropub endpoint?
snarfed joined the channel
jeremycherfas @manton For the first time. OSX app responded with Micropub API settings have been updated. But when I tried to post, same Error sending post.

[eddie] joined the channel
jeremycherfas I would be willing to delete my Known instance and reinstall, except that I have had had poor experiences with importing and exported database. If there's another way, I would try that.

raziellight hmm i was trying to use indieauth(the website) yesterday for the verification in code, but i couldn't use it because it was a local server from flask, and i think the indieauth website couldn't see my server.
raziellight i've been looking over two code bases with it implemented. one which is a huge mess. and the other that uses indieauth website, and seems much cleaner.
raziellight and i am sort of at a dead end right now. not sure where to go to get something up and running. a simple micropub endpoint
raziellight hmm
raziellight cause i was trying to log in with omnibear, but i need authorization. so i got into that
raziellight omnibear is a browser extension
raziellight they detail some of it on the indieweb wiki but not complete enought to actually get something up and running
raziellight i think all i really need to figure out is the authorization endpoint
raziellight because i have some code here for token and micropub
Zegnat https://github.com/Inklings-io/selfauth is a pretty simple auth endpoint implementation in PHP, if that is your language

raziellight no it's not but it's better than nothing
raziellight python is my language
raziellight thanks
raziellight i'll check it out
raziellight this looks actually really good. a simple example is exactly what i need
Zegnat You can also have a look at adactio’s micropub implementation, which is all just a single PHP file: https://gist.github.com/adactio/8168e6b78da7b16a4644

Loqi [manton]: mblaney left you a message on 2017-09-28 at 9:45am UTC: just following up on the conversation from a few days ago about follow webactions and subscribing, there is a pitfall with indie-config that voxpelli and I discussed recently: unless you actively whitelist who you share your config with then you're potentially broadcasting your config to every page you visit.

raziellight ya well using indieauth.com would be great eddie, but ican't do it if my webpage is offline
jeremycherfas Manton Thanks anyway. I could of course create a new subdirectory and attempt a fresh install to that. But I really don't know how to go about troubleshooting when there are two entities involved and the trouble lies somewhere between the two of them.

raziellight i was trying that the other day, but omnibear kept redirecting the auth? to an error. i think in the end it was because it couldn't see the webpage
jeremycherfas Dgold Have you given up on Known?

raziellight :o
raziellight then i tried putting something on dropbox, but that didn't turn out so well either :D
jeremycherfas What are you using then?

jeremycherfas Ah. So everything is in Hugo now. OK.

raziellight well yesterday i was trying to figure out their micropub implementations from the two main ones in python, kaku, and redwind with dreams of making something super simple that could be used as a supser simple component for micropubs to connect to and get the rel data
raziellight it all started from someone in here saying to try to just hook a python script up and see what data a micropub client spits out at you to figure out what to do with it
jeremycherfas I definitely can relate to that.

raziellight and ofcourse it wasn't as simple as that beccause there were auth checks
raziellight i don't even know if you're talking to me. anyway i'm going to get back to work
raziellight thanks guys !
raziellight yes eddie! that's what i did. on my server anyway. then i tried with dropbox, but the link was too long or wasn't processing completely
raziellight putting the static html with rel links for indie auth and then putting my token and micropub endpoints in it
raziellight dropbox doesn't just get a plain page or i couldn't get it working
raziellight and i tried on local server as well which actually made some progress in getting omnibear to work
jeremycherfas Manton In the knownchat channel mapkyca wonders whether it is possible to get CURL data from micro.blog.

raziellight ya.. well i need another place to put a simple page online. but it will still be pointing to my local micropub endpoint, so dunno how that will work
raziellight not right now eddie. but i suppose that could be another direction to go in if i find making my own auth implementation too onerous
raziellight hmm well i know the redirect url for omnibear, but not sure how the token would get passed yet
raziellight ya which is why indieauth exists right
raziellight lol.. what have i got myself into :o
raziellight this all started with just trying to see what a micropub client spits out at me
Zegnat neocities or github pages are pretty good for single static HTML pages to host for free. It always gets tricky when you start mixing in authentication. Any chance of having your micropub endpoint just accept a fixed token (say AAAAA) and then telling omnibear to always use said fixed token?

