#Loqi[snarfed] #715 port statistics and to_tsv.py to bigquery
#snarfedhmm but i got farther than i remembered. maybe time to finish
snarfed and tantek joined the channel
#petermolnar!tell aaronpk I've tried XRay, impressive, but I'd love to see a PHAR version, so it's be simpler to call it from bash and python than `php -r chdir("/path/to/xray"); include("vendor/autoload.php"); $xray = new p3k\XRay(); echo(json_encode($xray->parse("URL-to-Parse")));`
#aaronpkso my workflow now is i export the audio from my editor and upload it to Gramophone which converts it to mp3 at the specified bitrate and munges it to a mono file. that was a manual command line step for me before.
#aaronpkit then also handles embedding the artwork and setting all the id3 tags in the file
#aaronpk(i had a separate osx program for that before)
#aaronpkso now percolator.today is a pretty functional little website! It has a micropub endpoint, media endpoint, sends webmentions, and can receive and display webmentions!
#LoqiA framework (in this context software framework or web framework in particular) is a software library and ways of using it that provides an alternative (often simplified) way of writing software, typically explicitly instead of how you would normally write that software https://indieweb.org/framework
#[miklb]aaronpk I’ve been very pleased with it and the direction the developer has taken it. The extensions people are building for it are great too
#[miklb]I think I started using it around v.3 and now at .6
#sknebelDid I not have enough coffee to grok that dfn, or does it read odd for other people as well?
#tanteksknebel: a framework is an abstraction, so defining it tends to be a bit abstract as well. yes it may require more coffee :)
#sknebelI know there's a bunch of definitions. Here I'm especially confused by the "explicitly", since a common criticism is rather the opposite (but then again, that's not global).
#tantekexplicitly meaning the framework is designed to (and teaches you to) replace using some other programming language
#tantektrue for most frameworks, e.g. use Sass *instead of* CSS selectors/rules
#tantekright, what are the meaningful differences?
#sknebelI personally like the definition via "Inversion of Control"
#[miklb]but I’d argue a library can’t stand on its own, whereas a framework does
#aaronpka library doesn't force you to structure your application in a certain way, libraries are typically encapsulated functionality
#KartikPrabhuwhat's "inversion of control"? defniception!
#tantekagreed, "inversion of control" is abstract and not helpful
#sknebelmeaning that a library is something you call from your application, vs with a framework you create pieces that fit into/are called from the framework
#tantekaaronpk, whereas frameworks do force you to structure you application in a certain way?
#aaronpkright, when you use a framework you're fitting into that framework's rules
#sknebelwhich e.g. makes the typical serverside web framework a framework: it calls you from incoming rules, you write functions and provide configuration for the core when to call them
#aaronpka CSS framework provides a structure for you to use to create your website. a CSS library might do something like provide a nice looking button widget you can use on any website
#KartikPrabhumaybe these definitions are overlapping and not separating
#tantekor there are real world examples that are partly one and partly another
#petermolnarsees Bulma, thinks Dragonball, is there a story behind that framework?
#ZegnatI wonder about the overlap between DragonBall characters and framework names now, petermolnar. Apparently Goku is a “golang web mvc framework”.
#LoqiZegnat: petermolnar left you a message 20 hours, 27 minutes ago: no, unfortunately I can't make it; on the learning docker though, it's not that much black magic
#KartikPrabhusomeone make a Webeta framewrok please!
#KartikPrabhuI always get turned off by "npm" installation instructions
#ZegnatI used PostCSS for a bit. There are some nice options for getting future CSS stuff in there like variables, adhering to proposed specs. I found that nice.
#[miklb]sorry if PostCSS’s definition of their tool isn’t a good dfn
#tantekAs Twitter has essentially encouraged and amplified the worst of human nature (c.f. http://powazek.com/posts/3368 etc.), perhaps NextDoor too (cesspools of racism/classism etc.), is there a way to design the opposite?
#tantekIs there a way to design a silo or community that encourages and amplifies the best of human nature?
#aaronpkhmm i just had an idea for a way that might make it easier for me to include photos in my posts from my phone
#martymcgui.reedited /podcast (+40) "/* How to consume */ add AntennaPod (i use it but otherwise not affiliated)" (view diff)
#tantekaaronpk I'd be curious to see what your approach is there (mobile photo posting) as compared to what benwerd did with Known and its mobile web UI
#[keithjgrant]It's an important question. The internet has given everybody a voice. The problem is no longer censorship, but abusive speech & propaganda
#tantekI thought for sure we had a separate page on that
#oodaniaaronpk, could you check the IndieAuth.com logs now? I just tried to auth with my site again and I'm still getting the "Something went horribly wrong!" response. :o
#oodaniYep, I was right, requests doesn't send an Accept header by default. Should just be able to make it fall back to */* if there's no header provided though.
snarfed joined the channel
#oodani:/ Hmm. I made the Accept header default, but Woodwind's still complaining. ?
#oodaniYeah, I can't figure out what Woodwind's having trouble with. According to the source, it tries to interpret the resource content as JSON and then as form-encoded if that fails, rather than sending an Accept header to indicate which one it wants - which should still work fine judging from my tests with HTTPie.
#00dani.meedited /User:00dani.me (-1) "/* itches */ update: indieauth.com works fine (i had to use an absolute uri for my authorisation endpoint), but woodwind still doesn't" (view diff)