[eddie]!tell snarfed When fed.brid.gy says 'your site will also need to support WebSub' should we be pinging our own hub or should we be pinging hub=https://bridgy-fed.superfeedr.com/ and if it's the later, what is the topic we should be passing? The full granary URL?
Loqi[jeremy_testknown] New post, from the OS X app, which may show up on my new Known instance. If it does, that will be a good thing. Will then add plugins one at a time, I suppose, and see when and if it breaks.
jeremycherfasMy dilemma now is what to do. I could try a clean install into the previous Stream sub-domain and then re-attach it to the old DB. Does that seem logical to you guys?
jeremycherfasIf the DB is the problem, then when I reattach to the old DB -- by editing config.ini -- the problem should show up again. Assuming it does not show up on the clean install.
snarfed!tell eddie,Zegnat,dgold you just need to advertise a websub hub in your atom feed. bridgy fed doesn't actually care itself; it's just how OStatus fedsocnets (and i think still Mastodon too) theoretically get your posts. will add to the docs.
Loqisnarfed: [eddie] left you a message 6 hours, 13 minutes ago: When fed.brid.gy says 'your site will also need to support WebSub' should we be pinging our own hub or should we be pinging hub=https://bridgy-fed.superfeedr.com/ and if it's the later, what is the topic we should be passing? The full granary URL?
Loqi[Gargron] >an Atom feed with activitystream data
Just an Atom feed will do too, but it needs to contain a link to a Pubsubhubbub hub
>webfinger support
Yes. Link to Atom feed, link to profile, link to salmon, magic key
>an XRD at .well-known/host-...
Loqi[eddie]: snarfed left you a message 34 minutes ago: you just need to advertise a websub hub in your atom feed. bridgy fed doesn't actually care itself; it's just how OStatus fedsocnets (and i think still Mastodon too) theoretically get your posts. will add to the docs.
petermolnaroh my: don't follow SQLite best practices... my search database grew to 150MB from the expected 2 due to update or insert ideas I found on the internet
petermolnarsknebel I hit 2 problems: a, the is_uptodate wasn't working because int field was getting a float to check against, so on every run I did "update xyz" followed by "insert or ignore into", but it seems like this is a really bad idea when you use the fts5 engine
[tantek]Any reason for hierarchical wiki categories? Flat first until we actually have problems with that? Presumably Category:PHP would be sufficient? cc: cweiske
Loqidgold: snarfed left you a message 5 hours, 4 minutes ago: you just need to advertise a websub hub in your atom feed. bridgy fed doesn't actually care itself; it's just how OStatus fedsocnets (and i think still Mastodon too) theoretically get your posts. will add to the docs.
snarfed!tell aaronpk,miklb,dgold,eddie as you all have noticed, following/reading/post propagation between indieweb and fedsocnets is definitely the biggest hole in bridgy fed that still really needs to be nailed down
Loqiaaronpk: snarfed left you a message 1 minute ago: as you all have noticed, following/reading/post propagation between indieweb and fedsocnets is definitely the biggest hole in bridgy fed that still really needs to be nailed down
snarfedsknebel: i tried it all the way through. it never actually tested anything, just collected my answers to questions and generated an implementation report
dgoldthe bug that was thrown up by my post, I dug around in the data, and there are something north of six different pseudo-canonical urls for each datapoint
[miklb]think I’m the same as aaronpk “i don’t think i know enough of how mastodon actually works, but i know the end result that I *want* to have happen”
Loqi[miklb]: snarfed left you a message 14 minutes ago: as you all have noticed, following/reading/post propagation between indieweb and fedsocnets is definitely the biggest hole in bridgy fed that still really needs to be nailed down
Loqi[miklb]: snarfed left you a message 14 minutes ago: you all have researched more than me so far, and i may not prioritize it myself near term, so i'd love your input! e.g. https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/14