raziellight someone on here suggesting that anyhow
raziellight ah i have a github account!
raziellight i can do that
raziellight i don't think there's a way to input that token zegnat
raziellight it does it all automagically. when i tried omnibear with indieauth it redirected to an indieauth page
raziellight so i can get to the token part without jumping through hurdles
raziellight but ya it would be nice if i could do that..
raziellight well i can try putting it on github and see if i can get it working that way.. that definitely might be an option
raziellight and seeing if i can jump a few steps
raziellight ya well when i first tried omnibear it kept hitting me back with auth token and micropub endpoints, and then i figured out that i needed to put those links in my / directory, and then i got it to the next step
raziellight so i think it definitely needs them
raziellight yes and it found them. then it redirected to indieauth which looks for a webpage which was offline because it was my local server. and i'm not sure how it redirects, however
raziellight i guess that is handled by the client? not sure tho
[cleverdevil] and [markmhendrickso joined the channel
raziellight brilliant !
raziellight thank you!
@keithjgrant This thread. I absolutely believe it.
It only took me a few hours of hacking to implement IndieAuth in Omnibear. I hope it catches on. https://twitter.com/Rich_Harris/status/923392376592392197 (twitter.com/_/status/923588407456133121)
@keithjgrant @Rich_Harris Are you familiar with IndieAuth? Way easier to implement. Though it requires your users to have a compatible website
https://indieweb.org/indieauth (twitter.com/_/status/923589971205853186)
raziellight lol omgosh. this is exactly how i feelt "is about as well-maintained as your department's internal wiki — all broken links, unfinished guides, bad information architecture etc."
[keithjgrant] joined the channel
[keithjgrant] Yeah, Omnibear does a full token exchange with the auth endpoint

raziellight not really sknebel. i'm a bit clearer of the exchanges going on due to some of the indieweb wiki(https://indieweb.org/obtaining-an-access-token) but it's far from completely clear.
raziellight my plan was really just to look at some of this code you sent me and maybe throw up a static page on github and see what happens
raziellight it seems like omni bear sends a request to indieauth and then indieauth looks at the domain for something in the me= that's as far as i've got through the sign in process
raziellight and indieauth is far from clear about this stuff for developers
raziellight and it all might be in vain if indieauth can't see my server with my code..
[keithjgrant] @ksnebel Check my comment on that GitHub issue

[keithjgrant] You should be able to manually set the token in the browser console

raziellight ya for the main page, right sknebel? i'm completely in the dark about the exchanges that go on after that, but it's worth a shot
raziellight so indieauth looks at this webpage, and then the token is passed to omnibear through some black box magic, and then hopefully omnibear sends that token to micropub endpoint, and we are off?
sknebel https://indieweb.org/obtaining-an-access-token#Discovery you need a static page online with these three links, except that you replace the micropub one with your locally running micropub endpoint you want to test. then add a rel=me link like described on https://indieauth.com/setup
raziellight yes exactly ! i was trying that though first on my local server and then through dropbox and i got to the next step but indieauth spat out an unrecognizable error and i figured it couldn't detect the page
[keithjgrant] Omnibear watches for your browser to be redirected to omnibear.com/auth/success?code=123abc, then uses that code to fetch a token from the auth endpoint

raziellight so the next step would be to try it on github. which i'm definitely willing to try at this point
raziellight and it would be magic if it worked
raziellight ya i actually went to that url keith and got an ever loading page
raziellight redirect url
raziellight oh well i guess i'm going to go load a simple html page up to github. i'll report back on what happens
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
raziellight hey kartik!
[keithjgrant] Yeah, if you were to go into the debugger for Omnibear’s background page, you should see what went wrong fetching the token in the network traffic. Some errors don't propagate well at this point

raziellight you mean like firefox developer?
raziellight the browser toolbox
[keithjgrant] Firefox devtools. To open them for the add-on, go to 'about:debugging' (in URL bar). Check "enable add-on debugging", then click "debug" beneath Omnibear

[keithjgrant] (if anyone wants to help document this stuff on omnibear.com, I'd gladly take PRs ?)

raziellight oh wow. this is great. thanks keith
[keithjgrant] Firefox is probably easier to debug than Chrome. In chrome, network traffic/errors/etc can happen on any of three pages—omnibear window, Omnibear background page, and the current page. In FF, these all get shown in the same debugger window.

raziellight i see the network menu. but it looks like it doesn't filter it for omnibar(in the omnibar developer tools)
[keithjgrant] Yeah. I think that's b/c Omnibear is running a script on all pages, so all network traffic shows there. You can clear it just before attempting authentication to make your requests easier to find

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
raziellight so i uploaded to github and tried. i get a no rel=me found. i looked in the red wind repository, and it seems like there needs to be some hash or something to identify the program
raziellight so i added it, but i have no idea what i'm doing at this point
raziellight seems like this is more for logging into other webpage services, and it will still look for that other service to log you in. so i'm guessing it won't communicate with my app since it's local
raziellight my page is raziellight.github.io/auth.html btw
Loqi aaronpk: jeremycherfas left you a message 6 hours ago: Telegraph received this error "Reason: <span style="color: #F00;">POST received with blank user-agent and referer" from https://readwriterespond.com/wp-json/webmention/1.0/endpoint. Is this something I should report to that site?

raziellight hmm ok
sknebel raziellight: you just need to add a rel=me Indieauth.com understands (e.g. with your e-mail address, https://indieauth.com/setup ) and you should be good to go
[eddie] joined the channel
[eddie] raziellight: With IndieAuth.com you can either use a third party social service, a PGP key or Email: https://indieauth.com/setup

raziellight and that's not just for stuff like twitter. it will work for micropub endpoints?
raziellight and clients..
Zegnat raziellight: a Micropub server expects an (OAuth) Bearer token in an Authorization header. Where and how this is gotten doesn’t matter. Most Micropub clients that have currently been published assume the user will use the IndieAuth protocol for creating that Bearer token, so the clients initialise the entire authorization “dance” for you.

Zegnat I think most people start by implementing IndieAuth on there pages, to login to the wiki and other things. So it doesn’t happen a lot that someone wants to start using Micropub and doesn’t have a working authentication flow already set-up. Clearly you are the different case and are hitting a part that we haven’t documented well enough.

raziellight ah ok
raziellight i see
raziellight ya because i've seen this page several times, and it was somewhat ambiguous if it was meant for micropub clients at first, but then i saw some in the redwind code
raziellight ok let me try this and i'll see
aaronpk dgold: https://gpgtools.org

dgold this seems apposite: http://tinyurl.com/lo64wrw [ http://notes.jerzygangi.com/the-best-pgp-tutorial-for-mac-os-x-ever/ ]

raziellight whoa it works. i'm in guys !
raziellight :)!
raziellight super :)
raziellight so now will omnibear send a token to micropub then?
raziellight i'm guessing yes
raziellight each time a micropub request is done, i seem to remember a auth token is sent
raziellight thanks to all. and thanks for the github request. that worked perfect.
raziellight time for coffffeeee
Zegnat We could definitely use some more PGP/GPG how-tos on https://indieweb.org/pgp#Articles

snarfed obligatory: https://xkcd.com/1181/
Loqi [XKCD] PGP https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/pgp_2x.png

snarfed spent a lot of my life using and hacking on [al]pine. e.g. https://snarfed.org/software#pine
snarfed dgold: https://snarfed.org/gmail_vs_pine :P
j12t joined the channel
EmreSokullu joined the channel
vanderven.se martijn edited /pgp (+1937) "/* Articles */ Add articles linked previously on the page, with full citation info and archives." (view diff)
vanderven.se martijn edited /User:Vanderven.se_martijn/IndieAuth (+1067) "/* Articles */ Links to IndieAuth chapters on OAuth.com, with full citation and archive links" (view diff)
snarfed and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
@depone Wieder ein bisschen mit Webmentions experimentiert und festgestellt, dass Instagram ein noch übleres Silo ist, als ich dachte. (twitter.com/_/status/923674556811882496)
snarfed and EmreSokullu joined the channel